Boys and girls, yound and old, otaku and casual fans alike-everyone loves Azumanga Daioh. It's one of the most beloved anime series of 2004, and now ADV has brought all six DVDs together in a single affordable Thinkpak C... more »ollection!« less
"The show is great. I am not reviewing the show. This a review of the actual disk set. This is why it gets 4 stars and not 5 stars.
This is a set of 5 disks. The first 4 are basically the original individual disk releases with all the extras ripped out. The start up screen is no longer animated but shows a still picture of Sakaki with the cat hanging onto her finger.
The 5th disk concerns me. It contains all the episodes on the original disks 5 and 6. It contains a total of 7 episodes. I worry that they may have increase the compression of the video to fit the episodes in.
You know, considering that they have to change the masters of disks 1 to 4 to rip out the extras, they might as well have redistributed the episodes more evenly to the 5 disks. I mean they have to make new masters anyway right? Damn, I hate sloppy work!
I like the packaging. A thinpak is essentially a box set containing the disks in thin plastic DVD cases instead of the standard thicker ones. It actually saves you shelf space. What you sacrifice are the paper inserts. Considering that I almost never read the inserts anyway, it is no big loss for me."
The Genius of Simplicity
Bryan Weber | San Angelo, TX | 05/31/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"So many people have said that this anime, like Seinfeld, is a show about nothing. I think that viewpoint misses something. Azumanga Daioh may not have a sustained story arc, or a grand destination in mind, but watching it reminded me of my own days as a high-school student.
Be it Chiyo wishing that people would stop treating her like a kid, or Tomo acting every bit a fool and enjoying every minute of it, or Sakaki being uncomfortable with her towering stature, or Yomi's constant concerns about her weight, or even Osaka's frequent non-sequiters, this is a series about growing up with your friends.
And the characters are all truely likeable, as well. Even those who can be seen as annoying at times can't really be faulted for their personality quirks.
The series is fun and heartfelt."
The best 'feeling' anime EVER!
Mark Drobenak | Charleston, WV USA | 03/19/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I first watched this series on my computer. The animation was crisp, the subs were done by fans (and excellently), and the dubbing was great.
The only reason I gave the DVD set a 4 star rating is because the fan sub had so much extra (explaining japanese jokes and culture that otherwise didn't make sense). Everything else was top shelf and I didn't see any bad subs.
As for the story...
The movie takes place in a junior high school in Japan. Following a group of young japanese school girls you get to see their perspective of the world around them, and the way it is told the youths seem more mature than any of the adults. The characters are very developed and and engrossingly likable. You will find yourself laughing at physical humor and nonsense, tearing up when something is sad, and alot of the times just smiling stupidly to yourself at some youthful innocence. It is a story about growing up and friendship that anyone can enjoy.
If you breath air you should buy this set. Anime fan or not. And I have also found that this anime may change some peoples minds about what anime is.
A FANTASTIC anime that developed from a 4 cell comic strip.
A must have."
For those of you who haven't collected the series!
Mark Drobenak | 08/08/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a boxset that contains all the episodes of the Azumanga Daioh series. Those who weren't able or didn't get the discs seperate now can get them in this boxset. I think this is a very good deal for someone who hasn't got the discs. Too bad that I did. Azumanga Daioh is a really great and funny series. It's kinda like the anime equavilent of Senfield but I think Azumanga Daioh is less annoying and actually watchable then that.
Totally pointless, no plot... how could you not love it?
J.C. - Manga Otaku | Minnesota | 02/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I got this boxed set really cheap from Best Buy, I only spent $25 on it, and it's great! All the characters are just so loveable and they have such extreme personalities. Throughout the show it's just a bunch of people running around doing random stuff, and it is just hilarious. There's so many cute random things, and the way the characters repeat stuff in annoying ways makes it so much cuter. I'd definitely give this series a thumbs up. Great for laughs, but if you're looking for serious, thought-provoking anime, don't get this, lol."