AWAKE is a sexy, psychological thriller about a common occurrence called "anesthetic awareness" a horrifying phenomenon wherein a patient's failed anesthesia leaves him fully conscious but physically paralyzed during surge... more »ry. The patient's charming new wife is forced to struggle with her own demons as a terrifying drama unfolds around the couple.« less
Sharon F. (Shar) from AVON PARK, FL Reviewed on 5/4/2019...
WOW! Not really what I expected, but a great movie. One of those movies that make you wonder what really goes on while you are "asleep"!!!
Amanda J. from LAS VEGAS, NV Reviewed on 11/4/2012...
While this movie is pretty entertaining and definitely kept me guessing, it made me never want to have to go under anesthesia or basically have surgery ever again! Am i the only one who feels this way??
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Sara G. from JENKS, OK Reviewed on 2/22/2012...
I really liked the movie. It has enough twists and surprises to keep you wondering and the twist at the very end took me totally by surprise!
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Donald K. (Njoyboatn) from BIG FLATS, NY Reviewed on 4/22/2011...
Enjoyable and better than expected. Enough surprises too keep your interest.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Samantha T. (sadiebug) from W PORTSMOUTH, OH Reviewed on 5/26/2010...
I really liked this movie. I also decided to keep it. Very good!!
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Carlos D. from GROVELAND, MA Reviewed on 12/5/2009...
Excellent movie. Liked it so much decided to keep it. Jessica Alba was great in this. And the twist at the end was very well done.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Angie M. (McDanielA01) from CONSTANTINE, MI Reviewed on 7/28/2008...
Just watched this movie last night. I loved this movie so much I decided I had to keep it. This is one of those movies that has an ending that you did not see coming. The sceens in the operating room are great, if you like shows like ER. I could feel this guys pain. My husband even said that he could feel this guys pain. I do not think I have ever seen this side of Alba in any other movie. It was great to see a different side of her. You just have to see the movie to know what I am talking about. I loved this movie and give it two thumbs up.
5 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
Yvette T. (Yvette) from RUTLAND, MA Reviewed on 3/12/2008...
Pretty good movie with a suprizing ending!
5 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
3.5 Stars for a surprisingly interesting film.
Steven Hedge | Somewhere "East of Eden" | 03/10/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Better than I had expected, but certainly not top-notch entertainment.
"Awake" is not an wholly original idea as Stephen King explored this idea in one of his short stories in which a person is mistakenly believed to be dead and is about to undergo his own autopsy. Here someone undergoes surgery while still awake and learns who his friends really are and aren't. Read the synopsis by Amazon as they did a very good and fair job. I'm going to take the real lazy way out this time and just go to my hits and misses.
1. Too slow at points. There is a lot of exposition (with good reason), but it is still a lot of exposition.
2. The acting is not consistent. Some are terrific and others are flat.
3. So many plot twists that one just can't give this film the "willing suspension of disbelief" that it needs.
4. It moves from romance to health crisis, to scientific wonders, to absolute fantasy. It attempts to cover too many genres. That whole out of body sequence is clever, but just way out of place in this film. It's like Brian's Song meets What Dreams May Come.
1. While not completely original (Sublime had many elements here), it is in it's own way. It is a very interesting film and it does have a few very good surprises.
2. Jessica Alba is finally in a role that isn't so cutesy. I thought she way quite convincing in her role.
3. Hayden Christensen is better than usual, but that may not be too big of a compliment.
4. Terrance Howard and Arliss Howard are always a pleasure to see, even if they are phoning in their performances for a quick paycheck.
5. This film is a short 84 minutes, so even if it isn't all you wanted or expected, it is short.
6. bloopers are hysterically funny.
I got a mild kick out of this film. I wouldn't recommend anyone to actually go see this in the theaters, but it's a good rental film."
Dead on arrival
Morgan P Salvo | Bend Oregon | 02/23/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Some movies aren't very good. Some are bad. Some are absolutely wretched. This movie falls into all these categories. Perhaps a new category needs to be created for dredge like this to fall into, and due to its medical theme, let's call it the Euthanasia Bin.
