The Cover drew me in but the film didn't deliver
Jay | USA | 07/05/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"When a horror movie posts a creepy looking clown on the cover odds are I'm going to check it out. When looking at scary movies with clowns only Clownhouse, It, & Killer Klowns from Outer Space are real standouts for my taste. Despite that fact I still tend to check out all these weak clown horror attempts in hopes of finding a classic. Unfortunately in this case the clown on the cover was something to lure you in since it only played a role for about 10 minutes of the film. I've noticed this is a pretty common complaint about the film and overall will aid in more negative reviews.
The film turns out to consist of a few different poorly written stories all tying together at the end. The first story is about a girl Shelby & her boyfriend rob as they become part of a disastrous convey trip. The second is the best part of the film where the clown appears for the first and only time while a girl named Tabitha is babysitting. The third installment is a girl Lisa who goes home with a guy after a night at the bar to never come home again. Now all the girls in the stories wind up being linked through a ridiculous situation back in elementary school along with their killer.
It's pretty much a waste of an hour and a half with very few enjoyable parts. The killer himself is so pathetic there is no way you could find him scary. He has this annoying laugh he does through that becomes so annoying you want jump through the tv and strangle him. It wasn't all terrible though thanks to the girls in the story. All 3 actresses did a really solid job with Tabitha(Katheryn Winnick) leading the pack by being the most believable. The clown segment itself was pretty creepy and should have been the premise for the entire film. If they had focused primarily on the killer being dressed up as the clown the film would've had a better chance at success."
Jacob J. Knapp | PA | 01/26/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Begins with a different approach, and starts fun, then it derails. And it doesn't really care about the characters. I'd go more in depth, but I have a lot to do. Sorry I blind bought this one."