Ella Bishop is an inhibited girl whose frustrations grow as she approaches womanhood. As a women her ambitions to teach cause her to lose her only opportunity for true love. Ella's life becomes one of missed chances and wr... more »ong choices. As she reaches old age she reflects back and realizes she allowed the years to go by without achieving what she believes to be her true fulfillment. However her years have not been without glory and her moment of triumph arrives when her numerous now-famous students from over the years return to honor their beloved Miss Bishop.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: DRAMA Rating: NR UPC: 733317800529 Manufacturer No: 80052« less
Bobby Underwood | Manly NSW, Australia | 05/18/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Martha Scott is barely remembered today and even more rarely mentioned when movie buffs talk about their favorite classic film stars. She was something quite special, however, and in this adaption of Bess Streeter Aldrich's novel "Miss Bishop" she had her shining moment. Tay Garnett was the helmsman for this wonderful film full of warmth and sentiment, spanning decades in the life of a small town teacher. Despite its scope, there is an intimate feel because of Scott's beautiful restrained performance as the pretty Miss Bishop.
Martha Scott is unforgettable as the young Ella Bishop, full of dreams and enthusiasm for learning. She is the prettiest girl in the new college, Midwestern, and could easily marry the one constant in her life, Sam (William Gargan), if she did not love him so as a friend. When she is part of the first graduating class at Midwestern she sends out many enthusiastic teaching inquiries so she can leave Old River and see life.
But when no responses are forthcoming, she is offered a job teaching freshman english by Professor Corcoran (Edmund Gwenn) at her beloved Midwestern. Ella is young and filled with joy at the prospect of teaching at the very school she has so much affection for, and knows she has many years to marry and see the world. She goes to bat for her students like no other teacher and impacts their lives in a way she will only discover decades later.
Sam remains a constant in her life but she is swept off her feet by someone else and prepares for her wedding with glee, as everything begins to fall into place as it should. But her younger sister Amy is brash and jealous of her beau and sets out to steal him. He is weak and ends up going away with Amy instead but will leave her because there is no real love there. Amy returns home in shame and about to give birth seeking her sister's forgiveness.
Though it is not the family she had dreamed of, Ella raises Amy's baby as her own child when Amy dies giving birth to the baby girl Ella will name Hope. Ella meets and has a romance with the true love of her life, Professor Stevens, as she becomes more and more involved with her teaching. Ella becomes as much a part of Midwestern as the ground it is built on. Their love is real but he is married and his wife refuses to divorce him.
Their deep love is put to the test when he asks Ella to go with him to romantic Italy. Ella knows there can be no family in such an illicit affair and does not want to sully the memory of their love with it. Only many years later will her heart truly be broken when the slim hope of their love is permanently crushed by tragedy.
Lovely Marsha Hunt is Ella's girl Hope. She is the one who will wear the wedding dress meant for Ella in a touching moment. Years later Ella will advise Hope's daughter Gretchen when she has the same choice to make as Ella had concerning a married man. Thanks to Ella, Gretchen will make the right decision and find a true love meant for her as Ella could not.
Ella weathers the changes in her beloved Midwestern and the world itself over the years as she sees WWI and the horseless carriage come to pass. There is love of friends and family but still the bittersweet knowledge of a hope chest full but never used in this warm and wonderful film.
Martha Scott is this entire film, and the sweet and sentimental atmosphere flourishes due to her underplayed performance. I suspect every teacher will love this film, especially those involved with a school which is more than just a building.
The quality of the print used for this Alpha video is very good. The Oscar nominated score from Edward Ward, however, does not sound as good but will do so you can see this heartwarming film at an inexpensive price.
Martha Scott may not be spoken of much today, but will always be remebered by you once you see Cheers for Miss Bishop."
Martha Scott's best performance as dedicated teacher.
A. Andersen | Bellows Falls, VT USA | 07/29/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The film belongs to Martha Scott who gives her best screen performance as Miss Bishop, a dedicated teacher, whose personal life is constantly being put on hold as she ministers to the needs of her pupils. Scott ages from a schoolgirl to an octogenarian and does a lovely, memorable job. The sentimental score is a plus. Oscar nom for Original Score."
A Great, Heartwarming Story
sherebiah | Santa Ana, CA United States | 08/29/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Cheers For Miss Bishop" is one of those undiscovered classics that have virtually been ignored. This film has much of the sentimental flavor of Frank Capra's "It's A Wonderful Life"--which was also ignored for decades before another generation came along and "discovered" it.Martha Scott's portrayal of Miss Ella Bishop, the spinster college professor who's eternally unlucky at love, is a thoroughly convincing performance. She is surrounded by a great cast of character actors. The ending is a bit schmaltsy, but satisfying nonetheless. See this film and return back to a time when you could count on having friends for a lifetime."
Martha Scott a quiet gem
S. Mitchell | Tyler, TX United States | 10/22/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Martha Scott never reached stardom as a Bette Davis or Joan Crawford but she was one of our best actresses nevertheless. I love this movie. It also reminded me of another movie not out on DVD "Good Morning, Miss Dove" with Jennifer Jones. Both films salute teachers that inspire their students to be better than themselves."
Thanks a2zcds.com for preserving this great movie on DVD
Alice Cooper | San Antonio, Texas | 05/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Cheers for Miss Bishop is one classic that no aspiring actress or fan of Martha Scott should miss. It portrays vividly what a person can achieve through sheer determination. Probably what made the movie such a memorable one is the fact that the character she plays resembles her own life of struggle and victory over circumstance that few would face with such grit and courage. I personally would recommend this fabulous Hollywood classic to all young ladies who seem to be groping for a meaning in life.""