A doctor's wife becomes the only person with the ability to see in a town where everyone is struck with a mysterious case of sudden blindness. She feigns illness in order to take care of her husband as her surrounding comm... more »unity breaks down into chaos and disorder. Based on a novel by Nobel Prize winner Jose Saramago.« less
Was not expecting much from this but wow, did it take off and then it dove into parts of humanity no one should experience! The ending was a Meg jump so be ready!
Julie K. from SOMERVILLE, MA Reviewed on 7/29/2015...
For the sophisticated film patron, Blindness is a beautifully- rendered dramatization of the acclaimed book of the same name by Jose Saramago (1923-2010), the renowned Portuguese writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998.
From the NY Times: "In his later years, Mr. Saramago’s fiction became more starkly allegorical.In novels like “Blindness,” in which an entire city is struck by a plague of sightlessness that reduces most of its citizens to barbarism, readers have found a powerful parable about the fragility of human civilization."
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Sharon F. (Shar) from AVON PARK, FL Reviewed on 6/23/2014...
I read the other reviews and this movie is a "Hate It/Love It" type of movie. Either you get the theme or you don't. I did...and aside from the mediocre acting, enjoy it. I lent it to a friend who also enjoyed it.
It's not about blind people, it's about being blind-sided. It's about power and how we treat others (strangers) to get what we want.
It made me wonder how I would react in the same position.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Cary C. (doublec) from HOLLY RIDGE, NC Reviewed on 7/24/2012...
This movie was the WORST PIECE OF GARBAGE I have ever sat through. Who cares what the point or big picture is/was? This movie stinks!!! Period!! The movie makes NO SENSE and has people doing things they would NEVER DO, even in a situation like this. Plus, how can ANYONE get past the fact that the only person who CAN SEE in a building full of 'blind' people can't find a way to get a gun away from one blind guy??? All she had to do was sneak up on him w/any of the many boards lying around, or simply throw stuff at him. Instead, the women (including the one w/sight) succomb to being raped out of fear and desperation. Disgusting. I think that anyone who likes this movie has too many sick thoughts and might be just a bit twisted themselves. Shame on the actors that took part in this FILTH FEST.
2 of 6 member(s) found this review helpful.
Steve C. (coligno1) from GILBERT, AZ Reviewed on 1/26/2012...
A fantastic surprise!! I hit play on my remote, not expecting too much from a film I had heard so little about. I liked the concept, but was amazed at how great it came across on my television screen. The story line was amazing, and it was not low budget by any means. They went bigger and better than expected. Within the first minute of the movie you're diving into the action, then riding it all the way through. The actors all did an amazing job. Danny Glover was soft spoken, but perfect in his supporting role. Julianne Moore was great, reminiscent of her role in Children of Men. Ruffalo, though maybe not my first choice for the lead role, really pulled it off. Ruffalo showed his sincerity throughout the film, he was a leader in his own right, and he was far more genuine than any other actor in the film. I would, and will, suggest this movie to friends and families. In fact, I have already leant it to a co-worker. 4 stars, two thumbs up, a great journey, and it leaves you asking a few questions at the end...AWESOME!
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Deborah D. (pmdeborah) from YORK, PA Reviewed on 7/23/2010...
I have read reviews at various places stating that this movie is a horrible commentary on the blind. Those people have missed the entire point and focus of the movie. I think that this movie does make a great point, but unfortunately just in a horribly boring way.
0 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Kelli P. (kittypigjo) from PITTSBURG, KS Reviewed on 8/19/2009...
this was awesome
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
William G. (longslide10) from CALHOUN, GA Reviewed on 3/10/2009...
Worst waste of time since "The Happening". How can you get this many (OK, a few) good actors together and make such a bad movie?
3 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Awesome movie!
C. Duchesne | Quebec, Canada | 10/31/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wow, why does this have such a low rating on IMDB and why does so many people hate it? The only answer that I can come up with is that most of the people that hate it are teens that don't know the meaning of "plot hole". There's no plot hole in this movie. The fact that there's no explanation why people become blind is not a plot hole, it's just not an important detail. Saying that it's plot hole is just like saying that the fact there's no explanation why people become zombies in Dawn Of The Dead is a plot hole. It's not a plot hole, it's just not what the movie is about. It was intentionally not explained. Anyway, it's an awesome movie! It's not only entertaining, it's also sad, disturbing, powerful and I could go on and on and on! I'm pretty sure that it's the only movie that made me go from sad to disturbed to happy and to sad again!
Short review, I know, but I'm just not good at writting reviews. I just hope that it's atleast slightly helpful."
Almost made me wish I'd gone blind
Miss Kitty | Toronto Canada | 03/05/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I just watched this last night and thought it was plotless, pointless and painful.
There were so many holes in this movie. Here are just a few...
There's no way that sick people in a quarantine situation would be locked in some old, run down building and left to fend for themselves. The sick would be cared for and studied, not threatened at gun point.
People's reactions were so unbelievable and had me shaking my head thru the whole thing. If you'd suddenly found you'd gone blind would you let some joker drive you home or would you be freaking out and want someone to call 911 and get you to a hospital? Freaking and 911 for $500, Alex.
Why didn't the 2 wards who were being harassed by the bad guys join ranks and fight back? They had the only person with vision and easily out numbered the baddies. Instead they just let the women go and be raped.
How many friggin bullets did the bad dude have? He just kept shooting and shooting and never seemed to run out.
Why didn't Julianne Moore's character kill him with her cleverly stashed scissors before he forced her to give him head? That would've been a whole lot smarter.
Was her husband really so horny that he couldn't keep his hands off the hooker chick? I mean, really, they're blind, they're being held against their will, they're filthy, hungry and terrified...and he gets a boner? That was one of the most ridiculous parts in the whole flick.
and the stupid 'artsy' camera work was bloody annoying as was the boring dialogue. I just really wish I'd listened to the critics for this one and opted to not see it. It SUCKED!
the only reason I gave it the 2 stars that I did is because, altho the movie blew big time, the acting was really well done."
Arnita D. Brown | USA | 02/24/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A city is ravaged by an epidemic of instant "white blindness". Those first afflicted are quarantined by the authorities in an abandoned mental hospital where the newly created "society of the blind" quickly breaks down. Criminals and the physically powerful prey upon the weak, hording the meager food rations and committing horrific acts. There is however one eyewitness to the nightmare. A woman whose sight is unaffected by the plague follows her afflicted husband to quarantine. There, keeping her sight a secret, she guides seven strangers who have become, in essence, a family. She leads them out of quarantine and onto the ravaged streets of the city, which has seen all vestiges of civilization crumble. This movie is much slower, much dirtier, and more real. The point of the movie was the human element and not the action. It is great. This movie is dirty to watch and will leave you feeling dirty. In a very adult, intelligent, thought-provoking manner.
Great story and an awesome film!
Mirado Woodtone II | new york city | 06/20/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Having worked in some large institutions in the now distant past, I would have to say that the atmosphere and social dynamics are accurate. No myth, mystery or reification here, the author spun a convincing thought experiment and the filmmaker and excellent cast painted a very realistic and complete world within that construct. I vote a two thumbs up. A both wonderful and scary film that will definitely take you to that place, love it or hate it. You will feel it. And just when you... Hey... Hey, wait a minute! Maybe the blindness is just a metaphor for mendacity and intellectual mediocrity! The special effects were wonderful. Look for them."