SwapaDVD logo

Spread the Word - tell everyone how fun it is to swap DVDs!

Get Credits for Spreading the Word - That's right we'll give you credits for doing something you're probably already doing.
Flyers - Customize fliers to print and distribute to public areas.
Business Cards - Make your own custom business cards to print and hand out to people you meet.
Web Site Banners - Copy the code provided onto your own web page and share it with visitors to your web site.
Icons - Copy and paste smaller versions of web site banners that you can add to your website.
Email and Nickname Signatures - Copy the supplied code into your email signature line. When someone clicks on the link and joins, your account will be linked to them as the referrer.
Logos - Copy and paste our logo to use on various items you design to spread the word.

Thank You & Keep Spreading the Word. It's Working!

Press & Media - With so many passionate club members spreading the word it is no wonder why we're mentioned in the Press & Media so often! We couldn't do it without you!

Email Address or Nickname:

Flyers, Banners, Icons & Email Signatures


Flyer #3 (PDF)
2 per page

Flyer #4 (PDF)
2 per page
All Three Sites

Business Cards

Business Cards #1 (PDF)
Customize Now
Website Banners

Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked Banner 1 - 200 x 109px
Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked Banner 2 - 125 x 125px
Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked Banner 3 - 120 x 240px
Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked Banner 4 - 300 x 250px
Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked Banner 5 - 468 x 60px
Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked Banner 6 - 600 x 120px
Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked Banner 7 - 600 x 120px


Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked White Button 1 - 118 x 27px
Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked White Button 2 - 118 x 27px
Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked Green Button 1 - 175 x 50px
Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Linked Green Button 2 - 182 x 102px

Email Signatures

Linked Text: Save Money. Swap DVDs. - SwapaDVD.com
Linked Text: Join the Club and Swap DVDs! - SwapaDVD.com

Offical SwapaDVD Logos

Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Small Logo

Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Medium Logo

Swap, Trade or Exchange DVDs!
Large Logo