Synopsis: An offbeat personality, a tough-as-nails approach and a track record as one of the country's leading investigators--these are just a few of the traits exhibited by television's next great detective, Deputy Chief ... more »Brenda Leigh Johnson, played by three-time Golden Globe Award nominee Kyra Sedgwick in "The Closer." In her first lead role in a dramatic series, Sedgwick plays a tough CIA-trained detective, with Southern charm, who has been brought from Atlanta to Los Angeles to head up the Priority Murder Squad, a special unit of the LAPD that handles sensitive, high-profile murder cases. "The Closer" is executive produced by the team behind "Nip/Tuck." DVD Features:
Elizabeth B. (bethieof96) from NINETY SIX, SC Reviewed on 3/21/2014...
I love this show. Kyra is a trip. I would give it a 5 but she just such a smartelleck. I love the way she gets the job done and that is what counts. I don't think anyone likes her on team but she makes them work. You go girl.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Dortha S. from FAYETTEVILLE, GA Reviewed on 12/27/2012...
love this series and season one is priceless.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Donna M. (charmedig) from SWEETWATER, TN Reviewed on 8/23/2012...
very interesting show. i really enjoy these dvds and would recommend them to anyone that enjoy police procejural sorts of storys
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Great show, goofy presentation
Wayne Klein | My Little Blue Window, USA | 05/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A great well written show with great performances and direction, "The Closer" focuses on Deputy Chief of Police Brenda Leigh Johnson (Kyra Sedgwick) is a fish out of water lured from Atlanta to Assistant Police Chief Will Pope (J.K. Simmons J.J. Jameson from "Spider-Man" and "Spider-Man 2") lead an elite unite that tackles high profile murder cases with her unusual approach to solving crimes. Her Georgia accent immediately sets her apart from her colleagues. She's much savvier underneath her down home accent than many give her credit for allowing her, like Columbo to tackle crimes that others might not be able to solve. Like Columbo and Monk she's got her own quirks (an addiction to junk food, she shows up at a crime scenes with her sick cat--named Cat--in a paper back and her southern charm can't quite hide her abrasive personality). It's a marvelous TV show with a terrific supporting cast (Jon Tenney, Robert Gossett among others). Unlike Columbo this show is much harder edged.
"The Closer" is presented in a goofy looking presentation; the show is presented in widescreen but because its not anamorphic when you watch it on a widescreen TV the images are stretched or boxed on the sides, bottom and top. The presentation is rather bizarre and I can't quite figure out why they made this idiotic decision but, again, the show looks quite good despite this flaw. The colors are accurate with accurate skin tones. The show has a significant amount of dark sequences but that's the way the show is shot with lots of use of shadows and moody lighting dominating the look of the series. The audio sounds fine and is presented in 2.0 stereo surround as it was originally broadcast. It's primarily dialogue driven so there isn't a huge amount of surround type of effects.
Unfortunately there are no featurettes on the development of the series, how Kyra Sedgewick became involved in the show, interviews with the supporting cast or a glimpse into the creative process of the show. We get deleted scenes for the bulk of the episodes (they were clearly cut for time constraints) presented with the time code at the bottom of the images so clearly most were cut prior to the final assembly of the show. No commentary tracks which is disappointing but the price is right for the show and it's presented in thin packs making it easier to store the DVDs without taking up much room.
Well written, performed and directed "The Closer" looks solid in its DVD presentation but could be improved significantly for the second season. I'd suggest that Warner present the show anamorphically enhanced and include some featurettes or commentary tracks in addition to the deleted scenes. This top notch show one of the best of the season deserves a deluxe treatment but because it's on TNT and has a smaller audience it's unlikely we'll probably see either one of these improvements for future
Great series, lousy DVDs
J. Sinnott | Gainesville, FL | 05/15/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have this set in hand, and I'm quite disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the show is great, but the DVD leaves something to be desired. This program was shown in widescreen originally, and that's the way it is presented here, but not anamorphically enhanced. That means that people with 16:9 monitors will see black bars on the sides as well as the top and bottom. They really blew it with that. :( The show gets 5 stars, but this DVD treatment brings the rating down to three."
She gets to the truth, and is HOT to boot!
