It's a hundred years later, and the vampire Rayne has arrived in the town of Deliverance, Montana where a group of vampire cowboys have emerged. Led by Billy the Kid, hell bent on creating his own kingdom, he slaughters to... more »wnspeople and rounds up children. He spares the life of Chicago Chronicle reporter Newton Pyles. Rayne aligns herself with Pat Garret, a member of the long-thought dead Brimstone society, a dishonest preacher, and a low life named Franson, to stop Billy the Kid and show the world how the West was really won.« less
Steven H. (sehamilton) from BIRMINGHAM, AL Reviewed on 7/21/2011...
I thought both BloodRayne and this sequel were decent pictures. This one, however, lacks the action, gore, character development and mythos of the first entry in the series. I don't know what warrants this version being designated "unrated" since there's nothing like the unfiltered violence/gore of its predecessor. Taken for what it is, a mindless 90 minute exercise in wasting time, it more than succeeds. If you've seen the original, you'll want to see this simply to view the title character's continuing story.
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Diana R. (deedee1949) from SPARKS, NV Reviewed on 9/25/2009...
fine movie
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Brian B. (b2theburns) from YOUNGTOWN, AZ Reviewed on 3/29/2008...
if you take it what it is for this movie is entertaining.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
And you thought the first one was bad...
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 09/11/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Some things never change. The master of error, Uwe Boll (who has previously adapted other video games to the screen with magical results like House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark, and the first BloodRayne) returns to direct this sequel (the second in an alleged trilogy) which finds the sexy, half human/half vamp Rayne (Natassia Malthe, replacing Kristanna Loken who wisely chose not to reprise her role) years after the events of the first film and in the middle of the wild west. She teams up with lawman Pat Garret (Michael Pare) against the vampiric Billy the Kid (Zack Ward, soon to be seen in Boll's Postal) and his clan of blood suckers. As you can expect from anything that has Boll's name attached to it, BloodRayne 2 features atrocious acting, laughable action scenes, and ungodly direction that could be done better by most amateur film students. Malthe looks quite good in tight leather with red hair, but her physical appearance alone can't save this turkey. All in all, if you thought the first film was bad, be prepared; because BloodRayne 2 makes the first film look like Citizen Kane."
Western Fangfest
Mel Odom | Moore, OK USA | 10/27/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Based on a computer/console video game franchise developed by Terminal Reality, BLOODRAYNE 2: DELIVERANCE doesn't quite pick up after the first BloodRayne movie. Several hundred years have passed, and Rayne seems to have become a cowboy, er, cowgirl, in the meantime. Maybe a bounty hunter. I'm not quite sure because it was never revealed. With the time jump, the franchise gets even more convoluted and - to a degree - confusing.
Rayne is a dhampir, a cross between a vampire and a human, and her father was a Vampire King. In the original video game, Rayne was battling Nazis, and those are supposed to be the villains in the third movie. The sequel video game, which is included with the DVD to up the value packaging of the film, takes place in the present.
As it turns out, Rayne (Natassia Malthe) has come hunting Billy the Kid (Zack Ward) because, as everyone knows, Billy the Kid is a vampire hundreds of years old. She ends up riding with Pat Garrett (Michael Pare), who is a member of the Brimstone Society, the group of vampire hunters that's been around for hundreds of years.
Billy the Kid has ridden into the small town of Deliverance where he hopes to turn the children into vampires in time to take over the area. A train is about to start coming through the town and he'll have access to rapid transportation for his vampire gunslingers. Unfortunately for him, two of the kids he's captured were the children of Rayne's friends.
There's no way to know how or when Rayne got to meet these friends, but she has them. As soon as she knows that Billy the Kid's responsible for the deaths of the parents and the capture of the children, she rides off to mete out justice. She also meets Pat Garrett, who is hot on the trail of Billy the Kid himself. He offers to join forces, but - of course - she passes on that.
In Deliverance, it doesn't take Rayne long to get into more trouble than she can handle. She's quickly overcome and tossed into jail to be hung later.
The movie, even though it was billed as a horror-Western, really weighs in more heavily as a Western. The dialogue and the plot's movements and pacing pretty much mirror every B Western movie ever filmed. The hero confronts the villain, has to escape and regroup, then go out to recruit a group to come back and storm the villain's stronghold.
