Well. . .
Charles Vallieres-gingras | Qc, Canada | 01/04/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this movie for my girlfriend, who is a super fan of this anime. At first she was happy to see a movie of an anime she like. But it was only a concentrate version of the whole thing, making it boring to those who saw the complete serie. And as always, the short version is less interesting than the detailed one. So watch this movie if you never saw this serie and you are curious about it, but don't buy this if you already possess the serie."
I actually cried.
T. Hicks | 12/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My guy and I just started a netflix account and found this movie quite by accident and without any previous knowledge of AirTv (the series). The first thing that drew us into this movie was the art. It is typical anime in design I suppose, but the colors are just outstanding. Neither of us had seen animation colored in such a bright, vibrant, enchanting way. You have to see it to understand I suppose. And the scenes are edited together in a creative way, occasionally broken apart by separate comic book like windows or still images that look as if they have been water colored.
Bottom line on presentation - This movie is BEAUTIFUL!
We found the three main characters to be really engaging and curious. I'm sure they all exhibit a few stereotypical anime qualities, but they really are their own and very interesting. Occasionally Yukito, the hero, would act a little.. strange. Throughout the movie he's pretty serious, quiet, but still nice. But at times he bursts out into five second craziness which my guy and I weren't sure about. It didn't always seem to suit his so far developed character. The voice acting is solid, no character in the entire feature seemed to possess a voice that didn't suit them.
Overall I'd give the fictional cast a 5/5.
The story.. It is really good. Almost too short, but this is a movie, and, as others have stated, a highly condensed version of the series (which I have not seen). Because of this it can get a little choppy at times. It is never hard to follow along with, never confusing. It tells itself well. I just wish it would tell itself more. The modern day story parallels a mythical story from long ago. The mythical half really doesn't get enough justice or air time and so the impact of those scenes varies from kind of caring about the characters from the past to just wishing it would go back to the modern story. Also, near the end, some more modern day characters are added but not really given any time for you to learn or care about them.
The story and its presentation gets a 3/5 for going by too quickly!
Maybe it is because I have never seen the series, but this movie was, overall, a 5/5 for me. It is rare that I can pick up an anime full length feature and feel so fulfilled, so satisfied. Most anime full length features just aren't quality. They seem slapped together so haphazardly with poor story development, bad voice acting, and some questionable animation. Air was none of these! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
Please, at least give this movie a rent! My one last suggestion: watch this with a friend. You'll need a shoulder to cry on."
Excellent alternative story of the series
Sheryl Lthompson | SC | 01/07/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"My daughter and I loved ArTV and decided we would have the collection. Air the Movie is a retelling of the series with a twist. We loved it! Fans of the series or newcomers to the story will enjoy the movie."
I liked it very much
Akira Touya | Berlin | 02/20/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"i have not seen air tv yet, although i want to. seeing it would probably help me understand this movie better. but i did not feel as if i were missing anything when i watched this. it was very enjoyable and memorable."