Since its debut in 1987, the popular Bubblegum Crisis series has been entertaining viewers with the adventures of the Knight Sabers--Sylia Stingray, Priss, Linna, and Nene. The curvaceous vigilantes fight the grasping lead... more »ers of Genom in stories that combine rock music, romance, and hard-hitting mecha battles. This installment is devoted to their music with montages of action. Watching explosions, motorcycle chases, mecha, and bloody fights while the soundtrack pounds out homogenized pop songs may seem incongruous at first, but fans of the series are used to it. All the songs seem to focus on a few themes: it's a tough city/life, but if we persevere, we'll triumph/find love/finally be happy. It's not clear if the song lyrics are as maladroit in Japanese as they are in English, but the subtitled words are often unintentionally hilarious: "I silently rev up the darkness while holding fast the crisis of my heart" or "Like the wind, you disappeared into the asphalt... while being torn to pale ribbons." The results resemble a cross between a standard-issue anime adventure and MTV, and will appeal only to hard-core fans of Bubblegum Crisis. Not rated: suitable for 13 and up for violence and occasional nudity. --Charles Solomon« less
One of the Best '80s Anime Series Finally Gets a Box Set :-)
James M. Stafford III | Houston, TX USA | 12/24/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The original Bubblegum Crisis is one of the best-known and most-loved anime series. Each of the four DVDs is available separately, but all can finally be purchased at once. The first DVD presents the first three episodes of the Bubblegum Crisis series. The first episode presents the post-earthquake world of MegaTokyo in 2032, with Genom Corporation's Boomers wreaking havoc in the city, and a band of four women (the Knight Sabers) in hardsuits protecting the innocents. The second episdoe focuses on one of the women, Linna, and a close friend who is targeted by a Genom executive. In the final episode, the conflict between Genom and the Knight Sabers escalates. The second DVD presents the episodes 4-6 of the Bubblegum Crisis series. Episode 4 steps away from the Genon-Knight Saber conflict to one man's deep-rooted hatred for a biker gang and his attempt to extract a very high-tech revenge. The fifth episode begins with a group of women attempting an escape from a top-secret space station, leading to the most personal injury Priss has ever received at the hands of a fabled Boomer model. Episode 6 presents the greatest challenge yet to the Knight Sabers, in the form of an evil group of "Knight Sabers" seeking to eliminate the real Genom-fighting quartet.The third DVD of the original Bubblegum Crisis series contains my favorite episodes of the series. Episode 7 of the series introduces an American idol singer, Vision, who suddenly comes out of obscurity to start a new concert tour, beginning in Tokyo, although she really has revenge on her mind. The final episode of the original BGC series finds a snoopy reporter working with one of the Knight Sabers to uncover the identities of the fabled all-female fighting force even as Genom launches a new line of Boomers specifically to defeat the Knight Sabers. Finally, the disc ends with four BGC music videos featuring the music of the series' own music group Priss and the Replicants set against excellent footage of the Bubblegum Crisis series.The final DVD in the original Bubblegum Crisis series presents thirteen music videos based on the series. Two videos are of live-action concert footage by the main voice actresses of the series, one video ("Say Yes!") mixes live-action concert footage with animation from the much-loved series, "Touchdown to Tomorrow" introduces new animation of the Knight Sabers as a rock group, and the others present excellent music with the best action scenes from the series. For those who have not seen the original Bubblegum Crisis series, or for those who absolutely love the series, the Hurricane Live videos present a beautiful and inspiring overview of the entire series.Each DVD is constructed extremely well. With the exception of the Hurricane Live DVD (the last in the set), all offer Japanese and English audio; all four DVDs have English and French subtitle options, as well as a musical image gallery featuring highlights of the episodes on each disc. The only downfall to the DVD construction is that there is no way to play all episodes of each DVD sequentially. The series, inspired by Blade Runner and itself a tremendous influence on following anime, is full of fast-paced action and incredible music. This DVD Box Set provides anime newcomers with an excellent introduction to the world of anime."
Cyberpunk Beauties
mcjoker | Berlin Germany | 12/05/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Once again, Animeigo has done it! Finally one can get the entire BGC story-line AND the Hurricane Live Videos in one set. This wonderful story of the Knight Sabers, and their fight against the evil use of Boomers (military grade cyborgs) by the GENOM Corporation is now without the famous second-episode-second-chapter-flaw. This is a definite must for any BGC fan...unless of course you already have the Collector's that case just get the 4th DVD "Hurricane Live"."
80's cyberpunk rock video mecha girl classic
iwakura | Shinto Shrine | 04/15/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Future post-earthquake Tokyo has all-powerful corporation Genom taking complete control, were it not for interference from a vigilante mercenary super hero girl group called the "Knight sabers".This is one of the best anime series projecting beautiful, sexy women in a non-degrading way. The Knight Sabers leader (Dr. Stingray) is a super-genius who designed (and keeps improving) the hard suits which are the only thing that can defeat Genom's android fighting units. Anime pinup idol Priss, the toughest one, is as daring on a motorcycle as she is beautiful. Linna is a great athlete while Nene is a computer hacker. Inter-personal relationships between these 4 are done really well.There are lots of fighting scenes for those into that, but the story is really about the state of society (a possible future for us) and why the girls put their buts on the line and try to change what they can.The music is like what MTV used to play, back when they actually played music videos. Those really into this (Or fans needing to see more of the Knight Sabers in action) will love the "Hurricane Live" bonus DVD. Kind of nostalgic, but not obnoxious as some 80's revival stuff tends to be.Overall this MegaSeries is a great value with all 8 "OAV" episodes in this box set. The animation is a bit dated compared with more recent releases, but the story line is still better than most recent releases.Anime doesn't get much better than this. A must for "best of class" collectors. (Word on the 'net is that this OAV series is superior to later derivatives)."
A "must" for every anime&cyberpunk fan.Also:rock&roll,bikes!
Andrzej Lawa | Warsaw Poland | 07/01/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Time: near future (2032-2033). Place: Tokyo, few years after a great earthquake. Situation: Corporate rule. Boomers on the loose. Who you're gonna call? KNIGHT SABERS!Classical cyberpunk anime with great music, nice animation, interesting plot and a healthy dose of humour (i.e. poor Nene figthting with a cake and loosing ;). Four girls in HardSuits fight for peace, love and justice ;-) Mainly against the evil GENOM corporation and it's cyborgs/androids - boomers, but not only. BTW: if you've seen "Blade Runner" you will notice few similarities - i.e. GENOM towers look a lot like the Tyrel Corp. main building.Thist is a 4-DVD set with all 8 episodes and many music videoclips.PS: the original soundtrack is MUCH better then the english DUB (hear the original "Hurricane" and the english version - the second one is HORRIBLE)."
Not what i expected, but cool nonetheless
Andrzej Lawa | 10/15/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I picked this dvd up by mistake thinking it was somthing else haveing to do with BGC. When i got home i popped it into the dvd player and it turned out to be a delightful collection of music videos pertaining to the original OAV series of BGC. After i got done slapping my forhead for my stupidity i watched what was there and loved it. If you love the music for BGC you will love this extra."