Had potential for more, but IMPRESSIVE nonetheless
Priscilla | California | 06/29/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
""2000 A.D.", starring Heavenly King Aaron Kwok, boosted up Raintree Pictures of Singapore to a new level. Aaron Kwok, Richard Ng, and the bad-guy (forgot his name:P) all give the audience new perspectives. The editing is very original, and sound will blow you away. "2000 A.D." managed to bring audiences something new. With special effects brought to the screen from the team that worked on "INDEPENDENCE DAY", and with Aaron Kwok being the first to fly an F16 in an Asian film, director Gordan Chan never fails at surprising his audience. However, if you're looking for kung-fu, go look for Jet Li classics. If you're looking for something to blow-up and make the walls shake, "2000 A.D." is near perfect. Director Gordan Chan did well, and even though Aaron's acting was at times sketchy, overall performance and plot were well developed. - Priscilla"
roboardy | California MO VAL | 11/16/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is great,showing Aron Kwoks style of Fighting and Gun Play.The Fight scene are well done by Yuen Tak.The moody soundtrack is great,and well edit action scene to make the flow of Drama.The rooftop fight scene will show how important to show the style of modern day fighting. The Story is complex, and too many characters to know. Once Kwok and his little group of friends are introduced they become involved in a rather complex and confusing international espionage involving the theft of a sophisticated computer program. Andrew Lin is cast as a renegade CIA agent behind the theft and the murders along the way. The stylized action sequences are very taut and explosive, as is expected in a Gordon Chan film. The director uses some startling editing and camera effects to show a unique perspective on the explosive violence. Also a new actor name MIKE CHAN has a rare CAMEO as himself.(SELINA'S Friend who gave back the Ring). Im telling you guys,the conclusion will make you fell special."
Aaron Kwok shines in 2000 AD
Dennis A. Amith (kndy) | California | 09/04/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I was really impressed by 2000 AD. The movie has some intense action and each character in the movie are actually characters that you are interested in.
I think it's also one of those movies that will go on to have more than one movie. It has a lot of potential. I also like the fact that they treat Aaron Kwok's character not like a superhuman but a regular guy who doesn't act like an action star. Because the point of the movie is that Kwok's character is involved because of his brother and he wants to find out who killed his brother.
A fun film!"
John Woo, eat your heart out.
K. Ip | The World | 07/14/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"There are two main reasons why 2000 AD stands above films such as "Gen-X Cops" and other recent Hong Kong attempts to emulate the Hollywood "style". Reason number 1: PACING! Gordon Chan realizes that all the top Hollywood action films are paced so that any plot problems are glossed over quickly and the audience is kept busy with action and intrigue. In comparison, many of the other Hollywood-wannabe films from HK have suffered from slow or erratic pacing, resulting in an awkward film that feels neither like a Hong Kong film nor a Hollywood one. Reason number 2: Hands-down the BEST SHOOTOUTS since John Woo left Hong Kong. Seriously. The most incredible part of Gordon Chan's virtuoso action scenes is that he does NOT ape the Woo style, but employs his own unique approach. Specifically, he goes for a very hard-hitting, realistic style. No slow-mo or double pistols. It's all about bad-... weaponry and real-world military tactics. The first two gun battles in this film should have any red-blooded action fan jumping out of his/her seat. If you liked the street shootout in Michael Mann's "Heat", then you should get a kick of 2000 AD."