Here's a cool action film that goes down smooth as summer vacation, full of gorgeous turquoise-colored underwater scenery, bronzed bodies, and a nice level of free diving adrenaline. Paul Walker and Jessica Alba are a pair... more » of in-love Bahamas-dwelling naturalists; she wrangles sharks at a local water park, he shepherds tourist scuba divers around the local reefs. Their beach-bum tranquility gets a jolt when a fast-talking buddy (Scott Caan) and his drug-user girlfriend (Ashley Scott) come to visit. While out on a dive, the foursome uncover what could be a dagger from an 18th-century pirate ship--but nearby there also happens to be a downed plane laden with cocaine. Moral quandaries ensue, bad guys get wind of the drugs, guns come out, and the plot thickens. It's based on THE DEEP, a 1977 film that tried to capitalize on the JAWS phenomenon of the time but disappointed audiences by forgetting the sharks. This version is a much more exciting film and features shark attacks and real sharks swimming among the actors, thereby righting a 32-year-old wrong. Director John Stockwell also did BLUE CRUSH (2001), so it's a given there's no skimping on the beautiful scenery, both above and below the water line. With the gorgeous bikini-clad Alba undulating through the water like a mermaid, this movie becomes, in its own unique way, a perfect 10. Ralph Lauren model Tyson Beckford is suitably intense as a shady club owner, and Josh Brolin is a sleazy boat captain.« less
Paul Walker did not disappoint in this action/drama flick that had some twists and turns! RIP Paul!
Jim W. (teaser) from CARMEL, CA Reviewed on 6/26/2011...
good movie
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Larry K. from CROWN POINT, IN Reviewed on 6/22/2011...
0 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Austin Y. (ayoung22) from LOVELAND, OH Reviewed on 8/24/2009...
Jessica Alba in tight swimsuits, swimming the entire time while Paul Walker feels her up. Amazing movie, if only for looking at her alone. It's no worse than Transformers 2, which people only saw for the slow-mo running shots of Megan Fox.
3 of 6 member(s) found this review helpful.
Dawn M. from LEESVILLE, LA Reviewed on 7/29/2009...
What would you do if you found a sunken treasure worth millions alongside a crashed drug smuggling airplane? In this movie about the love of seeking treasure filled with great underwater footage, three young divers try to bring up Spanish gold under the noses of smugglers trying to retrieve drugs
Great summer movie for adults!
3 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Jessica Alba looking good in Blu-Ray!
Hitman777 | 12/14/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Story Synopsis:
If you are a clothing minimalist, Into The Blue is for you. With the azure skies and crystal waters of the Bahamas their backyard, Jared (Walker) and his girlfriend, Sam (Alba), enjoy a peaceful existence...and incredible tans. But, with the arrival of Sam's childhood friend, Bryce (Caan), and his girlfriend Amanda (Scott), and the subsequent discovering of a possible sunken treasure, greed rears its head jeopardizing not only their friendship, but their very lives.
Disc Picture:
The 2.32:1 MPEG-2 Blu-ray Disc picture looks great, overall. There is a purposely oversaturated look to the picture, with blown-out whites and colors.The underwater color schemes seem to really look good as well. The picture quality is outstanding, with beautiful locales, which is improved of course by the presence of Jessica Alba.
The linear PCM 5.1-channel soundtrack uses a broad front stage, good surround integration, and well-recorded dialogue to deliver an enjoyable audio experience. Deep bass is not very prevalent, making the soundtrack sound a bit thin."
Jessica Alba...bikini... swim....
Uncle Chino | New Zealand | 01/11/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have no idea if this movie is any good. I watched the whole thing and all I can tell you is that Jessica Alba is in a bikini a good part of the time and swimming. If they would have made a movie with 99% of it her swimming under water in that bikini, which the bottoms seemed about 2 sizes too small) I would rave about it too.
Alba... bikini... wet... swim..."
Jason | Backwater, Alabama | 06/25/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"As I sat down to watch "Into the Blue", I knew exactly what I was in for. There would surely be lots of ocean, lots of beautiful underwater scenery, some gorgeous fish, and a semi-coherent plot-line. Additionally, I knew that it was a safe bet to expect plenty of the incredibly beautiful Jessica Alba in a bikini - for the guys, and a considerable amount of camera time for a shirtless Paul Walker - for the ladies. What I didn't expect, what nobody could have possibly expected, however, was COKE ADDICTED SHARKS! Allow me explain.
The premise of the movie starts off simply enough. Walker is a down on his luck diver, underwater scuba instructor with a penchant for disobedience. Basically it's "Fast and the Furious" if swimming replaces the driving. His girlfriend, Alba, is an instructor at what looks like a SeaWorld rip-off, and inexplicably is with the guy who has no money or possessions. So, right off the bat, all viewers can easily place this movie into the fiction category. They are "in love" despite their meager incomes and the fact that they are scraping by in the world. Walker, however, has dreams of striking it rich by finding treasure in the ocean, despite the fact that he's a borderline homeless guy that still gets to sleep with Jessica Alba. The plot thickens...
