Spelunking Bachelor Party?
Joshua Koppel | Chicago, IL United States | 09/20/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A group of friends (or are they) go caving in India as a send-off just before one is to get married. They descend a dangerous cave with the help of a local guide. Once at the bottom they seem to think the best safety measure is to get stoned. Well, one wanders off to answer a call of nature, gets attacked by the title beastie and sets of a cave in that traps the others.
Now the group must find a way out of the cave system while it dawns on them that they are not alone in the dark. Soon it becomes a run for their lives as the giant centipede decides they are the best thing on the menu.
This is not quite a typical stuck with a monster film. There is a little more depth although it can be lost amongst the mediocre acting and bad special effects. The movie opens with some students getting attacked in the cave. Their professor leads a rescue effort when they discover the party in the cave. Nice switching between the effort to escape from within and the effort to rescue from without. A bigger budget could have made for an excellent movie, but it is still fun as is."
I found Centipede to be a fun little monster flick
Subtropic Bob | Cudjoe Key, FL USA | 10/29/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I'm one of those people who like Grade B horror and sci-fi movies (even Grade Z sometimes) with non-CGI monsters. I think Centipede is actually a pretty good little movie that mixes the old style monster genre with the young-good-looking-twentysomethings in peril plot. I also liked the fact that Centipede was actually shot and is set in a non-typical locale -- the country of India. To me, it was a lot more fun to watch than the recent spate of cartoony CGI monster movies or indie sadist killer horror movies. If you enjoy the old style monster movies from the 50s and 60s like me, you might enjoy watching Centipede. I did."
Centipede! The Musical!
Ghoulie Guru | 12/24/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"When the title came up on the screen, it actually had an exclamation point after it... CENTIPEDE! Like a musical. Come to think of it, this movie might have been better if it had a couple of snappy musical numbers in it. It makes you wonder if they were going for that self-referencing Sci-Fi PG-13 funny/scary movie thing that Blue Devil, Monster Island and Bite Me! have captured so effectively. A bunch of spelunkers go to India to explore a creepy cave before one of them goes off to get married. Like a bachelor party in a cave or something like that. They are attacked by giant latex centipede puppets. The end.
Not much to recommend here, boils and ghouls, except for one truly bizarre moment. So, this Indian guide leads our heroes down into the cave, and they all decide to have a party while their in the bowels of the earth. We find out through some really unsubtle exposition that the soon-to-be-married guy used to have a thing with one of the other girls on the trip. There's supposed sexual tension between them as they try to ignore each other. I guess this girl was supposed to be sultry and sexy and mysterious. I thought she was kinda Plain Jane, but maybe the director was dating her or something. We'll call her CC (Casting Couch) for short, because I can't remember her character's name.
While they're all partying down in the caves, someone turns on a radio and some of them start dancing. Really awkward, watching all these actors trying to pretend like they are having fun. It's a cringe-fest. But then they all start looking at CC and chanting, "Do the dance. Do the dance." She coyly shakes her head. I was watching it thinking that this must be why they cast her, maybe she can do some freakish thing like wrap her legs around her head and dance like that. So this big build-up around the DANCE, and when she finally gets up and does it... it's like this White Girl Cabbage Patch thing that, quite literally, gave me a stabbing pain in my stomach. It was a NAPOLEON DYNAMITE moment. I watched her do the DANCE like five times in a row. It was crazy. I wanted to vomit. That's why I say maybe they should have kept the exclamation point at the end of the title and made this movie into some weird kind of horror/musical."
Pretty good B-movie
Bud Bundy | MN USA | 07/21/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is about a group of college kids who go to India to explore a cave. Of course, once in the depths of the cave, they're attacked by giant centipedes.
This movie fulfills most of the expectations a person might have of a low budget monster movie: You've got a sexy girl running around in a tight T-shirt, you've got cheesy looking giant centipedes picking off the characters one by one, and let's not forget the incredibly cheesy scene where our lead female does a hilarious little "dance". And I thought Ellaine Bennis from Seinfeld was bad. Overall, the acting is okay and the characters are a fairly likeable bunch. The atmosphere is good - the underground caves are fairly creepy. There's good interaction between the characters and the action moves along fairly well, leading to a typically over the top ending.
I would definitely recommend this to fans of low budget, cheesy horror."