Very Informative But Uneven Documentary
Mike Hunt | Roanoke, VA | 10/13/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
""Ever Again" is a very imformative and timely documentary about the rise of Islamic extremism and anti-Semitism in Europe. It is sober, articulate and well documented showing that the European Union's very openess and multi cultural tolerance shields extremists who take advantage of European freedom and tolerance to preach for its demise.
I think it's required watching for all liberals and people of the left who have a knee jerk reaction against any measures taken up against Islam. The truth is, European societies have to step in and try to curb the rise of this totalitarian wave that is militant Islam.
However, this documentary steps on uneven ground when it tries to draw links between academics and extremist Islam. There is nothing more irritating than being called an anti-semite when criticizing Israel. Israel is a country. It is a political entity. To equate Israel to the Jewish people worldwide is erroneous and nationalistic in scope. If I criticize the Chinese government am I anti-Chinese? If I disagree with the policies of the Russian government in Chechnya does that mean I hate Russians?
"Ever Again" falters horribly when it tries to equate legitimate criticism of Israel by academics with the virulent, racially-charged anti-Semitism of Al Qaeda and neo-Nazism. One thing that particularly irritated me was the reliance on Alan Dershowitz as an "expert" on these "anti-Semitic" academics. Dershowitz is painted as some kind of sober analyst of anti-Semitism when he is anything but. He attacks both Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein, two fellow academics and Jews, who have raised legitimate concerns about Dershowitz' own work. His attack against Finkelstein is particularly amusing considering Finkelstein notoriously humiliated Dershowitz by picking apart his book "The Case for Israel" paragraph by paragraph and showing it to be almost completely plagiarized from other debunked pro-Zionist works.
Those concerns being voiced I fully endorse "Ever Again" as necessary watching to understand the situation of the world...just take all scenes with Dershowitz with a grain of salt."
Was a sleeper see it
Louis Pariila | Scottsdale AZ,USA | 07/26/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"this was a documentary movie about what is going on today in our world . we must be aware of the things that are going on today and will be part of us if we dont get it and stop another Holcaust. It is about current events and how we must not stand against this evil ."
Important film but no solutions offered
Jaime | Salt Lake City, UT | 09/16/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Ever Again is a powerful film. Costner's narration is a great addition to the film. He speaks clearly and in an appropriate tone I feel fits the scene.
Ever Again presents a horrifying picture of modern anti Semitism, but the film never suggests a solution to the problem or how it is being handled.
Many say the film's stance on criticism of Israel as being anti Semetic is not well thought out. I disagree. Even Israelis criticize their own governement, just as anyone else in the world. What the film is trying to point out is the idea Israel should not exist incites anti Semetic action by groups around the world.
I wish the film makers would have made this idea more clear. It is an important message to take into account and I don't feel everyone who watched the film understood this point unless they had lived through it.