Can two clueless Georgia homegirls with big hearts -- and even bigger hair -- find happiness, fame and thrills in the swank hills of Beverly? Anything is possible when you are B.A.P.'s
"I thought that Halle Berry and Natalie Desselle were delightfully funny in this film. 2 girls from Georgia go to California chasing a dream, get a little side-tracked, but achieve their dream anyway, meeting some wonderful people along the way. The characters played by Martin Landau and Ian Richardson were SOOO funny - especially when Mr. Manley goes to the record store, looking for "The RRRRRRRap section." I thought that the actors playing the girls' boyfriends were good too - a little kooky, but genuinely good people. Nisi and Micky may appear to be gold diggers, but it turns out they have hearts of gold, and for this, they are rewarded. Who says good girls finish last?"
About time a campy BLACK comedy came along!
Dorothye B. Knox | 05/27/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I for one am sick of reviewers like Mr. Maltin automatically panning everything that isn't of the same level as say "The English Patient" or "Casablanca". Some movies are just straight up comedy, aiight already?! While this movie does portray stereotypes such as the trashy ghetto fabulous urban black wannabe diva and the ultra snobby and stuffy white Beverly Hills millionaire, these stereotypes are (it seems to me) intentional and just add to the laughter! Yes, the plot is contrived, yes it probably couldn't happen in real life, but who gives a s@#$? It's funny as hell, filled with celebrity cameos, and let's face it - where else could one see Miss Halle Berry sporting gold teeth, finger waved platinum blond hair, and vinyl hot pants?! The hairstyles and clothes alone are enough to laugh oneself into intensive care! This movie is the type I have been waiting to see for quite awhile, a campy black comedy for the 90's!"
Halle gets 5 stars from me
Tall Paul | San Diego, CA United States | 10/17/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The script was kinda lacking but there are some very funny and endearing moments. Halle looks so good in this movie it makes the weak parts look great."
This Movie Is Pure Fun!
H. Hill | Dust Bunny Central Command | 01/07/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I was pleasantly suprised by this movie. It was really funny! I thought I would die laughung during the scene when Hallie and Natalie's characters encounter the bidet in the bathroom for the first time. It was a long time before I knew what one of those things were used for too! Hallie's acting really stood out in this movie and I think that it was primarily her acting which made the movie so touching. Plus, it was great to see Martin Landau again! Even though I would not sport big hair, long nails or gold teeth, I like the way this movie showed how (some of) the characters had great ambitions and big hearts to match as well as a genuine affection for one another. This could easily have been a "G" rated movie. But, since no one goes to "G" rated movies (a big myth), a little profanity was added to up the rating. That was my only disappointment. It's otherwise a fun family movie. Plus it allows for discussion about stereotypes, pursuing your goals, lying, trust, respect etc. See it!"
Terribly funny and uplifting when you are down in the dumps.
Dorothye B. Knox | Chicago, IL | 05/13/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I liked this movie; it made me laugh at a time when I was down in the dumps. I know Ms. Berry and Mr. Landau have been in better movies; but this one showcases their ability to be funny. Besides, if you cannot have any fun now and then; why make movies in the first place. The plot is great because it shows just what can happen when two blacks girls follow their dreams. Even though it doesn't seem like it will work out for them in the end, it really does after all. Troy Beyer is the writer, Robert Townsend directed, black actors starred in it. Give this movie a break; it is a comedy; it is not supposed to be a drama like "Titanic". The scenes in the restaurant were funny and realistic; two black girls meeting celebrites they have only read about and heard about. If that is not funny I don't know what is. When will we (African-Americans) start giving each other credit for our accomplishments in the film industry??? It is high time we started recognizing each other's talent. When we do, others will recognize our talent as well."