Bonnie Raitt working the ropes....
J. Bilby | Kingston, New Hampshire United States | 06/02/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Its about time some 70's Bonnie Raitt surfaced. I don't feel
this show captured Bonnie at her best but it does a nice job
of showing her un-polished R&B rootsy styles she did such a great job doing effortlessly. I first saw a live Raitt show
in Boston 1975 @the Music Hall and that show just blew this
one to pieces but this is a nice bit of history for Bonnie fans.
She really had a much better command of her vocals during this
time period, I think she may have been touring all over the
place and her voice shows it here and there. The 1991 shows
are a totally different Bonnie Raitt. Her stage presense and
vocals just flow and her slide guitar smokes & the band is one of the best out there at
the time, they did everything from funked up rock to back porch country blues, you name it Bonnie is so smooth yet at the
top of her game. This
is a collectors items not to be missed. Just taking in the
sounds from the 70's, the clothes and all its great, looking
forward to the new "SOULS ALIKE" coming from Bonnie this
Bonnie Raitt & band in their prime
Nagronsky | Skagit Valley, Wa USA | 07/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is heavy on material from "Home Plate" and "Sweet Forgiveness", & thankfully is from the pre-cocaine days. Watching this was like a look back at a slimmer, less-gray me. The performance is A1, and both the audio & video recording are excellent. The extras from '91 are OK, too, but this from 1977 is when I saw Bonnie & band every time I could for at least 8 or 9 years. I watched this for this first time with my best friend, and she was almost in tears she was digging it so much. Needless to say, I had to buy myself a new copy the next day, as I didn't have the heart to take this away from her. Just buy it."
NYC Music Lover | New York, NY United States | 12/13/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Anyone who is a die-hard Bonnie fan should enjoy this DVD.
I feel a particular nostalgic twinge watching it because it
was recorded about a month before I first saw her in concert.
This performance captures a younger Bonnie ripping through a
"best-of" her early material. Many of my favorites of that
period are included: "Give It Up Or Let Me Go", "Love Me
Like A Man", "Home" and especially "Good Enough", the song
that SHOULD have been her first hit. You'll chuckle at the
primitive visuals: strange, extreme closeups, her bassist
Freebo's "Roseanne Roseannadanna" haircut, and those stage
lights which have that 70's latenight TV Record Promo "twinkle".
BUT, Bonnie's vocals and smoking guitar playing were as great
then as they are now. This is truly a lost treasure for long-
time fans, and something that newer fans should find very
enjoyable. Almost 30 years after this was filmed, Bonnie Raitt
is still one of a kind!"