Jerry did the one thing no one expected. He stood up for himself. The new boy at strict Catholic High School, Jerry Renault, is bullied into selling boxes of chocolates for the school's annual fund-raising event. The sadis... more »tic headmaster, Brother Leon, and 'The Vigils', a vicious gang of school thugs, make Jerry's life hell when he decides he won't be pushed around anymore.« less
This pulls you in the more you watch it. Not based on a true story, shameful on the writer for creating such a fake story that was gritty and feels bad for most of it. Weird science's Ilan Mitchell-Smith and others play their roles well though. The ending rose above but you still don't want to own or watch this again.
Henry S. (horrorfanatic) from ALHAMBRA, CA Reviewed on 8/6/2015...
After reading positive reviews about this movie, I ordered it from Amazon and watched it. First off, let me say I enjoyed the movie. I would have to revisit it since I fast forward to see what happens in the end. We could simply sympathize with the characters because we could see our younger selves in them. No matter if you were part of the "Vigils" or a loner like Renault, high school was no walk in the park. The peer pressure and the bullying (physical, emotional, and mental) still exist today as it did back then except now the bullying is no longer just face to face, but on social media. Good movie to check out or to revisit.
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Movie Reviews
A disturbingly realistic view of collusion in cruelty...
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Archie Costello is one of the cruelist characters in the so-called "literature for young adults" genre. He is an accurately rendered, charismatic sadist who is brought to the screen convincingly by Wally Ward in this nearly-faithful adaptation of Robert Comier's fascinating study in the "collusion in cruelty" of supposedly good people. Robert Comier cuts no slack in his story...the bad guys win and the consequences are even worse in the sequel, Beyond the Chocolate War. The film (with its avenging angel ending), however, is neither sacchrine, nor as tidy as some viewers contend. True, Archie...anti-hero, to the max...gets his. But Jerry Renault, the would-be hero of the film (who gets hell beat out of him in the novel) does not escaped unscathed by the "Something Wicked" that has come the way of Trinity High School in the carnival guise of a fund raising candy sale. The Chocolate War is that...Archie knows how to punch the buttons of cowardice and fear. The the unpleasant, but engaging because of the truths it posits about human nature. Ignore the bogus ending of the film and you'll be left with an ugly taste in your mouth which certainly isn't chocolate but might serve as the necessary medicine of reality. Recommended with caveats!!!"
This was (is) your life in high school.
desolatemm | northern,new jersey | 12/28/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I believe Keith Gordon of all people directed this film. You know, the kid from "Back to School", and "Christine."Based on young adult novel by Robert Cormier, who also wrote "I am the Cheese." "
"The Movie"
Pedro Esteban | 12/11/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
""The Chocolate War", in this movie the title doesn't really give you a clue until after you see it unlike in most movies where as the title does give a clue to what it's going to be about. This movie is good for two main reasons; it reminds us of exactly how mean people can be and of how people take advantage of others. I'm sure you can think of at least one person that you can relate to Archie or Brother Leon. Everyday we come across people with characteristics like those of Brother Leon and Archie whose, sole purpose is to control and destroy.
The vigils are like an "Old School" gang. It's all about respect and if they don't respect you then they won't take you seriously and if they don't take you seriously then they won't obey you, and that's when the trouble starts. So, yea it's all about respect!
See, Brother Leon's whole plan was to sell more chocolates than usual to impress the board, but it became so much more. I guess you could say it kind of turned into a drug pushing operation except the drugs were the chocolates!
Great Movie based on the Book.
Pedro Esteban | 08/27/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie follows the book very closely. The ending is just a bit different, but it's the same overall theme as in the book. the main character Jerry Renualt attends a Catholic school, Were he deals with an upscale gang called the vigils, who run the show. The movie is almost a satire but not quite, it keeps its realism and stays believeable. Often Novals of this sort do not make very good movies but this is an exception."
More than a Cult Classic
Ken Essay | Atlanta, GA USA | 08/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"With an excellent story line, great music by "Yaz" and superior photography, this movie should be a staple of anyone's collection. I was very glad to see that it is finally coming to DVD. I have never seen it on television or cable which is unfortunate because I think that its storyline has much universal appeal. The opposition of Jerry Renault to the dreaded secret society known as "the Vigils" would probably appeal to today's "DaVinci Code" crowd. The movie is full of symbols, intrigue and even a certain amount of violence. In my opinion, this movie has a little bit of everything for everyone and is one of the true "lost gems" of Hollywood."