The adventures of Marty McFly and his friend Dr. Emmet L. Brown as they travel through time in three films. — Item Type: DVD Movie — Item Rating: PG — Street Date: 01/25/05 — Wide Screen: no — Director Cut: no — Special Edition:... more » no
"Just wanted to let people know that in the widescreen edition, a mistake was made on the second and third discs--instead of using actual widescreen footage, someone just put black bars on the top and bottom of the fullscreen pan-and-scan version, so you get even *less* picture with the widescreen version. This error was not noticed until it was too late, although Universal Studios is planning to correct this in a future version of the dvd set, and people who bought the original set will be able to get a free trade-in. Here's the email they've been sending to people who asked about this:"Thank you for your email. Universal Studios will exchange Back to the Future parts 2 and 3 for copies with the updated framing in late February 2003. You may send the DVDs back now or wait until February. Please send Back to the Future disks 2 and 3, without the case, and a letter with the following information: Name, Full Mailing Address, Daytime Phone Number, Reason for Return and Return Address. Send to:Back to the Future DVD Returns
PO Box 224468
Dallas, Texas 75260Thank you,
Universal Studios Customer Service""
Formatting on 2nd and 3rd discs are faulty -- buyer beware
Kevin L. Kluck | Cinci, OH United States | 12/19/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"My one star rating is not an indication of the quality of the films (the merits of all 3 movies stand on their own) and the chance to have the BTTF Trilogy in one nice package is certainly a great idea. Unfortunately Universal, when creating the transfers for the 2nd and 3rd movies, managed to improperly matte the films. This means that the image area you are seeing is NOT the theatrical release. These problems have existed since the R2 versions were released 6 months ago, but Universal decided they didn't want a new transfer process to interfere with their Q4 Holiday profits and are banking on the fact that most people won't notice the problem or won't care even if they do. If you have the current DVDs you will be able to have them replaced. You can call Universal at 888-703-0010 for information on the replacement process. (New DVDs won't arrive until late February. Thanks, Universal!) This is a poor showing by a studio who once produced quality DVDs."
Framing Fiasco appears to be corrected.
j. | Upstate NY | 01/29/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"1/29/05 - Happy Birthday Annette. I just received the 1/25/05 widescreen release of the BTTF trilogy release on 1/27/05, from Amazon/Borders, and I am very pleased. I have viewed all three movies and some of the special features. My set up is a 50 inch widescreen TV and a 6.1 sound system. The sound and vision was excellent. I was reluctant to purchase the trilogy, due to past poor reviews of the widescreen version with errors on disc 2 and 3, with letterbox black bars on the top and bottom. I did not detect any portion of scenes with less picture information or black bars on any of the movies. The viewing screen was filled, in my opinion, perfectly. The 5.1 re-master sounds great and is utilized very well. In fact, I am able to force on my two rear surround speakers in conjunction with my side surround speakers and my decoder fills my room with sound. The most obvious sound effect is within the last 15 minutes of disc one, where a helicopter sounds like it is circling the room from the right to rear to left. The viewer has the feeling of being in the center of the screen. Great Sound.......
The packaging on this new release has a cellophane wrapper indicating - All 3 movies! Lowest Price Ever. Own it before time runs out! Widescreen. I checked the DVDs to try and determine if indeed these were updated versions. The second DVD does have the obvious "V2" (for version 2) on the face near the bottom, after all rights reserved. The third DVD does not have "V2" on the bottom, as I was hoping. Thereafter, I placed the DVDs in my computer to check the contents date. Disc 1 (that never had any problems) had dates from 2002. Discs 2 and 3 had content dates from 2003. Just to be sure, I put the movie to the test and compared the noted problem scenes on the BTTF framing web site, and found disc three to be correct. So, I am satisfied and believe that I have updated versions of the widescreen DVDs.
NOTE: On a regular TV (Not Widescreen), there are the black letter box bars on the top and bottom of the screen, but they are not visible on my widescreen TV.
4/2/05. I recently watched all three movies for a second time and turned on the trivia track - A great special feature for another viewing. This trilogy is a definite purchase............."
When it comes to blu-ray/dvd ratings, why not seperate the 2
Elijah's FURY | Mountain View, CA | 07/08/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am hoping once this review (which is not a review) gets posted, it will be separate from the dvd reviews because blu-ray reviews also cover audio and video redo's. Have you figured that out yet AMAZON! Click "yes" to "Was this review helpful" if you along with thousands of others want AMAZON TOO NOTICE THIS MESSAGE!"
Part 1 looks great! Can now exchange 2 & 3!
mgoblue95 | MI | 01/02/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The picture quality of these dvds is really pristine, and the extras are quite nice, though I would have liked to see more interviews with supporting cast members.
As many people have noted, parts 2 and 3 seem to have been matted too high on the open matte original print, so stuff tends to get cut off the bottom of the screen, like Marty's jacket and hoverboard in part 2. Plus there's too much headroom on many of the shots as a result. I just called the Universal DVD return hotline and they are offering a free replacement of those 2 wrongly matted dvds. You need to send in the 2 dvds (without the packaging they came in) to:
Back to the Future DVD Returns
PO Box 224468
Dallas, TX 75260
You need to include your name and full mailing address, along with your daytime phone number and reason for exchange.
I also noticed that on Part 1 when I try to watch the commentary with Michael J. Fox that it cuts out and takes me back to the menu screen around chapter 8 or so. Not a big deal but I do think it's a glitch that occurs in some dvd players."