Awake's premise is that a person undergoing surgery has a symptom called Anesthesia Awareness--staying conscious during the procedure. OK, cool, this sets up a decent concept of dread and terror. But there will be none of said dread or terror, just banal plot and supremely stupid dialogue. We wallow in soap opera city and then revisit it again via flashbacks.
Clayton (Hayden Christensen) is a high-powered CEO who can cut super slick cutthroat corporate deals, but can't tell mommy about his fiancé, hot chick Sam (Jessica Alba). The stereotypical fear of living up to good ol' deceased Dad runs absolutely transparently rampant through this disaster. Clayton has a heart condition, rare blood type and a best friend Jack (Terrence Howard) who's a surgeon he fishes with in the East River. Jack is dying to do the surgery, however, Mom (Lena Olin) enlists family friend, (Arliss Howard--usually cool, but wasted in this) the most skilled surgeon on the planet. Family tension and squabbles ensue, plot twists ensue, hell, everything ensues, proving unavoidably irritating due to the unbelievable predictability of the plot twists and the failure to convey any kind of tension.
Case in point: Clayton gets his anesthetic cocktail, and although paralyzed, can still hear and feel. We get to experience his freak out through--surprise--his narration.
And we only get one good operation pain scene. After they crack his ribs open, he seems not to feel anything. I guess he went all mind over matter. Then, Clayton hears while he's on the table that everyone in the operating room is conspiring to kill him with a botched heart transplant. Upset, he "leaves his body" and follows all the characters to unravel the hideous plot against him. So, we get to revisit the boring scenes we already saw, spelling out nothing new. There are torturously unwatchable scenes with mom and Sam in the waiting room exposing horrendously archaic dialogue. As soon as the major plot twists unfold, the story meanders then gets caught up in the soap opera where it began. Meanwhile, the audience has already solved all their problems for them - it's called leaving...leaving the damn theater!
The following is a spoiler (but then how is that possible?): When mom unravels the scheme after her son is pronounced dead (like three times) she kills herself IN THE CAFETERIA so her surgeon can give her son the correct pulsating organ while he's still on the bypass machine. The ultimate schlock is when mom-phantom and son-phantom have a little, shall I say, "heart-to-heart" talk.
This movie sucked on the highest level, not even worthy of straight-to-video status. It's virtually impossible to bring all the flaws to light. Why was this movie made? Why was it released? I am sorely perplexed. So were the other three people in the theater.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that Awake is "so bad it's good." Some movies are at least laughably bad; this one couldn't even do that. If they insist on making movies this horrid why can't they show Jessica Alba naked?
I call these movies "paycheck movies." One wonders why else all these actors would even consider a role in garbage like this.
Help! I'm in a movie theatre and can't leave! I want to yell at the screen STOP! I must be under some new form of Anesthesia Awareness... paralyzed because I had to write a review--No escape! AHHH! Finally it's over! Excuse me while I pick up my wounded formaldehyde-injected brain from the aisle..."
THIS MOVIE REALLY surprised me!
Janice | Larchmont, NY | 03/02/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"i had heard so so things about this movie, but i'll tell you, what i heard was wrong. this movie is very exciting. i guess if you are waiting to be impressed, or if you are looking for plot holes, you might find them, but if you are just looking for a friday night movie, this is for you. the twists get twisty-er as the movie goes along. there are some really big moments that i didn't see coming. i thought hayden and jessica made a cute and attractive couple and i loved watching their romantic scenes. lena olin should get some props for this movie--she was incredible!"
Something New and Fresh!
Matt J. Rose | De Pere, WI USA | 02/26/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Awake during surgery, feeling every cut, pry, and poke...yet you cant move or call out for help. Sounds like a nightmare right? Well its an actual phenomenon called anesthetic awareness.
