Vampires, psychedelic orgies, a gooey-faced monster, and Peter Cushing all star in this blood-spilling, blood-chilling Drive-In Double Feature. "Blood Suckers" (1972, 80 min., Color, Rated R) - Vampirism as a sexual obsess... more »ion enslaves Oxford scholar Richard Fountain when he visits Greece and falls in with a drug-crazed cult of homicidal swingers led by a kinky blood-drinker named Chriseis. Originally titled "Incense for the Damned." "Blood Thirst" (1971, 73 min., B&W, Not Rated) - Filipino women found with their blood drained bring American sex-crime expert Adam Rourke to Manila in search of the killer. Armed with a lisp and a mannequin named Harvey, Rourke soon becomes prey to a "Golden Goddess" possessed of eternal youth, and a creature whose face looks like melted flesh. Product Features: Audio Format: Mono Screen Format: Full Frame 16x9: No Color: Color & B&W Region Code: No Region Code Original Languages: English English Dubbed: No Other Languages: None Subtitles: None Special Features: Gallery of art with radio-spot rarities - Trailer, plus double-feature combo trailers for "The Crawling Thing/Creature of Evil," "Devil Woman/Dragons Never Die," "The Embalmer/The She Beast," "Night of the Witches/Dr. Frankenstein on Campus," and "Orgy of the Living Dead"; 2 archival short subjects: "The Horny Vampire" and "Midsummer Nightmare"; Drive-In intermission shorts; "Let's Go to the Drive-In!" - An interactive feature allowing uninterrupted playback of almost three hours worth of blood-curdling drive-in madness!« less
A "sucker" who isn't thirsty for more of this tripe!
(1 out of 5 stars)
"While an ardent fan of BAD horror movies, I can think of very few complimentary remarks to make about this turgid waste of money. Aside from the ballyhoo on the cover (which I KNOW was part of the allure of the Drive-in) there is little to be entertained with these 2 yawners. The first picture BLOOD SUCKERS (which is titled FREEDOM SEEKERS on this print) is a horrid mess. It felt more like a bad episode of THE HARDY BOYS TV series. The sad thing is, this is worse! This film can't decide if its DRACULA, SHAFT or BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS. (Disclaimer:If you love any of these films don't see this film) What's even more tragic is the cast! Alex Davion (remember "Ted Casablanca" in VALLEY OF THE DOLLS) plays one of the most boring action heros to be put on the screen. Patrick McNee is his usual regal self. The truly SAD casting decision in this film (as if there could be just ONE) is Peter Cushing in a most thankless role. His tears at the end of the movie seem more like remorse for having signed on for this mess! Vampire movie? You'll be greatly disappointed. There is barely a shot of a campire to be found here. Lots of comparisons to vampirism and orgasm, but who really cares. This was a waste of 80 minutes. Just when I though things HAD to get "better" in the bad movie sense of the word, along comes BLOOD THIRST! If you were confused by the first picture, just wait til this one! Filmed in the Phillipines, the story centers around an American detective summoned to Manila to help an old friend investigate a series of brutal murders. Is it a vampire? Well, even I wasn't sure at the end! We do get some fun shots of some monster with what looks like elephantitis, but even he is not much fun. What a bore! Don't waste your time or your 20 bucks!"
Weak Drive-In Pairing - Stay Clear!
