The combination of human and drug trafficking across th United States-Mexico border has been called "the illegal immigration invasion." Dangers are escalating on both sides of the issue, and Border War documents the lives ... more »of five individuals affected by the massive rise in illegal immigration - primarily via the porous U.S. southern border. The story is told through the eyes of those involved firsthand, prompting viewers to think about this issue on a personal level. Although there are no easy answers, the compelling stories and incredible visuals will leave viewers demanding one; the safety, economy and way of life for U.S. citizens depends on it. Bonus Features
"Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. American Taxpayers are directly paying for "cheap labor" in a thousand ways every day, many examples are illustrated in this important film. The solution is to wake-up the "silent majority" of Americans so that they will be motivated to vote the right people into office to address this crisis. Begin by educating people by having multiple screenings, before the new world order takes hold in your back yard."
A Must See
maddogg | Texas USA | 11/10/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I gave this film five stars, not for cinematoghaphy, acting etc....but for the content. This film is a documentary that all Americans who have yet to get involved in the illegal immigrant debate should see. For those Americans, this will be an eye opener that will make your insides boil and realize the ineptitude of our government officials who refuse to address this issue head-on and do whats best for America.
There is nothing phony in this film, it places you in the real world of what actually is going on. It could be viewed as a compilation of all the news clips one sees on the news, that is to say, cable news, as the network news refuse to show us the real experience.
There are interviews with people on both sides of the issue. You will see and hear average Americans who daily confront this issue while being harrassed by the pro-illegal immigrant pundits, columnists, the liberal press, as well as our own president. You will see the vulgar anger and arrogance of the illegals themselves and their supporters on this side of the border. All this, while America sleeps.
The film will give you insight of what is in store for America if illegal immigrants get amnesty and later citizenship. Once these 12 to 20 million illegals get amnesty, we can't send them back, they will belong to us and we will have to pay for them.
Now that the Democrats control the House and the Senate, Bush's bill to grant illegal immigrants amnesty will surely pass. It will be to late for us by then. I urge all Americans to view this film and get involved somehow. If you can't go to the border with the Minutemen or to rallys, we have the internet to contact our politicians with your letters, or you can call thir offices.
I believe that once you view this film, you will wonder why the network news media has not alerted you. You will also wonder why you haven't been involved.
If we don't resolve this issue correctly, our children and grandchildren will have a different America awaiting them.
The beginning then, is to buy, rent or borrow this documentary and start to fight back. Right now, the illegals and their supporters are doing all the talking and Washington is listening to them. Why are we asleep. Our rich politicians, who live in gated communities, will never have to worry about the impact in their communities. It is us, the average Americans who will bear the brunt of change to our communities.
I highly recommend this film. When you view it, ask yourself which side you stand, then act, before its too late.
Illegal immigration!!!
ANDREW K. DUNCAN | San Antonio, TX | 11/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Outstanding clarification of the problem--how it came to be--and why we must solve it! It defines the sabotage involved, and illustrates the detrimental impact on infrastructure and the fabric of American life in general. The lives lost (and taken) in this "informal war" (reminds me of the Korean War) are just so unnecessary, and should never have happened! The foment is artificial, and of a very disruptive nature (as in deliberate). The definition of an outlaw is one who violates one law after another, with no concern for the cumulative effect. This DVD illustrates the current, salient, and active endorsement by some factions of pure lawlessness. This is also part of the definition of anarchy, the complement of chaos!"
Border War
Laura Yeier | Alturas, California | 02/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We bought this video because my daughter was preparing a speech on illegal immigration. It was full of useful information that helped add quality to her speech. I learned a lot when I watched it! I would recommend this to anyone that wants information on illegal immigration."
Thank Gosh for People Like Lupe
Ginny | South Gate ca | 12/10/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Thank Lupe and all like her who are fighting mad every day and working to clean up this mess the Government won't do. Wonderful and true depiction of what is really going on. For the person who wants to see both sides to the story. THERE IS NO OTHER SIDE TO THE STORY!