I must say I didn't really think this movie would be worth even a rent. I had to give it a try though since I'm always willing to try every movie regardless of critic reviews.
First lets start off with the Blu Ray details:
Picture 3.5/5 Pretty sharp picture, very little grainy-ness, or artifacts, blacks were solid, and whites were clean and bright. The skin tones looked natural and very colorful. Certainly not a Blu Ray to show your friends PQ but acceptable for watching this film.
Sound 3.5/5 Sound is crisp, voices are very clear and loud. Not much action or FX in this film but all the characters are easily heard, and the ambient noises are solid through rear surround. I wasn't disappointed at all.
Extras 3/5 I personally didn't get into the extra features much, just going by what I saw on the back of the case. I usually check out the extras on my second or third viewing. Seems like the "basic" extras included here.
I don't usually do much for reviews on movies, because I don't wanna spoil anything for people that haven't gotten to enjoy the films for themselves yet. I will say however, that this movie is definitely worth a look, Hayden and Jessica do a great job as a couple, and I actually felt his pain on the table in the OR.
The movie is a bit slow, but not in a boring way. It progresses through very well for the type of movie being shown. I was never wondering if it was gonna get better, and as you meet the characters and get more of the story you get pulled in deeper! (Terrence Howard is excellent in my opinion)
This is a perfect weekend movie, if your bf/gf and you are sick of the normal horror, comedy, romantic comedy films. Just beware if you find realistic operating room procedures make you a bit pale in the've been warned."
Preposterous Entertainment
Jason Horsley | London | 03/25/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Awake, the new thriller by first-time director Joby Harold, takes off from a grisly real-life phenomenon called "anesthetic awareness." This is when patients are unaccountably left fully conscious--and physically paralyzed--during surgery, and Harold (who also wrote the script) has spun a preposterously entertaining yarn from this grisly germ of an idea, and manages to hold us in a vice-like grip for pretty much the entire film. How often can you say of a Hollywood thriller that you don't have a clue what's going to happen next? Awake is brazenly indifferent to plausibility, but you can't help but admire the film's audacity. Along with fantastic plot twists, Harold throws Hitchcockian flourishes and elements of Greek tragedy into the mix like a crazed chef. In lesser hands, Awake would have been a tawdry melodrama, but Harold believes in his material so fervently (in a way a more seasoned professional never could) that the film works on several levels at once. Ingenious as it is, it's not mechanical--it has soul.
Harold brings such energy and focus to the scenes that he transcends the subject matter and gives it an almost surreal intensity, and the performances are strong enough to keep the film's nuttiness from capsizing it. Jessica Alba is suitably luscious and beguiling (her role gives new meaning to the term "heartbreaker"), and Lena Olin and Terence Howard are both in fine form. As the unfortunate victim of anesthetic awareness, Hayden Christensen comes into his own as a performer (having mercifully managed to escape the Mark Hammil curse: that of being horribly miscast by George Lucas). Christensen has an unusually expressive face (the camera takes to him), and he can convey emotion without ever appearing to do much--fortunately, because the film hinges around his internal struggle, and on our feelings of empathy for him.
Awake is a white-knuckle movie experience if ever there was one (it even carries a viewer warning), with some of the most sheerly visceral scenes of horror ever committed to celluloid. Watching someone undergoing open-heart surgery while fully conscious (and able to feel the incision) is enough to frazzle the nerves of the most hardened horror veterans, and this film is certainly not for the squeamish. Too bad the loopy plot (and the melodramatic character revelations, which are really just tired genre conventions) finally stretches our credibility to breaking point. As a result, Awake lacks a strong climax, and as a rollercoaster ride it doesn't have enough emotional depth to be fully satisfying (its shallowness is at odds with its rather contrived attempts at pathos). But for most of its length it's close to a pop classic, and probably the best metaphysical thriller since The Sixth Sense (a film I didn't much care for). In fact, Harold better watch out or he may wind up as the next M. Night Shyamalan. Awake has so many twists it makes you dizzy.