""April Morning": two code words for impending shenanigans in this classic Lee Van Cleef film that encompass its rambling and somewhat mysteriously incoherent plot-but that's business-as-usual for a good Spaghetti Western. Mr. Van Cleef definitely had style in his Western wardrobes. His Captain Apache has one of the coolest jackets I've ever seen. Carrol Baker looks gorgeous in this, but Stuart Whitman looks tired. Lee Van Cleef looks great! He's stylin' with a rare hairpiece. As I've said before about the Spaghetti Westerns, the original theater prints had extremely vibrant colors and most VHS copies have lost this. Still, Captain Apache sports one of those kooky, great theme songs (like Return of Sabata) that fans of this genre adore.
In short, a good print of this would be heaven-sent for Van Cleef fans, but as it is, its a very enjoyable sample of Lee Van Cleef in full Italian glory."
Fun to watch . . .
C. J. Leach | Midwest, United States | 08/09/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Make no mistake - notwithstanding a few heavyweights in the cast, this is a one star movie. But it's a lot of fun to watch . . . giving it a 4 or 5 star entertainment value.
This is a spaghetti western from the late 60's era which gave us those great Clint Eastwood flicks. This film is solidly in that genre . . . but it's kind of like the director, scriptwriter, film editor, sound editor, cameramen, et al were on drugs. A worn but accurate description would be, "This film is so bad, it's good".
I pondered whether the "comedy" was intentional. I finally decided that it was not, which makes this farce rather in the vein of the infamous "Plan 9 From Outer Space". I see that there is also a Laugh Tracks DVD out on this movie now. I'd like to see that.
Lee Van Cleef (so menacing in the Eastwood westerns) stars as a Native American U.S. Army Captain in the Old West. The storytelling is totally disjointed (which adds to the total atmosphere of the film), but basically he is investigating some high level anti-government plot. Part of his uniform is this ridiculous fringed black leather jacket with a fur collar . . . the effect of which is that he appears to be wearing a fur boa.
The editing, and the story, and the music, and the camera, jump all over the place. There is no nudity, but there is a bit of foul language and a couple of bedroom scenes (one of which includes the dialogue, "Take it easy lady, I don't want to have to blow your brains out.").
Other funny and/or eyebrow-raising exact quotes include: "Yellowsnake Canyon!? That's full of snakes!", and "I'm going to give you the privilege of whacking my horse". Hmmm.
A particulary absurd visual included the scene where Van Cleef is standing on a clifftop seeking interview with the local Indian chief. The chief refuses to talk with a man in army uniform. Van Cleef starts to remove his jacket and then (superbly bad editing adds to the effect) the image jumps to Van Cleef standing there wearing only some kind of 19th century loincloth type speedo. I about fell out of my chair.
I thought perhaps the least pronounced "bad" element of the film was the music, which consisted mostly of what seemed to be a 17 year old playing electric guitar . . . until . . . we are treated to "April Morning" sung by none other than Lee Van Cleef during the closing titles. Gloriously bad.
Did they do all this on purpose? I don't think so. Anyway, if you have any sense of humor at all, I think you'll like this one. Give it a try."
A Cult Classic - Some will Love, Some will Hate
Lisa Shea | 12/01/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Lee Van Cleef is definitely the key feature of this film set back in the 1800s. If you don't like spaghetti westerns - and especially if you don't like the "Good, Bad Ugly" set of movies, you're going to hate this one. This is exactly in that same style, with very similar plotting and silliness. However, if you love those types of movies, you're going to have fun here.
Van Cleef is a native american who is a member of the US Army. He's investigating a mysterious plot which involves something sinister in the government. Every person he talks to seems to know about the plot but is not able to give him information. He goes from person to person, trying to determine what is going on. He gets teased about being a "red ass", is beaten up, drugged, beaten up some more, and ridiculed some more.
There's very little about being an Indian here, with perhaps the exception that people beat on him for it. He does meet up with an Indian Chief at one point, and has to strip out of his army clothes before he can be talked to.
If you're a western fan, this is definitely a DVD to rent, to see if it strikes your fancy. If you enjoy it, it can become one of those cult classics that you put on at 2am and enjoy reciting a few lines along with."
Good Movie, Crappy Sound/Picture
Sargon | Canada | 03/09/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I always enjoyed this van Cleef movie. That said, whomever did the transfer job totally, and completely, butchered it. Horrible. Buy some other version, definitely NOT this one!"
Lee van cleef as an indian?,well elvis did it so,
John D. Page | usa | 05/06/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"from the opening theme song(done by van cleef himself!!!)this movie is a blast! i loved it as a kid and when i found this dvd i was very happy,til i played it!!!
this is a very substanderd transfer,the sound drops out,the image blures to the point of not being able to see it at all,and it's an edited print!!( you can see the splices for the comericals)
you can find a better copy out there so stay away from this