"Having recently watched AVP Requiem on Bluray I ended up really disappointed with this version. Being a fan of the first film (I'm among the few probably) I highly enjoyed the 2nd one in that it really pays homage to the old Aliens and Predator films, lots of violence, much better creature FX than the first AVP film and just a truer representation of the Aliens and Predators really makes this a fun film to sit through, BUT something happened with the Blu-ray release of this film. First the Unrated edition on Blu-ray is missing footage that the Unrated regular DVD has and 2nd, the movie is insanely dark. Having seen this at the theater when it was released I know for a fact that the movie was NOT this dark, something must have happened in the transfer process but unless this movie is watched in total darkness its almost impossible to see A LOT of the film, even the HD trailer on the SAME DISC is brighter, clearer and easier to see. I emailed FOX about these problems and I got a simple reply in that "We are looking into this issue but do not have a solution yet" So obviously there is a problem and I hope the institute an exchange.
Besides this the first AVP looks good, the visuals in Paul Anderson's films have always been great, whether you are a fan of his work is another story ;)
In either movie dont expect top notch performances from the human cast, neither movie is great on that front but I dont think you are watching these movies for oscar worthy performances anyhow."
! MR. KNOW IT ALL ;-b | TRI STATE AREA | 06/15/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I know that purist are not fond of what's been going on with their beloved Alien and Predator franchises, but truth be told these film aren't bad. All things considered they have come up with a story that works to bring the two classic creatures together to do battle in this fun action flick and it's sequel!
I love movies and appreciate great works of art in film. I also am not above loving a good popcorn flick! Movies are here for our enjoyment, but unfortunately, some people are so pompous they forget what it's all about! ....... entertainment! I'm not knocking world class films like Gone With The Wind, Citizen Kane, The Godfather etc..etc., but all films don't have to be so profound......do they?
This gimmick is no different than what was done in the 40's when classic films like 'Frankenstein' and 'The Bride Of Frankenstein' had sequels like 'Frankenstein meets the Wolfman'! Although it's not a classic, it's still a memorable and fun movie.
These films don't destroy what was great about the classics, they actually pay great respect...a homage if you will to the originals. If you don't like these films....fine, but for me I have to admit I enjoy them ...if done right. The unrated versions are the best versions I've seen and the first film edges out the sequel, mostly because you can see all the action!
I did not have the same problem some reviewers have stated about everything being in the dark(to be fair I do have a huge screen, it might make a difference??). Some scenes are dark, but I only had two scenes where I couldn't tell who was kicking who's butt! It only lasted for a few seconds each time. It could have been brighter, but it wasn't too distracting. Grab some popcorn and some beers and watch these Sci-Fi Battle Royals!
Both AVP movies on Blu-Ray Disc+digital copy of AVP-R in one
Jason Pumphrey | Falls Church, Virginia United States | 08/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I guess I was one of the few people who enjoyed these great Sc-Fi films. These are great films for what they are and this great set from Twentieth Century fox is awesome. It in cludes BOTH Alien Vs Predator and Aliens Vs. Predator-Requiem in a nice collector's box to house them in!!! The transfers are great,but they should be, it's Blu-Ray baby!!!Note,it says Unrated two pack on the box which is most true, but the the original Theatrical/Rated cuts for BOTH films are also included along with the Unrated versions so there are actually 2 versions of each film(Theatrical/Rated and Unrated),very awesome!!! The fisrt film is a little short on extras but the second one is loaded,including a digital copy of AVP-R for your computer/Ipod(Digital Copy for AVP-R is in on it's own disc and has a code that expires on april,14,2009 just to lt you know) And I got this for less than the price of one,just $26.95 brand spanking new on sale right here at Amazon.com!!!,I buy all my Blu Ray's here,much better than the retail stores prices(including Best Buy and Circuit City by the way)What a great deal!!! Recommended!!! Two thumbs up!!! A+"
Lets Kill Everything !!!
Michael Cavenaugh | Bakersfield, CA USA | 09/29/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great Sci-Fi package. In AVP Predator has a love interest and is a posthumous hero. In AVP Requiem it turns into a kill fest. Everybody gets a chance to die with copious amounts of gratuitous violence. Hoo Rah!, ain't it grand!!!!!"
Great Movie
P. Ursery | Michigan | 05/06/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was great. I don't know what else to say about it. The predator was stronger then ever, he tried his best to keep Earth safe and the knowledge of the Aliens from mens attention but the alien was starting to hunt him in one scene. I also learned a little bit more about the predators home world and reproductive habits. This is a must see for any Alien fans."