frankenberry | Los Angeles, CA USA | 12/02/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This may be the most uninteresting DVD so far in the ever-growing Something Weird catalog. Once again, a nice package and an authentic recreation of an actual double-bill...but these two movies [are bad]...(...) First up is "Blood Suckers" which is about a young man, Patrick Mower, who has become part of a satanic vampiric cult. His friends and family are on a mission to rescue him. Eventually they do. But once back home, the man has turned a bit weird and now likes to suck blood. Patrick McNee stars and Peter Cushing is in there too. I remember renting this on VHS many years ago and it didn't leave much of an impression then. It hasn't really gotten any better, but it is watchable and has it's moments. The print used here has the pre-release title of "Freedom Seeker" on it --- now that's somthing weird. Well, after one mediocre flick, I was looking forward to feature #2 which I had never seen (although I remember seeing photos of the monster(?) in old issues of Famous Monsters magazine....or maybe it just looks like a creature from the Outer Limits...I don't know). Well, all I got to say is I now know why the 1965 filipino horror flick BLOOD THIRST took 6 years to find a release in the US on the bottom of this double bill. Absolutely mind-numbingly dull from start to finish, this 73 minute b/w melodrama left this viewer in a comatose state. Talk talk talk, blah blah blah.... and nothing happens. And that monster mask is pretty damn fake (in the whole 1 minute of screen time you see it). This one is just plain bad....not even good for laughs.Something Weird DVD's are usually still a good buy because of the extras included, but here's a case where even those are mediocre. We have several combo-trailers for other double features, none of them that interesting and one is incomplete. There are 2 short subjects, both somewhat banal --- one about a "horny vampire" and the other an old witch nudie short. There's the usual drive-in exploitation art gallery and it's the exact same line-up as another of a recent SW dvd release. The audio spots on it are the best thing on this disc, though, as they are hilarious "country-twang" spots from "Skyline Drive-In" in Greenville back in the 70's. This announcer is a hoot as he tries to peddle Zagnut Bars, Fanta Orange drinks and even Tab over the drive-in speaker system... He also touts their concession stand as having the best food ANYWHERE and that their concession stand is "World Famous". HAhahahahahhahaha! Also remember to get your weight and age guessed at by two beautiful of them wearing a turban! Great stuff! There were some more different audio spots from this particular drive-in on another recent SW disc... they are priceless. I would rather have paid (...) for a disc just full of that stuff than these 2 mediocre movies. So a disappointing disc overall, but if you gotta see 'em all......"
Mind numbingly strange is what we want
I. French | austin, tx United States | 10/03/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Blood Suckers is a truly insane film that will make you explode with mirth at wondering 'how can something so stupid possibly exist.' Just when you think viewing this will injure you, you're rescued by gratuitous vampirism and psychedelic party depictions. Some of the shots, for example Patrick Macnee riding a donkey and an uptight Peter Cushing representing the academic elite, will bring gut laughter. As a lover of pschotronic cinema and degenerate film, I recommend this as an example of meta cinema worth checking out every so often. To some, this outing may be too much of a bad thing, but to the converted, its well worthwhile."
Michael P. Dobey | 11/09/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Blood Suckers aka Freedom Seeker is not a vampire movie but some unidentifiable genre pic utilizing vampiric themes as well as some James Bond thrown in for good measure. This movie is kinda unwatchable, but one is pulled in by how strange and ridiculous it all is. Blood Thirst is a little better with a sexy fifties lead dude, acting all Mickey Spillane meets Frank Sinatra, is the best way to describe him. This flick was shot in the philliphines I think. This is my least favorite Something Wierd pairing, and least favorite Something Wierd DVD. I have at least half their DVD catalog."
Another wierd dvd
Michael P. Dobey | colorado springs | 11/01/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Something wierd can be counted on to find obscure horror features and stick them out on dvd. That's a good thing for sure. In this case the prints are in not to great of shape. These movies were a double bill back in the seventies and they were not as entertaining as many better 'bad horror" flims of the day. Still I welcome any old horror movie on dvd if the company releasing them will clean up the pictures.
When dealing with these type of films you always expect them to be low budget affairs and take what you get. There is some fine actors in the first movie like Patrick Mcnee and others but the movie isn't really a vampire movie. It's about a cult of blood sucking people and a weak minded drug using guy who falls under their influence. The other movie is like alot of crazy Phillipine horror movies of that era, some fun and
alot of wierdness. If you like low budget horror films and these are truly bad horror films then you may be amused by these movies. But unlike some other low budget horror movies like 'Raw meat" from the same era these aren't the most entertaining of bad horror movies to chose from. Still I love bad horror so it was not too bad a experience for me."