Abbreviated versions
C. Hegle | St. Paul, MN USA | 04/01/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"All the performances on this disc either fade into the song while it's already in progress or fade out prematurely, most of the time right in the middle of a solo. Who's the twit that thought this was a good idea? Not exactly my idea of a good music DVD. Annoying, to say the least. It's nice to finally see James Harman, but this is one sorry way to watch him. Save your money."
Too much talk, too little Fenton
BLQuig | Colorado | 09/29/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"As one who had the pleasure of seeing Fenton Robinson perform well over a dozen times in Chicago in the late 70's and early 80's this production is both welcome and a tremendous disappointment. On the one hand, it's the only way to ever see Fenton again. Even though he was obviously well-past his prime, both vocally and with his guitar-playing, there was still enough there to bring back some very fond memories. On the other hand, the way this thing is put together is a crime. I hope Buzz Kilman had no control over the final product because as a long-time proponent of Chicago blues he should have known better. Interrupting songs for inane crowd interviews and Buddy Guy's Legends ads, fading in and out of ALL the tunes (I don't think there was one start-to-finish number on the whole disc), and dragging out the yesterday's-news Boz Scaggs ripoff story (that even Fenton seemed uninterested in revisiting) all do nothing to enhance the viewer's enjoyment of the show. How about someone taking the tape of the performance, insert Kilman's intro at the beginning, then allow the performance to unfold in its' entirety? I'd even pay twice the price for that dvd. At any rate, for those few old Robinson fans out there I suppose this is an essential item to go along with his studio cd's. Anyone out there got any other Fenton live audio or video performances?"