Misleading account of a very important person
Ethan Muehlbauer | 07/14/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie, I must say, smacks of such detachment from the reality of what St Anthony was while here on this earth that I have to wonder if it was not intentional. I did sense an agenda to place St Anthony alongside the "secular saints" who are so frequently mentioned and hailed today as heroes of humanity (freeing the people from physical oppression)...Ghandi, MLK jr, etc. Yes, some of it was historically accurate, but any realism (even that is very selective to show only a particular side of him) is all lost when one witnesses the stereotyped evil of the "elite" (usurers). It was so over-the-top that they seemed like the villains out of a child's cartoon. The way this film depicted St Anthony's spirituality was a watered-down generic "faith" so prevalent in our times that wouldn't have been acknowledged by the real man of Padua as true Catholicism. He was known as the "Hammer of heretics" and fought against heresy and for the Church until his death. Yes, he did LOVE God and his neighbor, but not the "I'm OK, you're OK kind of fuzzy "luv" that people misunderstand as true love today. Another revieweer said that this film reminded them of "Brother Sun, Sister Moon". While BS,SM was entirely hippie propaganda devoid of any true Catholicism it did capture the beautiful and poetic where this film about St Anthony is just a standard release that lacks any artistic merit. Both of them are very similar in their presentation of watered-down spirituality..it might be suitable for the "Hallmark" movie audience, but not someone who wants to watch something real and truly inspirational."
Generic and Uninspiring
A. Ryan | Spokane, WA. USA | 10/03/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This film version of the great St. Anthony of Padua is quite disappointing in that it misses the real essence of this incredible saint, and presents him as some kind of "revolutionary" and corruption seeker, even going after Church officials, etc.
Sorry, the real Saint Anthony was a very holy, learned man who loved God and man devoutly and wholeheartedly, a deeply spiritual,prayerful man whose closeness to almighty God gave him even miraculous powers to heal the sick, raise the dead, and convert the most hardened sinners. He was not a "warrior" or a "revolutionary" - he was a great Saint, one who closely imitated Christ.
A much better film version is the film "SAINT ANTHONY", starring Italian actor Daniele Liotti, also available on Amazon."
"I Want You All In Paradise!" ~ Discerning The Heart Of The
Brian E. Erland | Brea, CA - USA | 06/22/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Note: Italian with English subtitles.
The '06 film `Anthony: Warrior of God' tells the story of the 13th century Catholic saint in a reverent manner accompanied by a wonderful soundtrack which adds substantially to the feel of holiness surrounding this cinematic feature. The production values are superior and Jordi Molla is wonderful as the impassioned Franciscan monk and self-proclaimed defender of the poor and disenfranchised. His battle against the corrupt civil authorities, the ruthless money lenders and yes, even the Catholic Church is well done and believable.
There is much in here that reminds me of Franco Zeffirelli's `Brother Sun, Sister Moon' which happens to be one of my favorite films. While `Anthony: Warrior of God' has the look and feel of the Italian classic from '72, particularly in the segment at the Vatican during his audience with the Pope, it falls short of duplicating the simple, innocent charm and emotional impact of the Saint Francis film.
Another minor flaw in the film was how abrupt and truncated the storyline was presented. Anthony strolls into Padua, makes a couple of scathing speeches and suddenly everything is better. A little more plot development and detail would have been appreciated. With that said it's still a worthwhile watch which will be particularly enjoyed by a Catholic audience.
A Cinematic Landmark
M. Fletcer | Pawtucket, RI United States | 05/28/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I didn't know much about St. Anthony before I saw this movie, except for hearing my Italian relatives invoke his name in moments of desperation. After seeing it, though, I understood why he's so popular. This is a great piece of historical drama, and the first theatrical film that ignores the legends and deals with the facts surrounding the life of Anthony of Padua. He risked his life standing up for the poor and oppressed in a time when "oppression" was just another word for "government".
My only criticism with the film is the lack of back story. Anthony makes his entrance as a shipwreck victim, and the focus is on the deeds that made him so beloved and famous among Christians of the 13th century. Great perfomances by Jordi Molla as Anthony, and by Paolo De Vita who plays Anthony's closest disciple and the film's narrator."