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"This movie is a classic family movie. I loved both the book and movie as a kid and have loved sharing it with my kids. It also has great lessons, of integrity, hard work, dependence on God, love, death, how prayers are answered, etc. "If you want God's help, your gonna have to meet him half way." "I believe every boy ought to have to cut down a tree like this...At least once in his life."
Make sure to get the original movie with Stewart Peterson, the remake is awful."
Classic tale of a boy and his dogs, and still a tear jerker
old school movie lover | dallas,tx | 03/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I hadnt seen this film in years and happy to see that American Frontier classics re-released this along with other great frontier films. The story is a classic tale of a young boy, played by Stewart Peterson (very believable and holding his own against the dogs and the adults), who very much wants his own hunting dogs and works hard to earn them and travels a great distance to fetch them. The relationship between Peterson and the dogs is very real and touching. Though this was filmed in the the early 70's and takes place in the early part of the centery, this film stands the test of time and still brought a tear to this viewer's eyes."
The best movie
old school movie lover | 02/05/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The red fern grows is a great movie. Hi my name is Matthew Barnett I'm 12 years old. Now about the story movie which every one you want to call it. It had great effects on it. If I were to grade it I would give it a five star.
The best part in my opine is when Billy, Old Dan and Old An were in the coon hunt. The papa got lost in the woods and the dogs had found three coons. Billy said to the dogs "We have got to go find papa." He kept telling them that. Finally the dogs went and papa was knot out. Billy won the coon hunt and $200.00. At the beginning Billy asked his papa if he would order the dogs and he did.
Where the red fern grows
old school movie lover | 02/05/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I saw Where the Red Fern Grows when I was eight and it was quickly my favorite movie.
The plot is Billy Coleman wants coon hounds very badly. His family is poor so he is not able to get them from his parents. So he saves his own money. Then he buys his hounds. The only reason he has the hounds is because of an add in a sportsman's magazine. Billy hunts with his coon hounds. His coon hounds are the two best coon hounds in the Ozarks. It tells about the up's and down's in his life with his dogs.
This film was great in the overall story of friendship.
The movie didn't have much special effects. The movie was AWESOME how it is.
This movie teaches you about love, friendship, and courage through a twelve year old boy's life. Billy never wants to let go of his dogs because he loves them. Billy and his dogs battled through the cold Ozark Mountains too.
Tori's 5 Star Review
old school movie lover | 02/05/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am 11 years old, and even though I you probably wouldn't think that me, being so young, would understand the true point of a movie, but I do. I have only reviewed a few movies before, "Where the Red Fern Grows", but you've got to start somewhere! "Where the Red Fern Grows" is one of my all time favorite movies. I have seen the movie and read the book several times, so this has given me a lot of time to think about this film.
This movie is about a young boy and the love he has for his dogs, and the love that they have for him and each other. Billy and his dogs have a relationship that seems only separable by death, and when death happens, he and his family realize that it is all part of God's plans to answer their prayers.
This movie was made in 1991, so there weren't many special effects, but the characters made it seem like it wasn't a movie at all, but a part of their own lives. When they cried, when the dogs hunted, fought, and died, it all seemed so real. In fact, I wanted to write a letter to the Coleman family to see how their life in town was going! Yeah, it seemed that real!
This film manages to make me shed a tear and build up a smile every time I watch it. It is a heartfelt story that teaches you about love, faith, and hope. After I watched it, I felt the need to hug a dog!
So, like I said at the beginning, this is one of my all time favorite movies. I would highly suggest seeing it!