Upon eventually finding his buried treasure, a ship called the Zephyr, he and a few friends also happen upon a crashed/sunken airplane filled with tons of cocaine. They debate about using the drugs to fund their treasure finding expeditions, something they can't do presently because of their impoverished state. After mulling it over time and again, arguing and pondering the ramifications of illegal drug trafficking, they inevitably get involved. And this, my friends, is where it gets good.
There are numerous diving scenes where Alba and Walker, although it's hard to notice Walker with Alba swimming around, go down for the treasure and drugs. Unfortunately for the divers, but incredibly fortunate for the viewers, some of the cocaine packing gets a little loose. Sure enough, it's turned the entire ocean into a big swimming cokehead convention. Sharks have bloodshot eyes; fish are fidgeting as they swim by, and the manta rays are pimping themselves for some unknown reason.
What follows is a combination of "Jaws", "Cool Runnings", every episode of the original "Star Trek", and a smidge Scooby Doo antics. Sharks eat people; Jamaicans are rampant; the sole, inconsequential character from the Alba and Walker crew dies, and there is a ridiculously convoluted and complicated trap set up to catch the bad guys. Bad guys lose/die; good guys win.
The movie in and of itself is worthwhile. I don't feel like I wasted my money. What needs to be made clear, however, is that this movie took the next step. They breached a horizon that has never been previously approached. The touched upon a concept with unfathomable possibilities: COCAINE ADDICTED SHARKS! Think about the possibilities; really, think about it. Tell me you can't think of another 10 movies with animals addicted to drugs as the major factor in any one of the rising action, climax, falling action, or denouement.
What a great friggin' idea."
Fun Finding Treasure
CrowTurtle | 04/26/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
One truly great thing about this movie is that it is not in the least pretentious, overblown, pompous, puffed up, or heavy handed. Neither does it hit you over the head with an overload of CGI and special effects nor wallow in personal issues like so many film today.
This movie is basically a swimming trunks and bikini action adventure flick. so, if want some good shots of Jessica Alba (Sam) in a bikini swimming - this movie is for you.
But there is more to "Into the Blue" than that. And it is not a teenager kind of film (i don't think there is one teenager in it, although ofcourse they may enjoy it like anybody else). Jessica Alba was probably about 23 years old when she was making the movie - and Paul Walker (Jared) was at least 31.
i'm not going into basic plot details (that has been done by others here) - just some fun observations.
Sam has a kissy-kissy ralationship with boyfriend Jared. in the first half of the film this actually becomes a turn off - it was funny when one of the characters actually tells them to basically 'knock it off ' when they start in on one of their run-of-the-mill kissing scenes. one thing more about turn-offs in the movie, *(SPOILER - WITHOUT TELLING YOU WHO OR HOW)* when one of the main characters gets seriously injured and dies there is hardly any real or true concern for her life expressed by anyone.
But the film does mangage to finally get into some actual story-telling with some good twists and turns. a bit far-fetched and drawn out near the end but that's what makes it fun!!.
So for me "Into the Blue" gets 4 stars; it has a good moral to it - about the real treasure found in one's own heart, it had good nature photograghy of the ocean -- and it was just plain fun!!
It turned out to be pretty good.
The Beauty and Danger of the Deep
Grady Harp | Los Angeles, CA United States | 12/28/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"INTO THE BLUE surprises. Despite an opening sequence that is frightening and grisly, this film starts with the feeling that it is another pretty people at the beach flick - mindless, but visually attractive 'what I did last summer on the waves' story. But stay tuned: this is a film of visual splendor and tense intrigue and action that is up there with the best of them.
Amidst some of the most spectacular underwater sea photography on record blooms a story of friends with polar priorities: Jared (Paul Walker) and Sam (Jessica Alba) live the simple life in the Bahamas, sport diving, looking for lost treasure ships as a hobby; visiting lawyer friend Bryce (Scott Caan) and his just-met current squeeze Amanda (Ashley Scott) have dubious pasts and are out for the quick buck no matter the dangers. This quartet spends the first part of the film diving and playing underwater with the glorious sea life until the unexpected discovery of a submerged airplane (recall the opening sequence) containing vast amounts of cocaine changes the playing board. Jared and Sam won't deal in drug trafficking while Bryce and Amanda are unable to resist. Once this strident mark is hit the movie becomes a fast paced intrigue of good vs evil, crime, police corruption, all mixed with chase sequences both on land and underwater. Tragedies occur, priorities alter and the polarities among friends are tested.
Even if the story of sunken treasure and drug trafficking weren't as well written as they are, this film would be well worth the time spent just watching some of the finest underwater choreography on a stage both fascinating and gorgeous and with a cast of beautiful bodies in synch with the splendor. The cast is good and certainly beyond even the eye-candy appeal of each of the actors. Peter Zuccarini's underwater cinematography deserves Oscar attention; Shane Hurlbut controls the above water cinematography well. But director John Stockwell is to be commended for the pacing of this edge-of-the-seat story - and that is saying a lot for a film that is close to two hours long! Yes there are chinks in the mortar of the story and moments where the audience must suspend belief (just how long can Paul Walker hold his breath anyway?), but in the end this is a film that deserves serious attention from the movie audience. It is better than you would expect! Grady Harp, December 05"