There's not much plot here, and even less character building. Thankfully Malthe can carry the barely-there costume and looks good doing martial arts. For some reason, though, the costume on the DVD cover actually looks more skimpy than the one she wears in the movie, and I honestly had to wonder if the DVD cover costume was just airbrushed in.
If you're not expecting much from the film, and I wasn't wanting anything more than a diversion with some martial arts mayhem, gunplay, snappy dialogue, and a hawt heroine, you'll probably get your money's worth. This is a DVD to sit down with your buddies with over a bowl of popcorn and prepare to lampoon the plot, the predictability, the pacing, and the characterization. That's what you do with campy horror movies.
I liked some of the look of the film. There were parts that had an edgy otherworldliness to them that worked. But even that was cheapened by the weak theatrics. One of the best parts was the trap Billy the Kid set for Rayne when he had the kids she'd come to save strung up from nooses. (Even that stretched credulity, though, because then you had to ask yourself why he'd go to all the trouble if he knew she was coming back. Why not set a better trap to kill her before she even got back into Deliverance?)
Unfortunately, both the beginning of the film and the end of it have fuzzy footage. I don't know what caused that, but it looks like straight footage you'd get off an ill-focused handheld video camera. I was entirely too aware of a film being shot and thinking how I would have tried to fix that than to enjoy the scenes.
This is director Uwe Boll's fourth movie adaptation, after ALONE IN THE DARK and HOUSE OF THE DEAD. Boll, and his projects, have all been the subject of heated discussion. There are plans for a third BloodRayne movie in the works.
Oh no, there will not be blood!
AMP | Somewhere on Earth | 09/29/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The first BloodRayne was fine and dandy; it had plenty of blood, action, and sex to keep it entertaining, even if it was a bad movie. I hoped that this would have much of the same, but I was very dissapointed.
The Good Things:
-Zach Ward (dude from "Titus") makes a good bad guy
-Slow motion gunfighting looks nifty
-A few memorable lines...I think...
The Bad Things:
-As I said above, it has none of the bloody action or sex that made the first one fun
-In fact, it has hardly any action at all. It's boring!
-It doesn't feel right as a western. The medieval setting worked better
-Cameramanship is terrible (they shook it way too much)
-I don't know how historically accurate any of this is (probably not...but you wouldn't be watching this for quality work anyway!)
-There are lots of stereotypes
-Natassia Malthe looks great, but she doesn't really portray an appealing character. All she does is act tough, and it feels like a contrive effort. Kristanna Loken did better at Rayne.
It's pretty crummy. If you even liked the first film, or if you like westerns or horror or both, rent this and see how bad it is for yourself.
This package makes up for it by supplying the first computer game (I like to think that I bought the game and it came with a free movie). A few other special features include a digital comic book (which is just a scanned comic that you navigate through and read), deleted scenes (which look quite raw), a commentary, and interviews."
Uwe Boll has done it again!
Warheart | Florida, USA | 09/17/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Everyone should know that UWE BOLL is the WORLD'S WORST FILM-MAKER. His movies are worse than direct-to-DVD films. Now that you have that knowlege, let me divulge to you that you should STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE or any Boll flick. If you've had the wonderful opprotunity to not watch the first Bloodrayne, well, here's another time to not watch the sequel. Uwe Boll can't make films and this movie shows it. The action is well...not choreographed, the actor's are not even acting, prostitues are hired as extras and there is little or no story. Oh and more thing, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE VIDEO GAMES! Boll's films are mostly game-to-movie adaptaions but they're never based on the game. So, in short STAY AWAY FROM UWE BOLL FILMS!!! YOU'LL LIVE A BETTER LIFE!"
Geedot | Hesperia, Michigan USA | 09/21/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is a movie you really should not buy or watch. Do yourself a big favor and save your money and an hour and a half of your life which could be better spent by picking up dog poo in the park. Do the movie industry and uwe boll a favor by not buying it which maybe will finally force uwe boll to find something to do that he is actually good at, but keep him away from any movie making.. This was another tragedy concocted by boll. another movie that I believe could be good with many sequels if they had just let someone make it besides boll..he is the not buy or watch this...I repeat!! DO NOT BUY OR WATCH THIS MOVIE!! By the way, I gave it 1 star because it wouldnt let me give it anything lower"