MAC | Rosedale, NY United States | 04/25/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When the 1st commercial previews for The Closer started airing last year, I'll admit that I wasn't interested! I mean, c'mon, who wanted to watch another crime drama?? Especially one where the lead, by all appearances, was a - let's say - b*tch! Yet, I watched anyway. Just to be sure. And guess what? I fell in love with it! The teasers did not do this awesome series justice, for what I (as well as many many other viewers) saw was a very strong and driven female detective who has to put up with the bruised egos of her subordinates! Kyra Sedgwick is terrific as Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson (or ". . .just plain Brenda"). This Complete 1st season set will be a welcomed edition to my TV Drama collection. And, with the premiere of season 2 on TNT just a couple months away, The Closer will become even more popular with heart-stopping episodes rich with suspense and climaxes that will take your breath away and leave you speechless!"
One of the greatest crime shows
R. A. Emert | Texas | 09/13/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Kyra Sedgwick is brilliant in this show, and her supporting cast is also excellent. The fish-out-of-water aspect of an Atlanta cop taking over a predominantly male department in L.A. is only part of what makes this show so great. Brenda in the interrogation room is something to behold. I remember Columbo from my childhood, and I've begun collecting the DVD collections. I understand the comparisons of Brenda to Lt. Columbo, because on the surface, both appear inept. It's not often that a "crime show" can both satisfy the amateur detective in you, and make you laugh out loud -- but The Closer does just that in EVERY episode.
Brenda's quirks are endearing, and as she earns the respect of the men who work for her in the later episodes of the first season, there are many moments that equal the high emotion of feel-good blockbuster movies.
You simply can't miss.
I'm a little confused by people who absolutely hate this show yet buy the DVD box set. But, maybe they should watch the show again, with new eyes.
I never miss an episode, and I'll be pre-ordering every season."
I Love The Closer. It has its flaws but they add to its app
DAS SKY LYCANTHROPE | Baltimore, Maryland USA | 11/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love The Closer because it is both funny and serious at the same time. Brenda Lee has her share of quirks. She is a strong woman and what makes her awesome as a strong woman is she is in no way "Overly Butch" in a position of authority working with men who are hard edged cops. I especially liked how most of the people she worked with did not actually like her when she arrived as a new fresh southern belle out of Georgia.
I liked how the script writers had the men of her unit making snide fun at her accent and odd mannerisms behind her back and some did things to undercut her authority earlier on. I liked how over time the writers gradually showed how she earned the respect of those who worked with her. I like how she uses her southern charms to disarm some and flare up with fire and passion to others as needed. The writers give Brenda Lee added demension as a character. I like how they show how she thinks and eliminates aspects of the crime details till she reaches the solution. While I loved Columbo in many ways and made it my business to buy every Columbo series from [...], I think Brenda Lee is his equal and is somehow made more real by her weird character flaws and quirks.
Yes it would be way nice IF they added lots of featurettes and extras you see in DVD releases of mainline series but, for the money this is an awesome value. I'd much rather enjoy all of the Closer Series than pay tons more for a few extras. I must admit I Brenda Lee's gentle southern Georgia down home just plain folky accent is one of the biggest turn on's for me. All things considered I like the closer because, the scripts are great the acting is great. Most of all I love the closer because the Brenda Lee character is full of heart, passion, down home plain old fashioned humble beginnings southern charm while being still an awesomely intelligent strong woman who speaks her mind. Futhermore Brenda Lee regularly stands her ground with guts and gusto in a male dominated field a trait I think most young ladies need to see so they have a better chance of growing up to be strong, intelligent and self assured. The weird wide screen format was a stupid decision on the studios part who knows why studio executives make the dumb choices they so often do.
You can't beat the price od the closer when you factor in the sheer number and quality of the programs you get for this DVD investment. If you like crime mystery and drama with a tinge of southern charm buying The Closer from [...] is a no brainer. If this new next season of the closer is awesome as the first season was I will be buying that DVD set from [...] too unless the production company gets piggy wanting an arm and a leg kings ransom price for the 2nd season DVD set.
Thanks TNT...Its nice to have the closer to go along with the steady diet of Law and Order you guys show."