Truly the Best of Trading Spaces...
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, I've seen just about every episode, so I guess it goes without saying that I like this series. But I was ready to be disappointed with the dvd, I mean, just "best of" clips? ...But it is really well done! I laughed so much, they did an excellent job. The editing is great, the individual 'bios' of the cast are great, I admit I love the 'hated it' reactions ;) , well, it's all just great...I recommend this dvd, even for those only luke-warm on the series (gets right to the good parts and no commercials!)."
Where's the feature?
barrelhaven | Davenport, Fl United States | 05/07/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"It's a menu of extras, fine in and of itself, but lacking in the meat of the show. I paid twenty bucks to see something different and I feel let down. I would like to see actual interviews with the designers and carpenters. I would like to know more about the departure of Alex (and Des). I want to know how to put together some of the more beautiful armoirs and shelves that Ty and Amy Wynn built. I want to see shopping lists so when I try to recreate some of the rooms in my own home, I know what to get at the store and which store to look through.
I don't get any of that on this DVD. Even the reveal montages are available on the other Trading Spaces DVDs. Save your bucks unless you're a completist."
What a disappointment! Don't waste your money.
barrelhaven | 04/10/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"What a let down! This DVD is a major disappointment if you are a Trading Spaces fan. They showcased the worst of the room re-dos, and barely highlighted some of the best work, especially that of Laurie and Vern. Very few of their rooms were showcased. Anyone watching this DVD would most likely never want to participate in the show, much less spend their time watching an hour of it on television. Short segments with little entertainment value. Even the bloopers were horribly boring. I wish I could get my money back. For a better investment, buy the book. Unlike the DVD, it's worth every penny."
Not Worth It
barrelhaven | 12/31/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I'll admit I didn't read closely enough. We live overseas on a military base and I thought I could have a few hours with one of my favorite shows, but it wasn't to be with this DVD. I expected an episode -- shoot, I expected 3 or 4 episodes -- you know, the BEST of Trading Spaces. When I realized what I had, I revised my expectations but I'm not sure they could ever be low enough to be satisfied by this collection of short blips from the series.You may enjoy the bios of the cast. I wanted episodes. It's not truly fair to judge a product based on what you want rather than on what it IS. So I'll say this, there are precious few "reveals" that would be of interest to the average viewer. The "hated it" reveals are the great ones from the series, but you have seen them before. Some extra footage on the reveals would have been very tantalizing. The "loved it" reveals are good -- I'd like to see the rooms more up close and personal. The bloopers are goofy. These aren't funny bloopers.This is just an attempt to gain a bit more profit from an unsuspecting built-in fan base. With this product, I feel underappreciated as a fan, however, just knowing what you're getting going in can make all the difference. I hope they come out with something much more substantial to offer their following."