"BlankMan is a laugh out loud riot for the entire family to enjoy. The film is about a nerdy African American, Daryl Walker, living in the New York area, suffers a tremendous tragedy when his grandmother is killed by a corrupt mafia leader; Michael Spinelli. Since then, inspired by the old Adam West T.V. show Batman series, Daryl dons the disquise of Blankman to fight crime to avenge her death. If you can imagine Steve Urkell from Family Matters pretending to be Batman, then you should have a good idea on who BlankMan is. The movie is simply hysterical and makes fun of all the typical super hero movie cliches. I loved how they used the old fighting sequences from the old Batman T.V. series to make fun of this genre. The movie will have you laughing histarically throughout the film with great scenes like when BlankMan confronts Spinelli or when David Allan Grier is talking to his crotch. Overall, this is a great comedy for the entire family."
I don't care what Leonard Matlin's lackeys say...
Mecca Egypt | Gardena, CA United States | 01/19/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Blankman was good. I don't know they were stressing about. The movie was did what it was set out to do -- entertain. And that's exactly what it did. I NJOI watching this movie and I love the music in the movie! I wish I could get the soundtrack, but I can't seem to find it. Damon and Grier have great chemistry and it shows in their comedy. Blankman is funny as hell at some points, y'all just don't understand. The movie was bangin', y'all just can't relate."
An Funny, Goofy Comedy.
Christian Pelchat | Canada. | 04/20/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A Mentally Challenge Man (Damon Wayans) with a Knack of Making Something New with Virious Gadgets of Junk, who is Trying to Change the City of Chicago, who wants to Put-Down the Violence from Street Gangs and Another Crimes. He decide to Built Himself a Crime Fighting Costumes with Weapons of his Own, with the Help of his Older, Wiser Reporter Brother (David Alan Grier) and the Younger Brother becomes a Superhero!Directed by Mike Binder (Indian Summer) made a goofy light comedy thanks to Damon Wayans-(TV's My Wife and Kids) Dumb Enjoyable Performabce as the Title Role. Robin Givens (Boomerang) plays the Reporter, who has affections of Wayans. The Film was a Box Office Flop in Theaters but Is more Enjoy on Video than it Did in Theaters. It's a Not-Bad Superhero Spoof Suffers from Too Much Language for Kids and Not enough Laughs for Adults. The Film may be Forgotten but It's Still Enjoyable One. Grade:B."
Damon Wayans creates a comical ghetto superhero with a heart
Mecca Egypt | 11/17/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Damon Wayans of "Living Color" fame, along with David Allen Grier and the lusious Robin Givens, creates a comical ghetto "Batman" complete with homemade gadgets, a "BlankMobile" that utilizes the L-Trains of Chicago to get to and from crimes,a "BlankCave", and hilarious side kick "Other Guy". The humor is in the tradition of other Damon Wayans characters created while on In Living Color, such as HandyMan and Homey the Clown. Any fan of Damon's stand up routines is sure to get a kick out of this performance. What sets Blankman apart from the typical superhero fare is that Damon brings the story home, to the "hood", not a mythical metropolis. Blankman is a un-super superhero with an innocent nature (he's even a virgin) that expresses in this tale that if an outcast nerd can make a difference in his community, using the "junk" other's discard, so can you and I. I found Blankman comical and inspiring. Homey does play that, and so should your VCR."
Christopher J. Jenson | Milwaukee, WI USA | 02/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is priceless.
A "B movie" for sure.
Young Damon Waynes is hilarious.
The sound track is early nineties and it's hilarious.
The characters and actors are great.
I know a lot of people will hate this movie but it's truly got a lot of finer qualities that can be overlooked by snobs."