Streisand at her Funniest! Owl and the Pussycat — Meek, owlish Felix (George Segal) and strident, catty Doris (Barbra Streisand) live in the same apartment building. His incessant typing bothers her; her gentlemen callers b... more »other him. Felix informs the landlord of her activities, so Doris moves in on Felix. When they both get thrown out, they move in with Barney (Robert Klein)... Until they drive him out! That's when Felix and Doris finally decide to put theory into practice. But do opposites attract? The Streisand-Segal pairing does in this comedy classic.
For Pete's Sake
Legendary superstar Barbra Streisand brings her magic to the screen as Henrietta (Henry), the devoted but zany wife of cabby Pete (Michael Sarrazin). Henry will stop at nothing to put Pete through school, so when Pete gets a hot tip on the stock market, Henry raised $3,000, convincing him that the loan came from her rich uncle instead of the local loan shark! But as the stock tumbles, the interest rate escalates - and so does the pace as Henry gets herself into one wacky mess after another trying to earn the money back before Pete finds out. A hilarious farce with a marvelous supporting cast, including 1967 Oscar&® -winner Estelle Parsons (Best Supporting Actress for Bonnie and Clyde). Molly Picon, William Redfield...and a Brahma Bull!« less