Samuel K. (Solvanda)
Reviewed on 3/19/2011...
Very well written, unpredictable, and different police show...raw and gritty...a lot of surprises...and this is 1984 we're talking about. Filmed in such a way that you feel you are right there in the room with the characters...very little if any studio lighting is used. After watching this first season it readily became apparent why this show has been a British cultural mainstay for many years. Highly recommended viewing experience.
Was shocked to discover upon researching that this show ran from 1984 to 2010 and, along the way, produced a total of 2,400 episodes (---yes, you have read correctly...two thousand, four hundred---.) As of 2011, seasons 1-5 are what is available in British Region 2 dvd format...looks like it is going to be years before the rest of the complete series will be released in it's own country, much less this one. I'm thinking that this is one of those cases where the ever-developing world of streaming video content is going to be of benefit in the future. Complete discographies of this nature could well fill up half a bookcase.
Nancy H. (nanirish) from DECATUR, GA
Reviewed on 3/1/2010...
Unique British Series. Like none seen in USA. I think it is a comedy in England too!
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