Forget the snakes. Check out the beautiful ladies!
Dymon Enlow | 11/24/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I rented this movie because, well, uh...I have no idea why I rented this movie but I'm glad I did because Jaime Bergman is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful women I've ever seen in my life. I actually made a "Oh!" sound when she came onscreen. I haven't done that since the Nazi girl in ED GEIN. Sadly, Jaime did not get naked. How rude.
Angel Boris, the other female lead, does get naked for about a minute and while she's nowhere near as hot as Jaime I'm still grateful. Thank you. Also at the very beginning of the movie there is a very good looking waitress.
Oh yea there's also some snakes. The CGI reptiles are pretty bad, but first time director David Flores manages to pull it off and make this film kinda fun thanks to a good sense of humor and some interesting characters including a reporter who blames all of the destruction on Al Queda; a group of gung-ho hunters who kill a rabbit with a hand grenade and a cop who gets excited, slips and falls face first into a pile of guts. "I think you have a piece of liver on your face."
Worth watching as long as you remember not to expect too much from a movie called BOA VS. PYTHON.
Fairly average B movie
Bud Bundy | MN USA | 08/21/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is about a big game hunter who arranges to have a giant boa (or maybe it's the python) flown in so that he and his fellow hunters can have some fun going after it. But it escapes and gets down into the sewer system. Some government people just happen to have an equally huge python (or maybe it's the boa), so naturaly they decide to release the second snake to hunt down the first. Sounds like a fine idea to me.
Fairly average B movie. I've only seen the edited for TV version, but it looked like the unedited version might have some T&A. The characters are average, acting was average (for a B movie), the action was pretty slow. The snakes are so obviously CGI that watching them fight is more like a video game than a movie. Really no suspense, and when the snakes attack, since they're put in afterwards via computer animation, the actors don't really seem to react to them. That pretty much kills any excitement. The movie doesn't take itself very seriously, and it is somewhat funny in parts. There's a pretty girl in it, which is the only reason I sat through the whole thing."
Wrestlers, Guns, Nudity and Giant Snakes
Joshua Koppel | Chicago, IL United States | 11/22/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is an odd film that cashes in on a number of themes. We start out with a wrestling match between to masked wrestlers (Python and Boa). Then we have lots of nudity (a continuing theme). Then we have the bored hunters looking for a new quarry. We even have the secretive government agents who know more than they say and are not surprised by anything. Oh, and there are giant snakes. While the python is related to the Python movies, this is a different boa (the original was prehistoric).
Rich hunter procures the python to be used as a quarry for typical hunter (even included the obligatory good-ole-boy). The Python gets away and the hunt moves to a new location, a water and power station. The Feds move in to seal off the facility and stop the creature. We then add a farm-raised giant boa that will be cybernetically enhanced to catch the python. More sex, nudity and gunplay with some romance (reptilian and mammalian) and the film eventually moves to a conclusion as all groups come together.
Much of the movie does not make a whole lot of sense. First we have the warrior chick who hates snakes. Why does she have a snake tattooed along her spine? We have the scientist how has spent years to develop a universal antitoxin. He says that if his work saves just one life it will all be worth it. Bu he immediately moves to protect the python even though it keeps killing people. Why the cybernetics? A simple camera strapped on the snakes head would have done just as well. If the sensors are keyed to the cybernetics why do they detect the python and hunters? Why are the lone-wolf hunters expected to work as a team? A contest would be more in there personality profiles? What happened to the FBI? They just disappeared to let the main group solve all of the problems.
Still, with a good bowl of fresh popcorn and the right time, this can be quite fun to watch. There is more nudity in this one than is included in any five other similar films. The scene with the python and the lovers in the station wagon is priceless and thoroughly laugh-inducing. Its got plenty of action, nudity, guns, snakes, and plot devices but lacks in script, plot, and sense. Oh, the cover is bogus. No street scenes or battles with helicopters."
Michael Butts | Martinsburg, WV USA | 10/25/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Hey, for a straight to video release, this one ain't so bad. The obvious CGI effects are pretty darned good; the snakes looked part of the action most of the time. In this one, a musclebound big game hunter sneaks a huge python (where he got it, no one bothers to tell us) into the country in order to provide some wealthy businessmen a rare hunting opportunity. Of course, the snake escapes and heads for the sewer system of Philadelphia (of all places). FBI Honcho (played glumly if adequately by Kirk B. R. Woller) contacts a pretty biologist (Playboy's Jaime Bergman) who has been working with dolphins to use her "implants" on a giant boa being harvested by scholarly and almost hunky David Hewlett. They use these implants to track the python through the boa's eyes. Mysteriously enough, the darned machine doesn't work very well (there goes government spending again), so the good guys don't know that the bad guys (the hunters) are also on the prowl for the snake(s). Adam Kendrick as Broddick, the head nasty, chews up both the scenery and his cigars, and throws his considerable weight around, alas to no avail.
Of all the snake movies, and we've had tons, this one isn't the best, but it's certainly not the worst (see SSSSSS...). Anyway, fans of this type of movie shouldn't be too disappointed."