How can a show so violent make you feel so...good?
Evan W. Jenkins | Boulder, CO | 08/12/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There's no avoiding or denying it: "Bacanno!" is at times a complete bloodbath. Characters literally drenched in blood, bursting heads, and fingers being chopped off are common fare. You would think this would create a sense of...foreboding, disgust maybe? Nope! "Baccano!" is above all a love letter written to life itself. Every character has something or someone they love despite having massive psychological issues. You have the (suprisingly touching) wedding plans between two murderous assassins, a sadistic beau who one day hopes to kill his lady love, and the amazing comic duo of Isaac and Myria who serve as the beating heart of this masterpiece.
After the joyous and mood-setting opening title, the style of storytelling that awaits you can be confusing upon initial viewing. Most viewers will get the hang of the changing time periods and settle into the show, but those who never quite get it will completely understand on their second viewing. Think of the plot presented here as three chapters of an enormous, endless story. It's not "incomplete" in any sense. In fact, the style of the story only adds to the feeling that "Baccano!" is a story about the joys of life, both endless and finite.
I know I promised you'd feel good, and you will. "Bacanno!" is filled with a wild energy. At it's most absurd moments (like when you get to follow Isaac and Myria on their ridiculous capers) it's refreshing and almost innocent in its presentation. Obviously real-life mobsters were never this good-natured and warm, but even when these fictional gangsters take to gunning down their foes, the mood stays pretty light. The main villian, unsurprisingly, is truly despicable (he has to be to make the mobsters look like good guys) and is the show's sole source of unease.
I could go on about this excellent series forever, but the more I say, the less you will get to experience first-hand. Go ahead and pick up "Baccano!" right away. It will not disappoint.
As a side note: Baccano! is blessed with two excellent audio tracks. The English voice work is quite spectacular. Even if you're a subs fan make sure you watch with both audio tracks. (you'll love it even more the second time anyway)
Allissa Ross | BEND, OREGON, US | 10/17/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Baccano! is another amazing anime, with voice actors from the popular anime Full Metal Alchemist. This Anime is a very fast passed, action packed show with mystery laced into the story. Every single time I have re-watched this anime, I have caught something that I had never caught before, The same thing happens to my brother and friend. This always makes it a whole new experience whenever you watch it. I have not found an anime that has ever done that. As for the mystery of this, unless somebody told you or you looked it up, you will not see anything coming. Everything will shock you and amaze you when it is revealed. There is a lot of action, and blood in this anime, and a whole lot of suspense that will make you want to watch every episode in a single day. So I hope you have plenty of time, because you will want to watch this anime several times over. I suggest you buy it, instead of watching it online, I'm all for saving money, but seeing this series on the screen in your living room with the great graphics is the best way to watch this."
One of the Best Anime I've Seen in a While
Antoinette Phelps | Virginia, USA | 08/25/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Baccano is amazing. It's one of the few animes that can take advantage of dubbing. Because the setting is in America, it is plausible to have Italian, French and Russian accents without it sounding out of place. No voice actor is reused twice and the actors match their characters for the most part.
Dubbing aside, the action is fast paced and straight to the point. There are no filler episodes until the series ends then there are 3 OVA episodes to follow. There is no main character as the story follows all the characters to get the whole story. The whole series is out of chronological order and you must pay attention to get everything. The plot skips from 1712 to 1930-1932. It keeps the watcher interested in a mystery adventure leaving the watcher wanting more.
This series is not for young audiences. There is an excessive amount of blood. Missing limbs, peoples heads being shot off with a shotgun, and people being shot up with tommy guns, and more. It is detailed. Parents I have warned you.
I do reccomend for any anime fans. I love this series so much I have rewatched it over and over and still haven't had enough. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have."