Adam West and Burt Ward are taken on a crazy adventure when the Batmobile is stolen from a car museum and they must track down the thief and return it. After solving a puzzle, they realize that the clues to finding the fie... more »nd who stole the Batmobile are hidden in their past« less
"I bought this a few weeks ago and I must say it was very interesting. While not nearly as funny as the original Batman show, I liked the flashbacks to what was going on in Adam West's and Burt Ward's respective lives during those days! Some may have been shocked by Adam and Burt's former womanizing but to me, that humanized even more in my eyes and I applaud them for having the guts to admit that.
Anyway, for those familiar with the old series, this is a fun romp as they try to solve who stoled the Batmobile! Still, I wish they could've done it a few years earlier while the two other main villians were still alive. By that, I am refering to Ceasar Romero (The Joker) and Burgess Merideth (The Penguin). Since this film was made, Frank Gorshin (The Riddler) has passed on though I am not sure about Julie Newmar as I think she's still alive (I know that Earth Kitt still is as she's also a former Catwoman).
On a personal note, I also have to applaud whoever picked the actors that portrayed the younger versions of Adam and Burt (especially Burt as it was dead on)! I noticed they did had to pad the stomach a bit for the actor who played Adam West because was physically in much better shape than Adam ever was! LOL!
I also liked the hip-hop version of the old Batman theme. It was an updated take on it BUT still true and respectful to the old theme as well as the more disco type one they played when Adam and Burt first put on their costumes for the first day of shooting. While I have nothing against rap and such, many times they tailor it to "being real" and that nonsense! I am glad whoever made those two pieces of music stayed true to the spirit of the show.
Finally, the references to Lyle Waggoner, the man that ALMOST got to play Batman! I liked seeing that rare footage of his screen test and the fact they almost went with the OLD SCHOOL costume (which was the same as Adam's only it was a big black bat on the chest/must like you see now on the Justice League Unlimited cartoon)!
If you buy this feature, then may I recommend you buy BATMAN - THE MOVIE from the 60's with it. And if you do, watch the movie first and I would recommend watching it at least once with the alternative commentary with Adam and Burt as much of what they talk about on that DVD is on the "Return" DVD! This way, you'll have a better understanding of "Return To The Batcave."
On its own, its a great experience for those who remember the series fondly but may be hard for newer fans to follow. I'd recommend it to die-hard Batman fans or to those that really want to know about the 60's TV show."
Nice show, but not what we really want...
Wolfpack Jack | Cary, NC United States | 10/16/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I must admit to not having bought this DVD as yet but I do remember seeing the reunion special on TV awhile back. The "plot" of the reunion show, aka the stolen Batmobile, was a little silly but I give the producers credit for wanting to do something other than just having Adam and Burt stand around reminiscing. It was nice to see these two guys doing well and enjoying talking about the old days. Die-hard fans of the old TV show will enjoy this immensely, but I doubt it will have that much appeal to non-fans.
What REALLY needs to happen though, is for Fox and Warner to get their collective heads out of their you-know-whats, come to an agreeement on licensing and get the three seasons' worth of the Batman TV show on DVD. Lord knows there are a lot of people who want it, including yours truly. Quit being so frickin greedy, both of you, and get it done."
Holy Retro Batman!!!
Bradley Headstone | New York | 04/11/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Before I begin, I will admit that I am biased. I have always liked Batman in his many appearances. (This includes the Adam West episodes of the 60s, the movies with Michael Keaton, and the version with Val Kilmer. Not to mention the phenomenal animated episodes where Kevin Conroy voiced Batman. (And many famous actors like Mark Hamil, Paul Williams, and Michael York, provided voices for villains.) This also includes the animated movie where Batman exchanges harsh words and punches with Superman. I even liked the Scooby Doo video where Batman and Robin made a guest appearance. And of course the surprisingly frightening 'Return of the Joker.') Well, now to the subject at hand. This is ofcourse a reunion show. But this movie really takes an interesting approach. It throws in an adventure, where we see Adam and Burt have to once again prove themselves heroes. Keeping with the reunion, the key to the mystery lies in their past. And they exchange stories of the past that almost never get dull. Some of these stories include Bert's financial hardships before he got the role, Adam and Bert's first look at the Batcave and Batmobile, Bert's frequent visits to the hospital, how Cesar Romero (The Joker) refused to shave his mustache, some bad publicity the show faced, Bert's shattered marriage, the coming of Batgirl, up until the tragic ending of the series. Perhaps the best thing about this movie is that while it stays with the campy pattern of the 60s episodes, there are a mix of emotions in the stories. Some will make you laugh, while others may make you very sad, or even surprise you. But funny, suspenseful, sad, or surprising, THERE IS NOT A DULL MOMENT! While there is a very sad element in seeing why the series was cancelled, we can also know that this was but a temporary setback for Batman. For Batman not only returned in Burton's movies, but he also came back in a phenomenal animated series, and there is to be yet another Batman movie in the theatre soon. Now of course, if you are not a Batman fan, then this movie is probably not for you. But if you are a Batman fan, you ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE THIS MOVIE. I find it only fit to conclude by giving a big thanks to Adam West and Bert Ward. Not only was your series great, but without you, Burton's movies would not have existed, the animated series wouldn't have existed, and the animated movies wouldn't have existed. Maybe one day Batman will put the people who cancelled the series behind bars."
Corny, but fun!
Richard Lee | 04/29/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's not a "movie" but a reunion show of the corniest kind. I loved every minute of it! Always good to see Adam West and Burt Ward together. I remember as a kid meeting Burt Ward in the Robin costume, and asking the dumbest questions! The campy show may have ruined the darkness that Batman was supposed to be (although resurrected by Frank Miller) but the show was a fun romp as is this reunion special."
Some days you just can't get rid of an old TV show.
Batfan27 | Post Falls, ID USA | 05/18/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Seeing as I'm a huge Bat-Fan (hence the name), I was immensely entertained by this here Reunion flick. The chemistry between Adam & Burt is still as strong as it was back in the 60's, and the "flashback" cuts are pretty comical sometimes. Not the best Batman movie ever, but it's cool to have if you love the old TV show like me."