Asphalt Jungle Guide | Leading Edge of Nowhere | 04/20/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"If you saw the 'coming attractions' trailer on another DVD, be advised this first DVD is almost nothing like what you saw. This series apparently began life as a collectible card game, which leaves viewers who know nothing about the game in a bit of a lurch. There is a 'guide to the world of Aquarian Age' included, but as there is almost no direct reference to any of these factions in the first five episodes, it's useless information.
Few of the characters generate any real sympathy. Most of the personalities are abrasive, and, as might expected of a series that focuses on supernatural factions battling for control of the world, openly hostile, manipulative, and starkly lacking in any of the better human emotions.
There are no clear-cut 'good guys/bad guys' in these episodes, just an assortment of characters with dubious intent, manipulating and being manipulated by others with equally questionable motives. Viewers attracted to this sort of gray area characterization might enjoy this, but the same vagueness makes a viewer investment or interest in the ultimate fate of these characters difficult to secure.
In some areas, "Aquarian Age" succeeds a little too well: it's *too* complex for an introduction to the story world, the everyday characters are *too* everyday and seem a poor fit for the supernatural elements, and the mysticism is *too* out there, the mysteries *too* convoluted, and too much under the surface. *Some* surface clarity is needed to hook viewers!
What this story needed was a principle character who knew what was going on, or had some understanding, a character whose perspective we could see, as opposed to seeing the effects on said character, with no clue as to what the causes were.
As far as the dub goes, there are some very jarring translation errors and poor word choices. (Using 'senior' in place of 'senpai', for example, but using it the same way as 'senpai' is used.) The English voice-actors, for the most part, are quite good, considering the limitations of script. The animation and music are of decent quality. Too bad the presentation of the story doesn't match."
Refreshingly Different
M. Rio | Washington, DC | 12/22/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Now here's an anime you don't see everyday. It avoids the pitfalls of other action/scifi/fantasy anime and focus on charater development instead of mindless action scenes. Fighting scenes are present here but it's the story that drives this anime forward.
For those expecting one fighting scene after another will be disappointed. Look for a rich story instead. I have to admit though that first couple of episodes are somewhat slow. It's a big universe and it takes time to set up the story. For those who stick with it, will be rewarded.
What Aquarian Age also has is rich character designs that is widely imaginative. The colors are vibrant, the music is wonderful, especially that tribal beat when a battle is imminent.
A bit slow...
silverfox | Abilene, Texas | 02/15/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"After watching the exciting preview on another of my anime DVDs,I was slightly disappointed at how slow these first episodes moved. This DVD is mainly there to set up the story; it is like a 5-episode introduction. There were far fewer fight scenes than I expected; most of the episodes are taken up with Kyouta becoming a professional musician, with only tantalizing seconds of supernatural battle sequences. However, this DVD has some of the most beautiful colors I have seen, and I love the battle music. I got a little tired of the song "Prism," which was played at such frequency as to become slightly annoying (but then, I have a very short attention span.) In summary, I recommend this DVD to all who are patient because the idea of it is very cool. I plan to buy the next DVDs in the series, because in spite of myself, I am desperate to know what happens next :)."