145 minutes of action, humor, and more action, and more humo
Eric S. Kim | Southern California | 05/08/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ah, yes. Bad Boys II. Hundreds of film critics reacted negatively to this film, especially Ebert & Roeper. Audiences who love the first one have mixed feelings about this sequel. Personally, while I don't find anything special about it, I don't think it's that horrible of a movie. The only good things about Bad Boys II are the action scenes and the humor. Director Michael Bay certainly knows how to perfectly shoot gun battles and car chases. If you're into big, explosive action, then you would really enjoy this. The problem with the action, however, is that there's too much of it. This movie is two-and-a-half hours long, and the majority of its time is used on gunfights, crashing cars, and explosions. By the second half of the film, it starts to get very tiring to see all this action that's occurring almost everywhere. Some of the action scenes seem to have no purpose at all; they look like they're just there on the screen in order to extend the film's running time. The humor is a bit more coherent. The chemistry between Will Smith & Martin Lawrence is hilarious, even though the buddy cop formula has been reused hundreds of times before this one. A few of the jokes are terribly juvenile, but most of them managed to make me laugh. The plot.....well, who cares about the plot? We all know that it's very simplistic, and the only reason to watch this film is the action. Anyway, I don't really find this a very bad film, but it's not that great, either. The action (at least in the first half of the film) is fine, the jokes are funny, and the cinematography looks great. Too bad this isn't really anything special, though.
Grade: C-"
Bad Boys II
Arnita D. Brown | USA | 12/18/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The boys are back in a bigger, longer, louder and doing it again. With better effects,more violence and a touch of sexiness with the addition of a very talented actress Gabrielle Union. It is worth seeing this movie."