It's hard to remake a classic and one up it! This one failed.
William J. (billystan3) from AUBURN, NY Reviewed on 1/14/2016...
For pure man cave entertainment this movie is on my top ten list. Its sequel is just as good but lets be honest guys we don't want another one. For pure entertainment I rate this film 4 out of 5 stars.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Heather M. (hmay) from PORT ORANGE, FL Reviewed on 11/7/2010...
I literally watch this movie 4 times a week. I absolutely love it. I know it didn't get great reviews but at least see it because people said it was bad but I think its awesome. And don't compare it to the original because that's just not fair. It's not trying to be the same movie or else it would just be boring. Sam Worthington is smokin and a really great actor.
3 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Release the Digital Animators!
Sir Charles Panther | Alexandria, Virginny, USandA | 10/03/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Zeus in an overly tight silver suit of armor. Liam Neeson looking bored.
Hades and his flashy comings and goings (the same smoke-trailing effect we saw with Dr. Johann Krauss in Hellboy II, except now in black) somehow striking me as anti-smoking public service announcements.
Io, Perseus' protector, advisor and possible otherworldly hook-up, and her ridiculously perfect makeup and hair.
Physical settings that change from highland forest to full-on desert in the space of 500 yards.
A 1000-foot-tall kraken--it had to outdo the most recent incarnation from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End--that looks like a cranky snapping turtle, with big, city-slappin' tentacles. And it opens its mouth really wide and roars, like every other predictable movie monster you've seen in the past ten years.
A truly cheesy-looking Medusa. Not quite as claymation-jerky as the original Clash of the Titans but surprisingly close. You'd think with all of the CGI horsepower throbbing through this film, they would have taken great pains to get this crucial character right. Nope.
If Zeus has to give you a god-coin to get Charon to take you across the River Styx to get to the Medusa's lair, and then afterwards you get to hop on the Pegasus to just pop on back to Argos in a couple of hours after if took you ten whole days to get to the Medusa in the first place, then why didn't you just take the freekin' Pegasus in the first place, and just have it wait for you? Jeebus!
Yeah, I get that we've got gods, demigods, demons and other non-human types futzing about all through the film, the whole line-between-Heaven-and-Earth thing going on, but the impossible human-oriented physics, like a 500-foot drop into water, and surviving, and then looking absolutely ravishing as you wash up on a beach that wasn't even in the falling-into-the-water scene just doesn't achieve that crucial movie requirement of getting me to suspend my disbelief.
Just junk.
As always, absolutely great to see Pete Postelthwaite in a role, any role, even if we don't get nearly enough of him.
Bottom line: strangely enough, one of the previews of this DVD is for the original Clash of the Titans, and having seen it recently on cable, I feel more like watching it again (even with Harry Hamlin's helmet-like hair) than this ridiculous premise to trot out all of the neato CGI tools we have."
Michael G. Wahner | Paradise,California | 10/06/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I liked the original 1981 version.This one is also great entertainment.A superb cast once again headlines the retelling of a classic story.I love these kind of movies.I hope to see more like it in the near future.Sam Worthington was great in "AVATAR",and made an excellent Perseus.Liam Neeson is one of my many favorite actors,and was awesome in the role of Zeus.CGI effects made the creatures even more scary."
A Terrible Remake!
spackar | 10/05/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I am not one of those movie fans who is against remakes. I judge them on an individual basis. However the Clash of the Titans remake is awful. The story departs majorly from the myth of Perseus. However not in an entertaining way as the original does. The character of IO is ridiculous. The idea of Perseus hating the Gods falls flat. The riding of the giant scorpions like horses, the use of Hades as the villian - I could go on. The plot is drivel and the acting uninspired. The original was much more epic and mysterious. I have loved Greek Mythology since the fourth grade. I also have a literature degree with an emphasis in Greek Mythology, so I really pay attention to the quality of "Sword and Sandal" films! I wish that Hollywood would stick as closely as posssible to the actual Greek Myths. They are already fantastic!"
Clash of CGI and poor story telling....
J. Farr | 10/05/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This movie really is mindless Flash and expensive CGI, but still entertaining, but insulting to the original movie. This could have been a great movie, but was turned into a popcorn flick that really lacks any essence. Characters were so underdeveloped that the audience didn't get a chance to connect to the characters on an emotional level, leaving nothing but mind numbing action and special effects. This could have been another Great epic like Lord of the Rings, with an excellent storyline and well developed characters combined with great special effects. But instead lacked all the above, except the special effects.
The story was rushed from the beginning and didn't give much insight into why the mortals were so defiant to the gods. More emphasis should have been given to the Greek mythology behind the movie and the human like character flaws of the gods themselves. The movie did not follow the original movie as closely as I hoped and threw in some really cheesey looking characters, such as the mutant Pinocchio looking jinn and the chucky cheese animatronic looking ferry boat man. The one and only comical scene through the entire movie: the wacky mechanical owl from the original movie was briefly pulled out of a bag by Perseus as he says "What is this?" Pegasus was displayed as a black rather than white flying stallion, which did not sit right with me. Guess the black horse reminded of the black wraths from Lord of the
In comparing this film with the 1981 version, the remake is nothing more than a plastic glitter coated hollywood version of the original, the characters seem two dimensional and the story is full of holes and does not flow. But of course, the monsters are much more realistic than special effects from 29 years ago. But is that all that makes a good movie?, hardly..
I would say the blu-ray version of this movie is worth renting from redbox for $1.50, but don't waste your money buying it! I would expect to see it in the Walmart $5 bin within a year..which is about what it is worth.