No time to exercise? We have the solution for you?the 10 Minute Solution! Everyone can find at least ten minutes in their day, and we?ve developed a well-rounded plan that is made up of 5, highly effective 10-minute workou... more »ts that will train your ENTIRE body?without spending hours in the gym! You can do one workout per day and get 5 days worth of amazing cross training. You can also use the mix and match feature to create your own favorite combination of the workouts. Or you can choose to do the routines all together and really kick your workout into high gear!
Cardio Kickboxing
In this cardio kickboxing segment, you will burn up the calories, knockout the fat, and achieve a sleek looking physique.
Fat Blasting Intervals
This workout gives you the best of both worlds with intervals of cardio and strength training. These intervals are one of the fastest ways to transform your body and see results quickly.
Power Yoga
It?s important to take time to connect with your body and keep your body balanced with flexibility training. Using this yoga flow you will become more agile and more flexible.
Belly Fat Burner This series of belly blasting exercises will work the 6-pack, strengthen the lower back and zap away any love handles. Consider it a short-cut to the best abs you?ve ever had!
Lean Body Sculpt
Make the most of every minute with compound moves that work your upper and lower body at the same time. This type of sculpting leads to leaner bodies because it increases muscle mass which can raise your metabolic rate and melt away unwanted fat.
About The Instructor: Amy Bento ( is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer from Norwalk, Connecticut and has been a fitness professional for almost 20 years.« less
"I like to mix up my workouts and this workout fits the bill. If you do them all together you get a total body kick butt mix of a variety of exercises. This would also be a nice add on to do one or a few after a short workout or if you are pressed for time. It is true that each section is only 10 minutes, but there is no time wasted. The Cardio Kickboxing section is a heart pumping mix of kicks and punches with other cardio moves thrown in. Fat Blasting Intervals is a fun and effective mix of cardio and toning. There is nothing traditional about Belly Fat Burner, not a traditional crunch to be seen (or done) and I can really feel the work as I am doing it and the burn afterwards. Lean Body Sculpt is challenging since it requires you to balance in many of the moves and to utilize both the upper and lower body at the same time. I found the workouts to be fun, well cued, and the time flew. Amy Bento is a fantastic instructor (as a side point, the other 10 Minute Solution workouts she has instructed are awesome, too). She is motivating, reassuring and is easy to follow. I hope she continues to be featured in the 10 Minute Solution workouts. This collection or workouts is an asset to my exercise DVD library!"
A teeny bit disappointed
nctmac | TX | 09/16/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As an instructor, Amy is one of my favorites! She usually doesn't mess around - tough workouts are typically her norm. 10 Minute Solution isn't bad, it's just not as high intensity for what I'm used to with her.
Five 10 minute segments:
- Fat Blasting Intervals
- Belly Fat Burner
- Lean Body Sculpt
- Cardio Kickboxing
- Power Yoga
You will need 5 lb. weights and a mat (if hard floor). The first two 10 min. sections were a little disappointing. In Fat Blasting Intervals, the weight intervals seemed awfully short, even taking into account it is a 10 minute segment. The cardio intervals are excellent though =) The Belly Fat Burner had some intense moments - she does standing & floor ab work. Again, just not as intense as I was hoping for. I'm wondering if she was preggers when this was filmed....that may help explain some things =)
The remaing three segments make this DVD worth buying. Amy does some awesome arm work in Lean Body Scuplt. She also incorporates squats, glute work, and balance in this segment. The Cardio Kickboxing has great combos...these really get your heart rate up! Excellent cardio =) Finally, the Power Yoga. I enjoyed this, it was a nice stretch for the hamstrings, and excellent shoulder work. She seems a little wobbley - but that doesn't affect the effectiveness of this segment!
The only thing I think is important to note - if your form is not correct, you will not think this is a good workout. Form is absolutely key in this, otherwise, you may not get much out of the workout. Amy's cueing is right on, and as mentioned by another reviewer, some crazy camera zooming/angles in Belly Fat Burner.
Four Stars for this! Great for beginner advanced and up."
Chicago RN | 01/30/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm the self-proclaimed exercise DVD junkie. I have two little ones and prefer getting up early to work out at home rather than dragging me and my kids to the gym. I have a huge arsenal of DVD's, many of which I watched once and thought they were awful, and never returned to them. I have a handful of tried and true videos that keep me motivated to work out 7 days per week. This will definitely make the 7 day list for me! To be honest, I just did this for the first time today and only did the abs portion, the cardio/weight portion and the lean muscle portion. I work out 7 days per week and THIS MADE ME SWEAT! The best part about the sections I did today was the abs workout. I have NEVER seen any of these moves. She kept it new and effective and definitely kept my interest. Loved the music and the cuing was pretty good as well. If you like short condensed work-outs to work various sections and change up your daily routine without any boredom...this is for you. Great video to me!"
Good enough, but...
BMJ | Chicago, IL | 05/21/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have to be in the mood to workout to Amy Bento. She's a little too cutesy, which translates to her moves as well. The intervals, sculpt, and ab workouts are all very good, and her moves are rather innovative, but there's something about her that... Well, let's just say I can only take her in small doses. And watch out with the kickboxing. If you're into REAL hardcore kickboxing, this will be a huge disappointment. I didn't end up sweating very much, and it was more frustrating than anything else. She tries too hard to incorporate everything in such a short period of time that it would make followers, even those who are intermediate or advanced, susceptible to overexertion and even injury."
Perfect for busy parent
Hilary K. Connors | Ann Arbor, MI | 02/10/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am very happy with the 10 min. solution DVDs. They are very effective and only 10 min. a day means I don't have any excuses! I have a small living room and I can do all the moves. I appreciate the emphasis on getting some exercise each day and varying the routine to make it interesting. It is the solution to my time-strapped lifestyle which includes an hour commute to work each way, graduate school classes and three kids at home.