The one where Chandler & Monica replace Rachel & Ross
Lawrance M. Bernabo | The Zenith City, Duluth, Minnesota | 06/23/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As we work our way through Volume 2 of "The Best of Friends" you should continue to find yourself agreeing with at least half, if not more, of the selections (even those these were "chosen by fans!":(1) "The One Where No One's Ready" (September 26, 1996) proves something we should have all known from the start. You can do an entire episode of "Friends" watching Rachel get dressed (this is foreshadowed by the photo on the cover of Volume 1 where Jennifer Aniston is only wearing a sheet). The only problem is that this is Ross's big night and he is not making it any easier on her or anybody else. The only episode on this DVD that is not on TV Guide's list of "The Top 50 'Friends' Moments.'"(2) "The One with the Embryos" (January 15, 1998), but Phoebe's womb is not as interesting in this episode as the trivia game going on in Monica and Rachel's apartment. At stake: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Fess up: you didn't know the answer to the big stumper question either. Ranks #18 on TV Guide's list.(3) "The One with Ross's Wedding, Parts 1 & 2 (May 7, 1998) provides the best "Friends" cliffhanger (yes, even better than this year's "Ok"). Rachel goes over to England to stop Ross's wedding, but he manages to do just fine without her help. Loose lips can sink more things than ships. This one ranked #39 on the TV Guide list.(4) "The One with All the Thanksgivings" (November 19, 1998) is a flashback trip down memory lane where we find out ever reason Chandler has to hate Thanksgiving, from his Flock of Seagulls haircut to the amputation of a toe. TV Guide ranked this moment #29. (5) "The One Where Everybody Finds Out" (February 11, 1999) is quite simple to explain. Joey and Rachel know about Monica and Chandler, but then Phoebe finds out, but Monica and Chandler do not know that Phoebe knows, but then Phoebe hits on Chandler so they know but she does not know that they know. And then... This episode ranks #5 on TV Guide's list, although I think it is probably the funniest "Friends" episode ever. Well, okay, so far.This volume includes ADDED FOOTAGE and the Rembrandt's "Ill Be There For You" music video. The next pair of volumes in this DVD series claim to present "fan favorites." Again, there is plenty of room for fans of the show to quibble about what has been included and what has not. Still, having these around beats the hit and miss proposition of catching your favorites in syndication."
Four out of Five Eps Make it Four out of Five Stars
Josh | Sc, Usa | 06/02/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The Best Of Friends Vol. 2 has even more episods for us to enjoy. Although not some of the "Best of", any Friends episode on dvd is worthy.(1) The One Where No One's Ready - Noone's ready when Ross wants them to be. Each friend goes through their own quirky mishaps. Joey and Chandler fight over a chair, Monica has a phone problem with her ex, Phoebe has spilt something on her dress, and Rachel can't decide what to wear. This all leads to funny stuff.(2) The One with the Embryos - Phoebe is clinically impregnated so her brother and his wife are able to have babies. Cute little episode.(3) The One with Ross' Wedding - Yep, Ross' 2nd wedding I believe. Here he's getting married to British Emily, so the gang (all but Phoebe) goes to London for the wedding. It's here that Chandler and Monica end up together. I believe this one of those eps that doesn't deserve the "Best Of . . ." treatment. They end this ep on a cliffhanger type thing, and never show the next ep or what happens. My only complaint with the disc.(4) The One with All the Thanksgivings - Great episode! The gang views videotapes of past Thanksgivings.(5) The One Where Everybody Finds Out - This is my #1 funniest Friends ep. It's hilarious when Rachel and Phoebe found out about Monica and Chandler, and how they cover it up from Ross. And the interaction between Joey and Rachel is great when they both try to not tell each other what they know. Great episodes with turning points in the series!"