Richly Historical
Miguel B. Llora | Bay Point, California USA | 06/13/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The evil villain, Fu Manchu is said to be evil incarnate. Check this out: "Imagine a person, tall, lean and feline, high-shouldered, with a brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan, a close-shaven skull, and long, magnetic eyes of the true cat-green. Invest him with all the cruel cunning of an entire Eastern race, accumulated in one giant intellect, with all the resources of science past and present, with all the resources, if you will, of a wealthy government--which, however, already has denied all knowledge of his existence. Imagine that awful being, and you have a mental picture of Dr. Fu-Manchu, the yellow peril incarnate in one man." -- Nayland Smith to Dr. Petrie in "The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu": Chapter 2. In this movie, he does not disappoint. Fu Manchu (Christopher Lee) returns with a sinister plan to freeze the oceans of the world. Nayland Smith (Richard Greene) seems to be the only person who can stop the madman from achieving his ultimate goal. Despite the insidious nature of the role, sadly, this is the last performance of Fu Manchu by Christopher Lee. Lee brings a quiet elegance to the Fu Manchu genre like no other. Assisted by Tsai Chin who played his daughter Lin Tang, Fu Manchu is merciless in his attempt at world domination. With regards to this DVD, Blue Underground does a good job of taking us back into Fu Manchu lore. You get the poster, the gallery, the trailer for the film. There are interviews with Jess Franco, Harry Alan Towers, Christopher Lee and Tsai Chin that are worth the DVDs price. In addition to that there are Talent Bios, The Facts of Dr. Fu Manchu and very well written liner notes by Video Watchdog creator Tim Lucas - great stuff! What a wonderful way to get into the history of the villainous Fu Manchu.
Miguel Llora"
Do not attempt to watch without the help of MST3K
Christopher Hivner | Dallastown, PA USA | 08/29/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Fu Manchu's evil plan? Control the world's oceans by making . . . ice! I think that was the plot anyway. It's hard to tell since not a darn thing in the movie makes any sense. Fu seems to need some scientist's help, but the man has a bad heart. So Fu kidnaps a heart surgeon and has him replace the man's heart with one from a perfectly healthy young man. So the scientists is still alive, but we never find out why that is so important. He never actually does anything. The British eventually find Fu and foil his plans, but again, how did they find him? The movie is so incoherent. Things happen and get edited in with other scenes of things happening and voila, we have a movie. This had to be Christopher Lee's easiest movie to make. He delivers his lines in a monotone and his face never shows any emotion no matter what happens. The acting is pretty bad from everyone involved but only to keep up with the inexplicably weird direction.
If you feel you must watch this movie, you're taking a college film course or you've made a pact with the devil, then by all means get the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version and at least get some laughs out of the experience."
Worst movie i've ever seen, and yes I'm counting the Star Wa
Northern Man | The Frosty North | 07/30/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this "film" about 5 years ago and it has stuck in my memory as the most horrible experience I've ever had. After sitting through the MST3k version I was literally shaking because of how horrible this film really is.(Yes I mean that, I was actually trembling and on the verge of tears.)
Even the guys at MST3k had a hard time just sitting through this film. They had to film their responses weeks apart because they couldn't watch the whole thing without it affecting their families.
The whole plotline is nonsensical but it is so repulsive that you don't know why all of a sudden some men in sportcoats and Fez hats are climbing a stone staircase.
The whole premise is"
Blue Underground delivers
Pieni Ruusu | 12/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am very impressed by Blue Underground's presentation of Blood of Fu Manchu and Castle of Fu Manchu. The prints are vastly superior to other versions I've seen and the DVD extras are AWESOME. There are cool menus, a delectable "easter egg", fun domestic and international trailers, poster galleries, still galleries, press material galleries, informative bios, and excellent inteviews with the stars, the director, and the producer. There is also "The Facts of Dr. Fu Manchu" which provides great insight into the evil Fu Manchu and his creator Sax Rohmer. "Facts" is very well done and highly informative. Blue Underground's Fu Manchu DVDs are exquisite."