When Beavis and Butt-Head first appeared on MTV more than a decade ago, critics dismissed them as brainless couch potatoes who did nothing but watch TV and make lewd jokes about bodily functions. Today we know they were ah... more »ead of their time. Beavis and Butt-Head's unique idiocy profoundly changed television, movies, pop culture and the world. This historic box set, personally edited by creator Mike Judge, includes their finest episodes, specials, promos and guest appearances that so enriched a grateful and stupid nation.« less
"According to DVDTalk (see the forums), they have previewed this set and at least some of these episodes have been CUT.
The so called "director's cut" episodes don't ADD anything... they only remove stuff. So not only do you not get the videos in with the episodes, you also get censored episodes as well.
Some examples from DVDTalk (so far):
* 1-900-BEAVIS - On the Time Life disc, when the boys first make the phone call, they laugh and Butthead says "She said something" and they continue to laugh. On the Paramount disc, this line is omitted.
During the call the lady asks if they're there, and on the Time Life disc Butthead says "I think I just innoculated" (which is kinda funny actually). This line is removed in the Director's Cut.
Then at the end, the last line in the Time Life version is "Hey, maybe we'll hear some butt wind." This is removed from the Director's Cut.
* Late Night with Butthead - The new Director's Cut removes the first minute and a half of this episode, starting instead where B&B pitch the idea for their talk show. It removes Letterman's cameo voice appearance. Later, the director's cut removes B&B celebrating with some air guitar after successfully pitching their show.
So again, the only thing the Director's Cut does is remove stuff.
* Figure Drawing - The DC removes a line where their teacher says he's about to teach a class on Aroma Therapy. Three or four lines are then cut after B&B rearrange the letters on the sign. Several other dialogue cuts throughout. No additions.
* Held Back - The DC removes the lines "This desk is giving me a stiffy" and "I don't even have room for a stiffy".
* Tainted Meat - The DC removes a bit from the middle of a news broadcast talking about "a fierce new parasite" in regards to Beavis making everyone sick at Burger World.
Gives a new meaning to "Director's Cut" doesn't it?
Note that the first report for the B&B DVD said that the director's cuts will be "different from orignal broadcast, but not necessarily longer".
I can kind of understand the copyright issue with including the videos, but not these other edits.
Don't buy cut up crap like this.
FIVE THUMBS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Burton Caruthers | East Haven, CT United States | 02/08/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Geez loueez!!!! Can you say " Hatchet Job "? I knew you could. Huge disappointment here folks. " Beavis and Butthead " was a ground-breaking show and my favorite animated series besides " The Simpsons ". But Sony misses the mark big-time with this release. If they plan on releasing more episodes on DVD, can they at least put the show in it's proper form?Here is the biggest complaint: they have completely chopped out the music videos that were such an integral part of the show when it was run on MTV. You know, the clips where a video is playing and the boys give their thoughts, whether they'd be trashing a terrible one or cheering an Iron Maiden video. Gone, completely cut out! The MTV logo is plastered all over the case, but this DVD DOES NOT REPRESENT THE SHOW AS SEEN IN IT'S ORIGINAL FORM!!!! I don't know if the videos have been cut out due to licensing restrictions ( as in older seasons of Mystery Science Theater, where the rights to the movies have expired ), but not having Beavis & Butthead making fun of the videos takes away an incredibly funny aspect of the show.On top of that, you get nothing extra for the price. No commentary, no unreleased material, NOTHING!!!!! Despite the fact of containing 7 episodes, the disc doesn't even crack the 45-minute barrier!!! In fact, it seems like Sony went the extra mile to shortchange the consumer with this product. I love " Beavis and Butthead "..."
Maxwell Berins | Austin, TX USA | 11/12/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this DVD collection before reading anyone's reviews, so I didn't realize people had some legitimate complaints about it. But they seem to echo many of the problems I have with this new B&B release.
1. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST PUT THE VIDEOS BACK IN THE EPISODES??? In many ways, that's what made the show great! It is my opinion that B&B in many ways did more to influence (for better AND for worse) the direction of music in the 90's. We can thank them for taking bands like Poison and Winger off the charts for good! And they also kick-started the careers of many bands like White Zombie, who probably didn't have a prayer otherwise. (Not saying I'm a White Zombie fan, just that I recognize the power the show had to make or break artists. That's a lot of power!)
2. THIS COLLECTION PUTS THE WORD "CUT" BACK IN THE PHRASE "DIRECTOR'S CUT". But WHY? Why cut out ANY of the scenes from these episodes? For example, the final scene in the "Manners Suck" episode -- where B&B are sitting on the johns in the men's room saying "Please come out", something we've ALL said on the can many times throughout our lives, thus making it so funny -- is MISSING! WHY, MIKE? WHY? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? Is that suddenly too juvenile for you now that you have gotten older? Besides, without the final scene, the episode feels somehow unresolved. I've been struck with that feeling numerous times while watching these DVD's. It leaves you feeling unsatisfied.
