Don't get this one~!~! Hardly a Close
SkooterPye | 04/02/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Would have been nice if there were a title as to WHO? made this flic and for what for, other than clip the customer for some chips. In fact all these copies are labeled WB, but not as to who is marketing/reproing this. which leaves one in a great quandry as which DOOR does one choose Daddy~?~?~?
This thing is the pits- Saw the Original when it first came out in 1943, and this may be a replica - and it Shows It~!~!
1.- Bum audio
2.- Skips and flips all through flic as well as film track marks.
3.- Coloring is bum and flits back and forth from good to bad and Ho-Hum, what's doing now.
The only saving note on this flic is the Kate Smith rendition of "God Bless America" in the original presentation format that Media and the like has forgotten and needs desperately to regain~!~! And then there is a sad attempt with bad Audio volume. No clarity throughout
Could go on, but the whole gist of the flic is - SAVE YOUR MONEY and look elswhere or otherwise, but not this 2000 jobbie~!~!
The story, plot and such are excellent - Just the attempt to present it in a satisfactory mode is mediocre at best, Strikes me as an overnight trip to present a show - Just anything ~!~! That will sell~!~!"
Nancy K. Plagge | 09/01/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The picture is good, but you can barely hear words and music with the sound turned all the way up"