Join hilarious comedians Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall and Ron White for another round of side-splitting humor. In addition to their trademark blue collar humor, witness what the guys are like offstage ... more »as the cameras give a glimpse at what life is like on a tour bus with the celebrated comedians.« less
Bill Engvall and Jeff Foxworthy were the true stars on this one. Ron went over old comedy jokes and Larry was a bit crude at times. You might want to watch this if fans of Engvall and You might be a Redneck's Jeff Foxworthy!
Judy R. (judyannreed) from FULLERTON, CA Reviewed on 5/30/2011...
There have been very few sequels that have matched the original. Unfortunately this sequel does nothing to change that rule. It looks like they all took their B material that didn't work on the road and put it on a DVD so they could make some quick cash off of stuff they "thought" was funny.
I really hated the stuff by Larry the Cable Guy. How long can you rub a poop joke in my face until even Larry gets tired of it? And hearing about his pecker didn't improved my opinion at all. I usually enjoy Larry so this was so disappointing.
Ron White is usually rude and funny but this time he goes straight to crude and rides that train to Loserville. The only thing that cracked me up was seeing him go from "happily married" to bitter divorcee between DVDs.
I wouldn't have believed that Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Engval could be lame but now I have seen the proof. I got some giggles out of their material but it eventually seemed derivative and repetitious.
I guess the one word I could use to sum up this DVD is disappointing. I can't get my money back so I'll swap it so I can get something else. Maybe the first episode is out there somewhere.
Darlene B. from WHEATLAND, WY Reviewed on 12/1/2010...
Really enjoyed watching this Blue Collar Comedy. As always the humor was fantastic.
Movie Reviews
Excellent Performance! Rave Reviews! Great Fun!
Jeffrey E Ellis | Naperville, IL USA | 12/24/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The Four Knuckleheads Ride Again! If you enjoyed the first Blue Collar Comedy Tour, you will enjoy this one, too! If anything, the audience (Denver, CO) was more jazzed up for this show which added something to the production. At one point, Bill Engvall begins to crack himself up while improvising, which was funny.
Bill Engvall's - (Here's your sign!) Ironic wit is easy to enjoy and very funny. Among his bits are: DorkFish, Deerhunting with your Wife, Men are Simple Creatures, Pillow Talk
Ron White - (sober or soused?) Ron is dark, sarcastic, and mean. Among his funny bits are: Waiting for the In-Laws to die, Garth Brooks and Camping, and Trolling for a new father-in-law in the retirement home.
Jeff Foxworthy - I find Jeff the funniest of the bunch with a fresh-faced, wide-eyed, good-natured view of the absurd. His material was all new and fresh. His act included some hilarious pieces: Hoo-Hoos are Poisonous, Hunting at Home, Oreo Generation
Larry-The-Cable Guy - Git R Done! I don't care who you are, this is funny. Rude, crude, and socially unacceptable, Larry is the most juvenile of the group. His stories mostly involve his inbred, wild family: his sister, aunt, Grandma, and all the other zanies from double-wide heaven provide ample anecdotes with one-liners cascading one after another.
A lot of fun. Hope you enjoy this performance!
Not as good as the first
David C. Field | Kansas City | 12/06/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"These other reviews that assume this one is great just because the last one was is ridiculous.
I really enjoyed the first BCCT, but this one was almost disappointing. I usually think Bill Engvall is rally funny, but his material in this one wasn't great. I didn't laugh once. Ron White's act was pretty good along with Jeff Foxworthy's.
The real star was Larry the Cable guy. I have heard his CD's and seen him live, which were the same jokes, but this is all new material as far as I can tell. The audience seemed to like him the most. He is really the breakout star.
Overall, don't expect to be as amused as the first one but I think it is worth $15. They didn't include extras between the acts in this one like the last. I thought the extras in between and at the end were some of the funniest parts. The comedy sets went straight through."
Does not equal the original
Joe Gunderson | Grand Forks, ND United States | 12/21/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
""The Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again!" This is the sequel to "The Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie", and like most sequels, at least in my opinion, does not equal the original. Don't get me wrong, it's funny and worth buying, it just doesn't have the same gut busting affect that the first one does.
This DVD features the same four comedians as the first one, Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Larry the Cable Guy and Ron White. Contrary to the first one, I found Ron White and Larry the Cable Guy to be the funniest of the four this time around. It's most likely because I'd heard most of Foxworthy's routine on his newest album so I pretty much knew how his jokes went and Engvall's just didn't seem to have a certain bite to them or something I don't know.
I also wish they would have done some "You Might Be a Redneck If" routines and told stories at the end when they all come out together like last time instead of doing the "I Believe" song. All in all pretty good, but not fantastic."
Good for Some, Better for Others
Jason T. Porter | DC | 12/16/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Let's be honest--99% of folks viewing this saw the first one. My 4-Star review is actually an average divided among two people groups: 1. Those who ONLY saw the first BCCT and 2. Those who are committed fans who have some (if not all) of the stand-up CDs and individual DVDs for each comic.
Let's deal with Group #1:
If you only saw the first "film" and thought it was great, chances are you'll get an overall hoot with this one as well. It's generally fresh material (although I think anyone would agree the absence of "real-life" cut-scenes between acts is a let-down) and the change-up in the order of comics is not a bad thing. You might not have as many laugh-out loud moments as you had the first time, but let's face it--you hadn't seen half of these guys before you saw the first one. Part of the gloss of the first DVD is that you're seeing Ron White and Larry the Cable Guy brand new. Their whole "gimmick" is news to you. Bottom line: if all you have is the first BCCT to go by, this one won't disappoint. Worth 5 Stars.
Now to Group #2:
You've watched BCCT countless times, you've TIVOd or "viddyataped" Blue Collar TV off the WB, and you've gone to Wal-Mart to buy all the individual comic DVDs, to possibly include buying the "Git-R-Done" T-Shirt they sell in Marshall, TX (I've been there recently--I ain't lyin'!). Now you're waiting for the new "Blue Collar...Rides Again." If you're that dedicated a fan, the new DVD won't do much for you, because you've most likely already heard it. It's a combination of the individual acts and the "I Believe" segments from the TV show. It's still funny as hell, but it ain't NEW. It's worth 3, almost 4, stars from me because I love the guys and think they're funny to watch over and over again, but when you're laughing at jokes you've already heard, there's not much 4 or 5 star there, is there? Worth no less than 3 Stars.
So again, my overall review is 4 stars because I'm averaging the folks who've only seen BCCT and the faithful crew who buy every damn thing that comes out. Fair enough?"
Larry Gits R Done the Best
rhmoviemogal | Florida | 12/10/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I must say that I am a big fan of the "Blue Collar" franchise. I enjoyed the first movie and like the TV show. Its a modern "Hee-Haw" without musical guests. Anywho this movie features relatively new bits from the gang. Ron White repeats
most of his material and has the weakest segment. Foxworthy looks a bit relaxed, but has some funny moments. What really makes this one work is Larry the Cable Guy. I laughed so hard that I cried. Water was streaming down my face for nearly 30 minutes. I had to stop the DVD before I wet myself. He is the funniest comedian outthere. Envall is pretty good. His material is new, but does his standby "Here's Your Sign..." Still, this is the most enjoyable comedy concert film in years. If you like the first one, you MUST have this one. It's a keeper!"