In this tale of love, loss and faith, Academy Award nominee Samuel Jackson and Christina Ricci seek redemption Down South through the power of the blues and the transcendence of an unlikely friendship.
Richard W. (rewfilmmaker) from NAPLES, FL Reviewed on 4/29/2013...
You are going to be surprised at how good this movie is. This director handled some dangerous themes like a skilled surgeon handles a scalpel. He nestles cruelty right next to tenderness and it will shock you. Despite what you may think, the message that underlays this movie is the tenderness and concern that exists in the last place you would expect to find it and how your prejudices can mislead you from seeing what people are really like.
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Dixie K. (kona-dixy) from KAILUA KONA, HI Reviewed on 4/23/2010...
The Ricci and Timberlake character themes completely surprised me -- but I really enjoyed this movie! I thought I had picked up a grade "B" DVD from the local bargain bin and was not expecting much. Christina Ricci and Justin Timberlake had thought-provoking, intense, uncomfortable-for-me-to-watch-character-issues; however, they did not spend a long time together on the screen. The crux of this movie was with the Christina Ricci and Samuel Jackson interaction. His facilitation prods this movie forward and the three characters evolve. Samuel Jackson's personal problems were easier for me to guess at and watch. It was an emotional challenge for me to sit still and watch these actors do good work but I was rewarded with a sappy, happy ending and pretty good music in spots. Some of the guitar playing is performed by Samuel L. Jackson. The added features of this DVD were a nice touch: comments of the film maker; background to the music selections; why people were chosen to be the actors.
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jeremy A. from REISTERSTOWN, MD Reviewed on 2/15/2010...
I never suggest this movie to anyone, but it is one of my very favorites. It is borderline pornographic, incredibly vulgar, and has a fair amount of violoence. But beneath all of that is a really incredible message of hope, and the power of people helping people even when they need help themselves. I love it!
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Daniel A. (Daniel) from EUGENE, OR Reviewed on 2/8/2010...
Solid in the first two acts, but then takes a turn for the bore. Jackson's good performance is accentuated by Ricci's trashy hotness. The blues aspect well held the film together.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Robert L. (LOKI) from DAVIS, WV Reviewed on 1/28/2009...
I am going to tell you why I liked this movie and think you should get a copy in your hands. Oppoin: Samuel L. Jackson is a great actor, this alone will bring some of you to want to watch this movie. Beyond that, there in is a good story. Mind you not a great story, but one that will keep you watching. Like Hustle and Flow this movie is not about the begining or the ending but about the life in the middle, a real look into a realy messed up life. Prehaps you want to see it, like a train wreck, you realy dont want to look. Yet, your finding yourself drawn to look, and keep on looking.
So this might not be put on my keeper self like 300 or any of my prized StargateSG-1 colection, but I can see myself in the future asking for this back from another member just to watch it again. ( and I am sure I will watch it again right before I send it out )
there are movies worth watching. this one is worth watching a few times.
LOKI aka Rob
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Alice H. (singlegalkansas) from TOPEKA, KS Reviewed on 1/27/2009...
This movie was very interesting. I couldnt believe it! Wow! A good watch.
0 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
A Very Surprising Movie
Randy Ramzinski | | 02/09/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Neither of us had heard of this movie when it came out but we saw a preview for it on another movie. Given the way it was presented in the preview, I was expecting a cross between the comedic 'Snakes on a Plane' and some kind of titillating s&m thing; I mean Christina in bondage with tight shirt and panties? Yowza. Needless to say, my wife was not at all looking forward to seeing this one.
This movie is nothing like that. First off, Christina is anything but appealing in this movie. She is greasy, beat-up, unwashed, and pathologically promiscuous. You can almost see the stank lines radiating off her. Second, there is nothing sexy about the movie. The sex scene are just plain disturbing and very uncomfortable. As far as comedy goes, there is very little.
What the movie is though, is an emotionally engaging, interesting story acted supremely by everyone involved, with the exception of Justin Timberlake. I mean for a singer, he does a good job; but he is acting with some of the elite talent in the world here so he is very much out of place. The director keeps his bits to a minimum though, so it is not like he ruins the movie or anything.
My wife and I found the characters to be very believable, and we developed feeling and empathy for them. We found the story to be believable and engaging with the ring of truth about it. Which is not surprising, for the director had taken elements from his own life and put them into the characters. Also the ending was really good, it wasn't your typical 'and they lived happily ever after' romcom bs.
In short, this is one of those rare movies that had me caring about the characters and feeling for them, and not feeling let down by the ending."
Excellent Movie
Lafern L. Washington | 02/14/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is a movie that demonstrates humanity to man. Samuel Jackson did a fantastic job of showing how we should care for someone who needs a little love and care. I watch it over and over. I recommend it to others"
Black Snake Moan
Natalie McKenna | LAKE OZARK, MO, US | 03/26/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I loved this movie the very first time I watched it. So I ordered it. I love Samuel L. Jackson, Justin Timberlake, and Christian Ricci. This soundtrack is great!! That will be my next download is this soundtrack. It's a very weird but I loved it."