Cheesy as it gets
B. E Jackson | Pennsylvania | 01/17/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Alien Species is a really average movie with some of the cheesiest special effects I've ever seen. It's a science fiction movie about these aliens in spaceships that come to visit earth and destroy all humans and buildings. Well, the aliens must have been somewhat unorganized and confused, because more often than not, they'd strike empty dark barns and other deserted places, while the people right next to the homes or buildings were getting in their cars and driving away. Yes somehow, the aliens didn't see them and so the people got away. Strange!
Some of the other scenes were just cliches of other movies, such as the guy who awakens in the middle of the night, hears a strange noise out in his barn, and when he gets out there, an alien is waiting for him (who he mistakens for a little boy). Of course, you know what happens next.
What REALLY bothered me were the special scenes that showed the alien spaceships attacking the city. You'd see explosions when a hoard of spaceships got together to attack, but yet, the buildings weren't exploding or falling down. You'd just see orange explosions with nothing actually falling apart. CHEESY!
Oh, and did I mention the main character? He's a guy who gets out of a prison van to help two women and their father (or grandfather, whatever) escape from the crazy aliens. He has some of the worst lines ever. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore" is one of them. Man, that's just wrong. He actually acted very similar to Leon from the Resident Evil 2 video game, which came out just a couple years after this movies release. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not.
Overall, not really worth watching unless you REALLY need some alien-shooting fun in your life."
War Of The Worlds On A Shoestring...
Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 08/22/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Global supertars Charles Napier and Hoke Howell headline this tale of aliens in computer-generated ships gone mad! The amazing thing about this movie is it's scope (or lack thereof). We see snipets of cartoon ships blasting city-scapes, while 99.9% of the action takes place in a prison van, a sheriff's office, and a cave! Actually, this works fairly well, although it could have been about 20 minutes shorter without losing much "suspense". So, go ahead and watch, knowing that it could have been far worse..."