Wow, Reviewer #2 Needs to Lighten The H#LL Up
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is in response to the "wounded" reviewer who admits to being fans of Barbra Streisand and Jewel. Take a chill pill and lighten the h#ll up. I love Behind The Music That Sucks primarily because it p!sses people like you off. It makes me laugh that you take this sh!t so seriously. It's a parody, get it? I highly recommend this DVD (and the rest of the series). The writing is sharp and cuts through the ... with a smooth butter knife. It's for all of the people who are sick of ... music and the self-indulgent poofsters who market it like ... to the masses. Oh, yea...the piece about Christina Aguillera as the Terminator was some pretty funny ..., too."
Behint he Music that [is bad], Vol 3 DVD
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I cannot recomend this DVD highly enough. I am a huge fan of irreverent humor and I feel that the BTMTS series has a firm place in our PostBillyMadison society. All of the DVD's in this collection rule!"