Three teens find themselves in a town over run with zombies. Deciding to fight back, they go on a punch you in the throat, action packed, non-stop ride through the swamps, forests, blood and ZOMBIES!
Rob M. from STATEN ISLAND, NY Reviewed on 5/31/2010...
First, don't fall for the hype on the DVD box. This most certainly is NOT one of the best zombie movies ever. It's utter garbage of the worst kind. Amateurish, bad acting, so-so effects and an ending that leaves one scratching their heads. This is just an excuse for either a tax break or a total vanity project. Put it in the trash heap with "Day of the Dead -2007", "Contagium - Day of the Dead 2" and "The Stink of Flesh." I wish people who had no talent and nothing better to do would stop making zombie movies. They're bringing down the entire sub-genre with their lame ideas and terrible films. I'm warning anyone thinking of getting this - even being drunk wouldn't make watchign this horrible excuse for a movie any better.
6 of 8 member(s) found this review helpful.
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 4/2/2010...
Ultra low budget zombie movie that delivers gore, but not too much else. The gore special EFX is well done. The overall story, acting and overall handling of the material is inept to say the least.
5 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Low budget zombie mayhem that squanders its potential
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 03/05/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Automaton Transfusion is an ultra low budget, gore-fest, zombie bash that has been made my some obvious zombie flick fanatics, but sadly any potential that it has gets squandered. The story, for lack of a better word, revolves around a group of high school seniors that get caught in the middle of a zombie epidemic, and try to get out of town. While story isn't really all that important in a pure zombie flick, it would be nice if we at least cared a little bit about the characters here. We don't, at all, and instead just pray for their bloody demise. It should also be noted that these zombies are of the running variety, which would mean that the action and scares would be aplenty. Well, they aren't either, and the film as a whole just comes off as boring. There are loads of gore effects, where most of Automaton Transfusion's budget seemed to go. Not that there's anything wrong with that, as the gore effects are quite well done for a low budget flick, and are every bit as disgusting as any gorehound could hope for (one scene in particular will leave your jaw on the floor, if you've seen the film you'll know what I'm talking about), and are reason enough to check out this flick. Other than that though, there really isn't much else to Automaton Transfusion. Maybe that's all fine and good for you, and if so then by all means check this out. If you're looking for something that has a little bit of depth to it however (and doesn't have a grainy picture either), then Automaton Transfusion is definitely not for you."
I would rate it lower if I could...
Tronik | Austin, TX USA | 03/19/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"DON'T JUDGE A BOOK, ER MOVIE, BY ITS COVER! I pretty much picked this movie up because the cover looked cool, and I never thought a movie could be THAT bad...but this movie proved me wrong. The quality is horrible. It's like watching one long, crappy webisode. When the camera moves, everything on screen gets blurred.
The effects were cool, but that's the only thing this movie has going for it. The acting is horrendous, and the story is pretty much non-existant, and doesn't make sense. It's incredibly corny, and some of the kills are over the top...which would work in a parody film, but doesn't work in this film because they're trying to present themselves as serious.
If you like to sit around and make fun of movies with your friends, then this is the prime candidate right here."
A. Vazquez | 03/17/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Ok lets start with saying I'm a huge zombie film fan. I even enjoy the real low budget ones that usually get bashed in these reviews. After much hype on the Fangoria boards and so forth, I was a bit disappointed with this movie. Bad acting and even worse editing I completely expected but what I didn't expect was the film quality looking like it was filmed with someones phone camera. Some of the gore effects are ok but it really doesn't save this movie. The ending leaves you hanging like there will be sequel so unless this movie pulls off a huge cult following or something I really don't see a point in taking it any further. If your just looking to complete your zombie movie collection, I suppose this is an ok addition but I use ok very loosely."
Warning! Avoid this trash!
L. Weiss | USA | 05/03/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'd rate this movie lower if I could. The only reason I actually watched this entire movie was because I foolishly purchased it on a whim at Walmart. I love zombie movies and it sounded okay. It would be okay if it was a first year film student's work, but this just sucked on so many different levels. I really felt I needed to warn the unsuspecting zombie fans. If the bad acting, lack of anything near a plot, and poor filming isn't bad enough, they had the nerve to end it with "TO BE CONTINUED". To be continued??? Are they out of their minds? I just subjected myself to 75 minutes of one of the worst films ever made--and I actually paid money for it! Do they really think people will waste more of their precious life to see more of this? In my opinion, they didn't know how to end it, so they put a "to be continued" as the ending. What do they care? They already got our money. Please, avoid this trash at all costs. It's 75 minutes of your life you'll never get back. Root canal would be less painful. Consider yourself warned!"
Oh. My. God.
Marissa K. Beargeon | Yuba City, CA | 12/17/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movies was scary! Especially the bad acting and crappy camera work. Now, being a huge horror film fan, the name and box looked cool, but damn. I wasted $20 on this lame movie. I may take it back to Wal-Mart and say it didn't work, because it was TRULY THAT BAD!
Okay, I won't go so far as lying and stealing, but don't be like me. Don't waste your money on this horrible film."