3. WHY CAN'T THESE BE RELEASED AS "SEASONS" INSTEAD OF AS A COLLECTION OF MIKE JUDGE'S PERSONAL FAVORITES??? Who cares which ones Mike likes which ones he doesn't? Just because these are HIS favorites doesn't mean they're MINE. Now, it just so happens that some of my favorites ARE in this collection, but that's pure coincidence. The "King of the Hill" shows are being released by season. I don't hear Mike Judge objecting to that. And I'm SURE there are episodes in THAT show that he feels embarrassed by as well! So why does he feel he can get away with dividing them up by likes/dislikes here? (And considering that he took out critical scenes in episodes he likes, I dread to speculate how he's going to doctor up the episodes he DISLIKES!)
4. WHY DO I HAVE TO WATCH THOSE DAMN OPENING TRAILERS AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH DISC??? This demonstrates the PURE ARROGANCE of the companies involved. When I shell out money for something, I want the PRODUCT I'M PAYING FOR, and the PRODUCT ONLY! I do NOT want to end up actually PAYING for ADVERTISEMENTS -- the ultimate irony! Fine, if they want to put in trailers, so long as I have the option of viewing or not viewing them. After all, that's what you get in newspapers and magazines. But offering me NO CHOICE but to sit through trailers for up-and-coming DVD releases and video games is TRULY ARROGANT on the part of the companies involved, in this case being MTV and Paramount.
So...if you absoultely HAVE to have B&B on DVD -- and I don't blame you if you do -- then this is still worth buying. After all, you will relive a lot of great laughs in spite of what The Man has done to them. But if you want nothing less than the original blueprint, then vote with your wallet and buy the new "South Park" season instead.
Thank God I've still got most of the original "Beavis & Butt-head" episodes on videotape..."
I'd give this 0 stars if I could
Scott Jones | Chicago IL | 11/14/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
""I am Sterculius, you have offended me!"
Edited = 0 stars.
I dare you, watch the Time Life Butt-O-Ween version of 'Late Night With Butt-Head' and then watch it missing almost 3 minutes of awesome footage in 'The Mike Judge Collection'. Same with '1-900-Beavis' and the end of 'Manners Suck' - I hate edits. I have a personal vendetta against edits.
Interestingly enough, we now have the footage for the 'original' version of 'Home Improvement'. Allow me to explain:
The Time Life version of 'Home Improvement' has had the paint thinner sniffing scene edited out, BUT 'The Mike Judge Collection' puts the sniffing scene back while CUTTING the beginning with Bill Clinton and the ending footage including Mr. Anderson saying to the cops, "I think they were oriental".
We have all been betrayed by Mike Judge. I was watching B&B during the greatest and happiest years of my life (my early 20's) and now that I am bankrupt, alone, and depressed all I want are some old friends to get buzzed with. I miss B&B, the videos, and my all time favorites, 'Way Down Mexico Way' and 'Peace, Love, and Understanding'.
By the way, here is my personal list of edited DVD's in my collection -
1 - The History of Beavis & Butthead (Recalled Paramount release edits 'Good Credit', 'Bedpans and Broomsticks', the beginning of 'Give Blood' and 'Door to Door' and other things)
2 - Ren & Stimpy UNCUT (Of course, it is cut)
3 - Married With Children Season 4 (7 edited episodes)
4 - Tom & Jerry Collection 1 (Gee, why not alter our history for the next generation?)
5 - Tom & Jerry Collection 2 (Mammy dubbed in 4 episodes)
6 - The Blues Brothers (Theatrical Version edits a Belushi line)
7 - Star Wars Eps IV, V, and VI (I would buy these all over again if I could get them completely uncut and original)
8 - Blade Runner (Theatrical Version unavailable - cut version sucks!)
9 - Time Life's 'There Goes The Neighborhood' (Edits thinner sniffing scene from 'Home Improvement')
and now.....
10 - Beavis & Butt-head: The Mike Judge Collection
There oughtta be a law!"
You're a douche, mike judge
dillweed | 11/15/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I wish I had consulted these reviews before I bought this EDITED set. WHAT'S THIS WORLD COMING TO??? Mr. Judge, you created one of the greatest comic duos of ALL-TIME now you are RUINING the legacy by gutting the cartoons pointlessly.
The "director's CUTS" are extensive and without any justifiable excuse. Some of my favorite lines are missing, but frankly even if only the lamest jokes had been removed it would still SUCK."