Think life in a small town is peaceful...think again!
(3 out of 5 stars)
"After being sexually assaulted, a city woman(Courtney Cox) moves to a small town in search of security and peace of mind. There she meets two men. D.B. Sweeney portrays police officer and local good guy...or is he? Craig Sheffer portrays ex-con and local trouble maker...or is he? One man is out to get her, simply because he is bored with small town existance and needs to create his own thrills. (And because I think he's a little nuts too!) One man is trying to protect her. Who should she trust? Her life depends on it! Looks like the town mechanic is her only ally...or is he? It is as hard for the viewer to tell who's who in this film, as it is for Cox! The focus is constantly shifted between Sheffer and Sweeney, along with the suspicion! What I like about this movie, is that every time you think you have figured out which of the two men is the real bad does a flip and changes your mind, over and over again and over again! I'll bet you can't figure it out till the end...or can you? Another thing I liked was, even though I knew the outcome, it was just as fun and entertaining to watch a second time from a different perspective! This movie tries to be serious and fails. It is corney at times. There are some funny scenes, but I don't think they are suppose to be funny. These are just a few of the things I like about Blue Desert! It is low budget, B-movie schlock at it's best. Cox is adequate as the paranoid, perpetual victim. Sweeney is convincing in his cop role...or is he? Sheffer is at his creepy best...or is he? It all just goes to show you can't judge a book by it's cover...or can you? If this review has left you wondering, then see Blue Desert...or don't!"
Good yet not????
fox_and_cox_rok | Port Coquitlam, British Columbia Canada | 08/21/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a huge fan of CeCe...that's the "cox" that is in my name... Anyways, about Blue Desert, i saw it on tv. I had pretty high expectations of it and i also already knew who the "bad" guy was. Like the other guy said, it was kinda corny at points and funny too.Lisa Roberts (Courteney Cox) is kind of a troubled women. She gets raped on the streets of New York (for the second time) and doesn't get much sympathy from the police department there. She decides to move to the quieter, more open spaces of Arizona where she meets these two men who are seemingly attracted to her. Randall Atkins (Craig Sheffer),is a grungy-low-voice-long-hair sort of guy. He is nice enough though and they go out on a date. She invites him in, and he makes sexual advances towards her. Due to her recent rape, she is uncomfortable and askes him to leave. She eventually knocks him out and that's when we all meet Steve Smith(D.B. Sweeney)the "nice, good" policeman. As he tries to help Lisa, they also become involved.Things get weird as both the men try to warn her about the other. It's pretty darn suspensful, that is, if you don't know who the "bad" guy is. Still, the acting is top notch and i recommend this movie to anyone who is a fan of anyone in the cast or just wanna be entertained by a 27 year-old CeCe. It's cute...not the movie, her. Enjoy."
The relentless pursuit of trust (aka Looking for Friends in
Sarah Bellum | Dublin, OH United States | 02/15/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie plays a little like a Lifetime channel movie or perhaps a network movie of the week, except with a little nudity thrown in. Other reviewers have relayed the plot nicely, so I won't rehash it all here. I find it somewhat disingenuous in its portrayal of men, especially in one of the first scenes. In a bit of contrivance, a policeman chastises Lisa (Courtney Cox), accusing her of inviting repeated sexual assaults. Beg pardon? I suppose it could happen, though I find it a tad too devious to be believable. No one in her new location appears trustworthy, except Officer Smith (D.B. Sweeney), who frequents Lisa's trailer home to protect her from local psycho Randall (an atypically scruffy Craig Sheffer). Her life becomes so relentlessly miserable that the film becomes almost too dreary to watch. Aside from some decent suspense, there really isn't much reason to see this, unless one happens to be a huge fan of one of the aforementioned individuals. I suppose the other interest here would be the bit of nudity Lisa shows, though most of it is a body double for Cox. However, there does appear to be one brief instance when a body double is not used and we see a bit of Courtney. She looks lovely and does a fine job with her role, as do Sweeney, Sheffer and the rest. Worth one viewing, though don't go out of your way."