Andromeda give it a chance
John La Rocca | San Jose, CA United States | 12/15/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have a lot of friends into Scifi but for some reason they don't like Andromeda. I tell them give it a chance as even though its can be really campy at times, it can be real good television as well.Andromeda 1.3 we start to see the crew really starting to work together on the screen. What makes this show work is how comfortable all the actors are with each other. Each TV series has some shows that are not great. Seinfeld might be expection, but "Music Of a Distant Drum" the first show on the second disc was plain boring. Tyr character didn't get much development in this episode. The lady who takes him in is just plain awful, and her son is no better. This disc does have 2 GREAT [5] star shows. One "The Mathmatics Of Tears" has simply one of the best action scenes of any Scifi TV show I have seen in awhile. What I love about series TV is the little hints here and there. We all know Becca Valentine has the hots for Dylan and when Dylan is being courted so to speak by a HOT Highguard from the past Becca gives those jealous looks. Haper 2.0 is simply one termendous. Its was nice to see Harper get a chance to shine. The moment when he goes off on Rev Bem (My personal favorite character) is very emotional. Here they lay the foundation of a main heavy of sorts which the series needed. What Andromeda needs is one anti force that is always causing them trouble every other episode. I highly recommend this series. The pilot is not great, but once you get passed that it really starts to come into its own as a series and you will start to truly care about these characters. I am already into the Trance-Harper love storyline. Hopefully a bone with be thrown in there later in the series."
More Please
John La Rocca | 12/10/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I really like Andromeda and the series is great. The contents are good, but for 2 discs worth of material they only had 4 episodes on them. They need to put at least 6 episodes to a volume if they aren't going to put that much extra material on them. Either that or lower the price of the vol."