Lawrance M. Bernabo | The Zenith City, Duluth, Minnesota | 09/15/2002
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, pay attention because this might sound a bit complicated. "Attack From Mars" is set in a Burbank theater in 1956, where a serial called "Space Patrol" is being shown. In that day's episode, "Back from the Future," the evil scientist of the serial goes back in time (to the 1950s) and the Space Patrol gang have to chase him. Meanwhile, an alien has landed at the theater and is beginning to work through the theater staff and unfortunate patrons. Now, what you have to understand is that producer Wade Williams, a big-time fan of 1950s sci-fi films, was working on a take off of the old television show "Space Patrol" but half way through the production it was clear this film was never going to get released even though it starred (for lack of a better word), the beautiful Ann Robison ("War of the Worlds") and Robert Clarke ("The Hideous Sun Demon") as Dr. Van Buren and Col. Carlyle. So then Williams came up with the bright idea of making a slasher film in which his "Space Patrol" would be what was on the screen.I am sure this must have seemed like a good idea at the time. "Attack From Mars" is the video release title for this 1988 release, which was originally titled "Midnight Movie Massacre" (although why the monster needs to be from Mars I have no idea). You could look at the film as a satire of Fifties Science Fiction films, but that would require you to ascribe forethought and internationality to what ended up on the screen. What is happening OFF screen in this film is about as bad as what is ON the screen, with the key difference being the additional of a whole bunch of tasteless gags (that was a pun).How can the worst movie I have ever seen get 2 stars? Because it is so bad that there is a certain level of perverse pleasure to watching the proceedings. This is a party film where other fun stuff should be going on, because there is no real reason to devote your full attention to what is happening (sell it to your friends as "Plan 9 From Outer Space" crossed with "The Blob"). I have heard about movies being this bad but this is one of the few that I have ever seen that really lives up to the advanced warning."
Worst film ever made
Eric Williams | Torrance, CA United States | 10/15/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"It's hard to put into words how horrible this film is. It is extremely unnecessarily disgusting. Not only do you have a decapitation, eyes falling out of sockets, and blood spatter everywhere, but you have scenes where a kid plays with a dead guy's eyeball, a gang rape by three punks of a massively endowed blonde girl, an enormously and disgustingly fat chick who kills the alien by eating it, and some girl who has world record long boogers that fall into people's drinks. Not to mention the fact that the plot makes no sense, and it actually seems like this piece of garbage is nothing more than watching people watch a movie. I really have no idea why a respected actress like Ann Robinson did this movie; the only reason I can think of is that she wasn't given all of the script. It was funny to see that they gave her the same name as her character in War of the Worlds. The only saving grace of this movie is toward the end you get to see a hot chick's naked butt. Other than that, a complete waste."
Battlefield Dearth...
Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 08/10/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Well, this one tries real hard to be a cult classic. Too hard. It's 1950-something, and an alien craft has landed behind a movie theatre. The theatre is nearly empty, save for three hoods, two geeks, a titanically endowed blonde and her boyfriend, a fat chick (Charity Case) and her pencil-neck date, a drunk, a hillbilly couple, and a girl who keeps pulling extremely long boogers out of her nose. Sound exciting? Anyway, the "crowd" is there to see "Space Patrol", a silly movie about time travel starring Bob Clarke and Ann Robinson. We are taken back and forth between the movie and the audience watching it. This is dull to the point of agony! I kept hoping the alien monster would slaughter everyone involved! Alas, it only kills the ticket-lady, a homeless guy, and the theatre manager! The rest is an exercise in tedium, where time actually warps! I finished the movie having aged ten years in 90 minutes! Watch at your own peril..."
It is probably the most non-funny movie ever made
Howie | 05/28/1999
(1 out of 5 stars)
"it stinks!!!! it's not even funny"
Don't waste your time
Howie | Arkansas | 07/15/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This one fully deserves the MST3K treatment it'll never get. It's puerile, full of foul language, and double entendre. The script feels as if it were written by a couple of 13 year old boys who tried to include every sex joke they know while attempting to shock their friends. The movie-in-a-movie "Space Patrol" *might* have qualified as a lower echelon camp classic if it were not enmeshed in the celluloid wasting theatre wrapping. I get the impression Wade Williams and crew were attempting to create a "Kentucky Fried Movie" in the sci-fi genre. They failed miserably. Bad script, bad acting, mostly bad special effects (only those in "Space Patrol" are decent) all add up to a bad movie.
If you *must* own this one at least spring for the Mission Mars Collection - Flight to Mars/Attack From Mars/Invaders From Mars so you'll get a couple of decent 50's sci-fi adventures at a fair price with this turkey basically thrown in free."