This documentary exposes a vast conspiracy to contaminate and control the world's food supply through genetic engineering of food crops. Leading scientists, researchers and activists present the facts that you need to know... more » about genetically modified organisms (GMOs).The methods used to genetically engineer plants are imprecise and extremely dangerous. Eighty percent of food sold in North America already has ingredients made of GMOs that have not been adequately tested for safety. This program presents all the facts about this alarming controversy and features the best-known, most credible bio tech / agriculture authorities in the world today.« less
Must see video on the hazards of genetic engineering of food
Bill Phillips | Chicago, IL USA | 06/13/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you didn't know that 60% of food sold in North America contains ingredients of genetically modified plants and that the ingredients are hazardous to human health and the planet, you will really know it after seeing this video.
"Bad Seed - The Truth About Our Food" is a relatively low budget but highly effective documentary with a gripping story and credible information. The video contains interviews with a wide range of experts as well as just activists and farmers.
Unlike many documentaries this one doesn't include a bunch of cheesey footage from public domain stock footage from the 50s and 60s. Intead it uses parodies of Monsanto ads to add a little spice of humor.
The animation sequences are good and there is a segment on the evils of Monsanto that really brings the message home.
This video is not nearly as polished or as boring as the other documentary on GMOs "The Future of Food" and focuses more on the health consequences of GMOs rather than the impact on agriculture.
If you eat, you must watch this video, otherwise you won't really know what you are eating or the consequences of your eating choices."
Scary but informative
S. O. Smith | 11/30/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I saw the feature length version of this film in the theater, then purchased
this special edition. The special edition has extra interviews with various
experts. It was really informative. As with the movie itself, you probably
have to watch the extras twice to absorb all the information."
The Truth is Out There
L. Bishop | Yi-lan, Taiwan | 05/13/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is crucial information to get out to everyone who eats! This DVD does a good job at waking us up to the "Truth" about the corruption amongst the FDA and the Agro-Chemical industry. It's a must see and a must pass on to everyone concerned about the health and well being of others and our planet. As the film suggests, we as individuals have the power to stop this. INSIST ON ANSWERS from your local grocery, from your local farmers, from your local governments. The film's presenters seem truthworthy and articulate very clearly the loss of FDA accountability for our food safety, the lack of research about GMO's and the dismissal of our right to choose and know about what we put in our bodies. This is a low budget production, but it's rawness matches it's message."
You MUST SEE this video
A. Morrell | South of Here | 10/31/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Bad Seed: The Truth About Our Food
If you care what goes into your body, and the body of your family, watch this video. Be prepared to be outraged at the fleecing of Americans about what you eat - don't be so TRUSTING of your food in your supermarket! "They" (the FDA and others who 'approve' products for human consumption) do not have your be$t intere$t in mind, nor do the drug companies who keep you en$laved by offering you drug$ to take away symptoms of your poor diet. No more excuses America - stand up for healthy food, watch this video and think about what you are doing to yourselves! No need to be paranoid - just get educated!
If you are running late and have to put gas in your car, would just fill it with water from the hose by your garage to save time? NO! Your car would sputter and not work properly. This is what you do to your body when for convenience sake - you put fast food, GMO food and other crud into an amazingly designed machine - YOUR BODY! Do you take better care of your car than you do your own vehicle/body?"
Must See Documentary
Tom Peters | Canada | 11/26/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you haven't already educated yourself about the hazards of genetically engineered food you should certainly watch this documentary. It has some very compelling interviews with leading scientists, researchers, activists and farmers and presents the facts about how our food supply is being high-jacked by large corporations.
It is not as polished as the "Future of Food", another documentary on GMOs, but it really gets the message across and focuses much more on the potential health hazards. It lays bare the background of the chief conspirator - Monsanto, and their long criminal history."