Craig S. (InnerMacro) from WAUSAU, WI Reviewed on 1/27/2024...
This is one of those films that is "inspired" by a true story. I was inclined to give this standard-fare rags-to-riches crime story a better rating because it had to adhere to 'what really happened' . . . until I learned that it's mostly fiction anyway. I was tipped off by a number of costuming and dialogue elements that seemed anachronistic for the late 60s and early 70s - that, and certain plot elements seemed blatantly unbelievable. I guess I don't have much tolerance for movies that use the 'true story' gimmick to add credibility to their storyline. We might as well say that Die Hard was 'inspired' by a true story about a cop who was 'in a building when a crime was going on'...
Anyway, this movie is one-part Scarface imitation, and one-part procedural cop drama. The procedural portion dominates the second half of nearly 3 hours and seems choppy and rushed by that point, despite the extended length of the film.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
K. K. (GAMER) Reviewed on 9/28/2022...
Strong and then weak. A must if a Denzel Washington fan!
Nina E. Reviewed on 12/20/2012...
This is a movie that sets a standard in the Gangster movie genre...based on a true story...and you get Crowe and Washington together! awesome chemistry. They are physically fit and handsome as ever. Outstanding acting and story!
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Ashley R. (FortBlissWife) from EL PASO, TX Reviewed on 4/28/2010...
Great Movie, keeps you on the edge of your seat!
3 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
Peter Q. (Petequig) Reviewed on 10/29/2009...
Great story. Brutal portrayal of the real story behind the Drug Trade...nasty business.
Excellent cast and great 'back story' on the extra disc.
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Juli P. (Carpe-DVD) from MONTGOMERY, IL Reviewed on 10/8/2008...
Very interesting story, stuff I didn't know about happening. Nice to see Denzel Washington do such a good job in a different character than I am use to seeing him portray. Deserves it's R-rating, in my viewpoint. They could have left some of the sex out of it for a better movie.